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Toute la lumire que nous ne pouvons voir
Toute la lumire que nous ne pouvons voir | Anthony Doerr
Vritable phnomne d'dition aux tats-Unis, salu par l'ensemble de la presse comme le meilleur roman de l'anne, le livre d'Anthony Doerr possde la puissance et le souffle des chefs-d'oeuvre. Magnifiquement crit, captivant de bout en bout, il nous entrane, du Paris de l'Occupation l'effervescence de la Libration, dans le sillage de deux hros dont la guerre va bouleverser l'existence : Marie-Laure, une jeune aveugle, rfugie avec son pre Saint-Malo, et Werner, un orphelin, vritable gnie des transmissions lectromagntiques, dont les talents sont exploits par la Wehrmacht pour briser la Rsistance. En entrecroisant avec une matrise blouissante le destin de ces deux personnages, ennemis malgr eux, dans le dcor crpusculaire d'une ville pilonne par les bombes, Anthony Doerr dessine une fresque d'une beaut envotante. Bien plus qu'un roman sur la guerre, Toute la lumire que nous ne pouvons voir est une rflexion profonde sur le destin et la condition humaine. La preuve que mme les heures les plus sombres ne pourront parvenir dtruire la beaut du monde. La force physique et motionnelle d'un chef-d'oeuvre. Library Journal
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1. The Mutter Museum, a medical history and science museum, in Philadelphia. It contains a collection of anatomical and pathological specimens, wax models, and antique medical equipment. My favorites there are the Mega Colon, the drawers of swallowed items, skulls and shrunken heads, slices of Einstein's brain mounted on slides, ...continued in comments...
2. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

WildAlaskaBibliophile ....and the skeletons of Harry Eastlack and Carol Orzel, two Philadelphians who both lived with and suffered from Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP). 1w
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🤩👍📚 1w
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Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday

1. I love the Children‘s museum in Indianapolis… it is phenomenal!!!
2. Done

@BethM @peaKnit @JenReadsAlot

TheSpineView You're welcome and thanks for playing 1w
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Saturday🗓️ Stitch🪡 Seventeen🎶 Scissors✂️ Strawberry🍓Smoothie🥤 Story📖

#crossstitch #crosssticher #goodreads #goodreadsreadingchallenge2024 #currentlyreading #handmade #needlework #kpop

Suet624 Well now you've made me want to start to crosstitch. 2w
vanslibanan have a go 🐱🧵🪡📖 2w
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Fans will be interested & all of us who strenuously object to book banning. https://youtu.be/IU5XslfxsFM?si=yF--hji2xTfLtCGp

Nutmegnc Great video! Thanks for sharing!! 1mo
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This was a fairly decent month of reading, as I got 7 books completed. My favourite by far was All the Light We Cannot See, closely followed by The Music of Bees.

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Concentrating on these three books for #weekendreads

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Reread this and loved it more. If you haven‘t watched the Netflix series cue it up now! Aria Mia Loberti that‘s plays Marie-Laure should have swept every award. Now one of my favorite books of all time.

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Eggs Such a great story 😥 4mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Still on my shelf 🥴 6mo
Eggs It‘s so good 🥲 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks (edited) 6mo
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3.5 ⭐️s
For the first 7/8 of this book I loved it. That last 1/8 hit and it went from a hard 5 to barely above a 3. I really loved the characters and how human Doerr portrayed them. No one was villainized with a vague stroke. Of course there are Nazis and they are very much in the wrong. But Doerr reminds us that unfortunately they are just as human as those they sought to exterminate. The end just felt so lackluster for what he‘d built up to.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm This was my #Bookspin for February. 6mo
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This tells the story of Marie-Laure from France and Werner from Germany, both young teenagers at the start of WWII, and how their lives change in devastating ways because of the war. It was told in very short dual timelines and jumped back and forth a bit, which was sometimes hard to follow along with, which is what made it a so-so rather than a pick.

