Ornaments I wish were life-sized…I don‘t think any explanation is necessary. 🤣
#wintergames #ornamenthunt
Ornaments I wish were life-sized…I don‘t think any explanation is necessary. 🤣
#wintergames #ornamenthunt
Special occasion ornaments - we got the first one as part of a wedding gift (got married 12/15) and the second one is from the Christmas that I was very pregnant with our second daughter.
#wintergames #ornamenthunt
These are our COVID ornaments. Went with those for ornaments with a date on them!
#wintergames #ornamenthunt
Ornaments that look good enough to eat!
#wintergames #ornamenthunt
Ornaments with North Pole characters!
#wintergames #ornamenthunt
Ornaments that remind me of a family member!
#wintergames #ornamenthunt
Going ornament hunting! 🤣
#wintergames #ornamenthunt #ornamentthatsparkles