Yuki_Onna Wow, kudos for finishing this! 👏 6mo
Ruthiella The super short chapters bothered me at first too. 6mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes I‘ve started this-twice-and DNF both times.😬 6mo
CoffeeNBooks @Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes So many of my friends loved this book, but I just didn't. 🙁 The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah is my favorite WWII book. 6mo
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Picking the one back up again…not a bad read or even a slow one. I think I was just looking for a different vibe the past few weeks so time to check this one off the list finally!!

rretzler I recall when I read it several years ago that I really enjoyed it, but it wasn‘t exactly what I was expecting from the hype (if that makes sense.) 6mo
kchuebner @rretzler I totally know what you mean! I think I expected to be drawn in right away and to have a tough time putting it down, not so much the case. Still a good read, but definitely not up to the hype in my opinion either 😕🙃 6mo
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Sunday morning #coffeeandabook

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An interesting book.

Read for reading prompts


IuliaC I'm looking forward to reading this one! 8mo
Rachiiebookdragon @IuliaC I recommend the audiobook 😊 8mo
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Fell a bit off track with my reading as of late, work has been crazier than I‘d like so today I made room for some much needed downtime 📖🛁

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My sister today asked if I would buddy read this with her. I said okay, I just have to finish my current book first. 😊 My sister was never much of a reader before and has only started reading a few books a year and she gets excited when she can share recommendations. I haven‘t read this one - I know! So behind the times.

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Such a beautifully written book! I love the way the author uses words to make such imagery!

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Read about the history of the stone that inspired the author‘s ‘Sea of Flames‘ in his novel. Is it really cursed? Is it the guilt of colonialism? Is it both? You decide. Link to the article from National Geographic here:


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I‘ve wanted to read this book for quite a while. I recently saw the trailer for the movie on Netflix. So, obviously I wanted to read the book before watching the movie. It‘s an excellent book that is very different from other novels about WWII. The story of a sensitive boy assigned to the Hitler Youth and a blind French girl trying to survive the war. They eventually cross each others paths and..you must read the book. It literally made me cry.

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“Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award finalist, the beloved instant New York Times bestseller and New York Times Book Review Top 10 Book about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II.”

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I am watching "All the Light We Cannot See". Very good. The book was amazing and a tear jerker. The author and producer made some changes to the miniseries.


Bookwomble We finished watching this last night. It was a wonderful show, though rather harrowing given current affairs. 10mo
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This is a sad tale. There are rare happy endings in WW2. A young girl who is tested to her limits, a boy who is forced into a genocide because he has an able body, and a gift. Families torn apart, and a stone with a story centuries old. I can‘t wait to watch the Netflix adaptation!

Shown: Saint Malo, 1944

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All the Light we Cannot See! I loved this beautiful book.

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This beautiful novel has a wonderfully healthy #Father/Daughter relationship. He goes to great lengths to make sure his daughter has all she needs despite her blindness. Makes a model of their neighborhood!!! Buys her Jules Verne novels in braille! Gives her puzzles to solve. There‘s so much to this novel. #SummerSpecial

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs This is one of those books that are hard to forget 😔 1y
Cuilin @Eggs I agree 1y
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Starting this while waiting for my Ursula K Le Guin #authoramonth hold to come in.


Great book. Amazing imagery. Interesting (fictional) from perspectives of WW2 i never would have thought about. Loved the short chapters, very bingeable.

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Here are 6 of my favorite books, both F and nonF, with military or armed forces themes. Some of them were adapted to screen - have you read any of these? Liked them?

#ArmedForcesDay #MayMontage @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Deblovestoread I've read and loved the bottom 3. Will need to check out the top 3. 😊 1y
CatMS Read and liked "All The Things They Carried" and listened to audiobook of "Unbroken" which was a mistake since I listened during my commute & cried so hard i could barely drive. 1y
Kaila-ann Loved The Things They Carried. 1y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🇺🇸💙 1y
Eggs @Deblovestoread Hope you enjoy ☺️ 1y
Eggs @CatMS oh no I can imagine -so powerful 😢 1y
Eggs @Kaila-ann Yes🙌🏻 1y
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🥰🇺🇸😍 1y
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I just watched the #Netflix trailer!!! I may have to re-read before it‘s release! #AllTheLightWeCannotSee#AnthonyDoerr#Netflix

LitStephanie Ooh, is it a miniseries or a movie? I loved the book! 1y
Follow.my.read @LitStephanie I believe it‘s a movie! LOOKS AMAZING!!! Gave me CHILLS just like the book did!!!! 1y
LitStephanie 😃 I will have to watch it. 1y
CatMS Have not read the book. My friend whom I share a literary taste read it and gave it a scathing review, however she did say she will have to watch the movie. I may have to read before I watch the movie. 1y
SamAnne I loved it. But it is my least favorite Doerr book. 1y
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Soooooooooo let‘s look at my goals….
📚 I did not finish the tagged book
📚 I did continue my buddy reads, so yay!
📚 I completely abandoned the Shakespeare because it was sucking out my soul
📚 I finished Leap 🎉🎉
📚 started the next book I need to review
Not my best effort lol but I‘m ok with it!
Thanks for hosting @Andrew65

Bklover Shakespeare does nothing for me other than making me feel completely inadequate. 2y
Andrew65 Well done on everything you achieved, and thanks for taking part 👏👏👏🙌🥳🍾🥂😍 2y
Andrew65 Never really been tempted to read Shakespeare. 2y
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BarkingMadRead @Andrew65 @Bklover I like some of it, but a lot of it feels like a chore and I decided I‘m not doing chores 🤣 2y
Bklover On the other hand if you decide we should read Shakespeare I‘ll sign up just because of the hashtags 😉❤️ 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover that would be the only way I would survive 🤣🤣 2y
CoffeeNBooks @BarkingMadRead @Bklover I love Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream, and I could totally see both of those lending themselves to some really great hashtags! 😀 I, too, find much of Shakespeare to be a chore (yes, unpopular opinion for an English teacher). 2y
Bklover @CoffeeNBooks I actually find that comforting! 2y
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Readergrrl This book is one of my favorites!! 2y
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What an intricately woven story, written with such heart and emotion! Trace brilliant Werner and blind Marie-Laure's WWII experiences through an occupation of the French coast and in a German school to raise soldiers. There are so many incredibly captivating characters that will stick with you for quite a while! I'm late to the party but better late than never!

Suet624 I agree. l appreciated the way he wove the storylines together. 2y
IamIamIam I almost forgot... this is my #doublespin for January! A book with buildings on the cover! @TheAromaofBooks 😁 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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This book gave nice insight into different possible perspectives during World War II & difficulties in general.


this. everything about this book. top 3 for sure

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It took me awhile to read this one, but I was finally able to finish it in September. I‘m not typically interested in books about WWII or even historical fiction, but this one really worked for me. Curious to try some other Doerr novels- I know many of you adored Cloud Cuckoo Land 🤔

Andrew65 A wonderful book. 2y
SamAnne Highly recommend his short story collection Memory Wall! I hope to get to Cloud Cuckoo Land this spring. 2y
sarahbellum @SamAnne great to hear, thank you! ☺️ 2y
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I tried to read this book, and couldn't get into it, so I thought I would listen to it, and I feel it was a bit better, but still my mind kept wondering.

ReadingisMyPassion His books are not easy reads, but I enjoyed them. 2y
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Ok…. Just started this book and for some reason, I can‘t keep focused! Has anyone read this book?! Does it get better? Should I power through it??

Karisimo Yes, power through! 2y
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Currently reading, based upon the numerous recommendations from friends, Reddit and Litsy. So far, this is really extraordinary writing. It harkens back to Amor Towles in some aspects with the research obviously being put to good use and the concentration on character development.

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After a hellish 24 hrs of travel (yesterday, our plane turned around 2 hrs into our flight and then got rescheduled 4 times before finally leaving this morning), we‘ve arrived in Maui! The upside is that I had time to finish this book on the flights. I really enjoyed this, especially the characterizations and descriptions of France. WWII isn‘t usually my thing, so I was surprised I liked it as much as I did

sarahbellum I had been trying to read this since July #foodandlit. It was also my Aug #bookspin and Sept #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks 2y
PaperbackPirate Sorry for the rocky start to your trip, but hopefully it‘s all uphill from here! Glad you had a good book to pass the time! 🌺📖 2y
TheAromaofBooks Goodness, that sounds incredibly stressful!!! Hopefully the rest of your trip goes smoothly!! 2y
TheLudicReader Yikes. Turned around at the two hour mark? 2y
Jas16 What an awful day of travel! 2y
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This book was amazing. I started reading it the day I went to see the Auschwitz exhibit, and I fell in love with the writing immediately. The writing skills and the words were immaculate! I recommend this book to you, @Reyzl, I think you‘ll like it! I don‘t know why any of the quotes I posted aren‘t showing up (probably a problem with the app), but I hope that this post shows up 😅


Reyzl Thank you, dear Sharvri!🤗 I add it to my to read shelf 📚 2y
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No question about what my August fave is (tagged). It was a hard choice between July and August though! Ultimately girl power wins big 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 #readingbracket @chasjjlee

5feet.of.fury The Change is tough to beat 2y
CBee @5feet.of.fury right?? I loved it so much, it was perfect and came at exactly the right time for me. 2y
5feet.of.fury @CBee definitely going to be one of my top of the year! 2y
CBee @5feet.of.fury same 🙌🏻🙌🏻 2y
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I can‘t write a review that would do this beautiful book justice. I‘ll add a favorite passage (one out so many) in the comments 🌊 📻 ❤️💔 🐌
This was my #doublespin. And I loved it more than I can really say. @TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft
Counts for #booked2022 #weathertermintitle 😊😊

CBee “We all come into existence as a single cell, smaller than a speck of dust. Much smaller. Divide. Multiply. Add and subtract. Matter changes hands, atoms flow in and out, molecules pivot, proteins stitch together, mitochondria send out their oxidative dictates; we begin as a microscopic electrical swarm. The lungs the brain the heart.” (Cont‘d) 2y
CBee “Forty weeks later, six trillion cells get crushed in the vise of our mother‘s birth canal and we howl. Then the world starts in on us.” (edited) 2y
CBee @Cinfhen can I use this for #weathertermintitle? 2y
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Cinfhen If it works for you, it works for us!!! Why not!??? I think it‘s a clever choice and I agree, this book is special 💕 2y
CBee @Cinfhen yay! Thanks 😊 I‘m still in a fog from this book, it was just incredible. I think Doerr is definitely a favorite author of mine (I also absolutely loved Cloud Cuckoo Land). 2y
Lynnsoprano One of my all time favorites. I need to read more Doerr. 2y
CBee @Lynnsoprano have you read Cloud Cuckoo Land? I read it last year and can‘t recommend it enough. (edited) 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Lovely review! 2y
Allylu One of my favorites, too! 2y
CBee @Allylu I don‘t even know what to read now. Total book hangover! 2y
Allylu I want to read Four Seasons in Rome that he wrote while he was writing this. Haven‘t done it yet, but I want to. 2y
CBee @Allylu just stacked that one, it looks great! I might get it on audio 😊 2y
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It‘s taking me longer to read this, because it‘s just that type of book. I‘m not sure quite how to describe it yet, but I know that Doerr is a favorite author now ♥️

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5/5 ⭐️ I can see why this was a pulitzer prize winner. Beautiful characters with great depth. Even though the setting was sad it was a beautiful story.
#FoodandLit Buddy Read France

Leftcoastzen 😻 2y
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#Manicmonday #letterA @CBee

First timer!!

Book - Tagged
Author - Amor Towles
TV Show - Alias or The Americans
Band - Aerosmith
Song Adorn by Miguel

Thanks for the tag @eeclayton

CBee All the Light was a popular one! Thanks for playing 😊 2y
eeclayton You're welcome ☺️ I almost picked Aerosmith, too! 🤘 2y
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