It snowed yesterday morning here in Southeast TX. I didn‘t want to miss out on it because I knew it would only last 1 day so I decided to go outside and play in it. I made snow angels, threw snowballs and wrote in the snow. I tried making a snowman but the snow was too powdery. I‘ve never played in the snow before. It was so fun but my body feels sore today. By yesterday afternoon, a lot of the snow started melting.
For #whatsnewwednesday, I‘m posting this Christmas Day email I got even though today is Thursday. I was too tired to post this yesterday after all the visiting I did with my mom, her boyfriend and my brother and sister in law. This email made my day when I saw it. I was going to send Taylor a Christmas card in the mail this year but I never did. Maybe I‘ll do it next year since he took the time to send me a Christmas email.
I got my merch from Taylor Bradshaw today. I like his merch. It includes the live albums, some birch leaf necklaces made with real birch leaves, hand pressed flowers, a hand written letter, hand written lyrics, hand written set list, a post card and a free guitar pick because I joined his post Thanksgiving livestream. I don‘t have a guitar and I don‘t know how to play but who knows? Maybe I‘ll buy a guitar one day.
#WhatsNewWednesday Weather edition
I‘m not in the part of the world where I‘ll get the winter weather I love.
Sami is NOT a cold weather person. She‘s counting down the days until she flies down here.
Derek getting to the 40s is fine with him.
Brian is SO happy with our weather but I WANT SNOW ❄️❄️❄️
Brian got me an ornament that says “Sand is the New Snow”. I told him we‘re going to Finland next year. ☃️
Happy Wednesday, Littens 💙❄️💙
Share something with us and let us cheer you, support you or share in your mood!
My FIL has been admitted to the hospital. They‘ve confirmed he‘s had a few strokes (he had another earlier this week). His kidneys are in really bad shape, but at 90 dialysis isn‘t even in the discussion.
All we can do is take it one day at a time.
Share something with us. Let us share your joys, lend support or just learn something new.
Want to play @Eggs @TheSpineView @KadaGul @MatchlessMarie @curiouserandcurioser
I colored this picture back in April. I decided to share this picture instead of what I normally post because I don‘t feel like talking today. Since my dog Toppy passed away on Oct 25, I don‘t know what to share. My ex boyfriend used to get mad at me when I didn‘t feel like talking or if I was quiet so one day when I decided to stop talking to him, that really pissed him off. He wanted me to be chatty like him.
#whatsnewwednesday #litsycrafters
Share something with us. Let us share your joys, lend support or just learn something new.
Want to play @kelli7990 @CBee @dabbe @TheSpineView @WildAlaskaBibliophile
Share something with us. Let us share your joys, lend support or just learn something new.
Want to play @AmyG @Bklover @TheLudicReader @RedxoHearts
1. I like both.
2. Buying a costume is easier than making one.
3. I like ghosts better than skeletons.
4. I like owls better than bats. I have an owl tarot deck and I like the images.
5. I like aliens better than mummies.
6. A scary movie marathon would be fun.
7. I‘ve never seen Casper.
8. I like both.
9. I would like to do this.
10. Doing this would be fun.
11. I‘m choosing both because I can‘t decide.
It‘s been crazy. We had just gotten home from getting our daughter settled back at college & getting her PT there set up. We weren‘t even home 24 hours when we got a call that my father-in-law (in the USVI) wasn‘t doing well and we needed to get there to assess.
We flew out the next day & we‘re dealing with healthcare, etc. Trying to get him the assistance & care he needs. We think he had a stroke.
Share something with us. Let us share your joys, lend support or just learn something new.
Want to play @PuddleJumper @TheSpineView @Cuilin @dabbe
#wondrouswednesday 1. My dad. He would say it‘s my mom who read to me every night that started my love of books but it was him who took me weekly to the library until chapter books pushed visits out longer. My husband and I often say “what would Charlie do?” if there is ever a doubt about what the right choice would be 2. John and my boys ❤️ feel free to consider yourself tagged
Share something with us. Let us share your joys, lend support or just learn something new.
Want to play @PuddleJumper @TheSpineView @Cuilin
Share something with us. Let us share your joys, lend support or just learn something new.
Want to play @dabbe @TheSpineView @Reggie
The grandchild we are awaiting will be a boy!!!!! 😀😀😀😀😀💙💙💙💙💙
#LitsyLove #LitsyLoveBingo
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude
Share something with us. Let us share your joys, lend support or just learn something new.
Want to play @Eggs @PageShifter @Cuilin ?
My daughter‘s tests and imaging are complete. She has torn her ACL and her medial and lateral meniscus. These seemed fine during the evaluation immediately following the injury. However, as the swelling lessened the doctors & trainers told us they thought it was her ACL. She needs surgery which could happen as early as the first week of October. 😢🩺
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Make it a great day, Littens 💙💙💙
Play? @Eggs @dabbe @TheSpineView
We have a wedding to attend in October. Yay!
The dress code is “Formal - bold colors, expressive textures, and fun accessories”. Huh??? 🤔
Anyone have a clue as to what I should wear? 💃
#WhatsNewWednesday #LitsyLove #LitsyLoveBingo
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude
I have a new update to share about Toppy.
Thank you so very much to everyone who sent love, encouragement & well wishes upon hearing about my daughter‘s injury.
She‘s waiting on an MRI but has had X-rays and seen the orthopedist. He and the team trainer both have concerns about her ACL. Obviously we need to see what the MRI shows.
She will most likely miss the season. Despite all of this, she‘s in good spirits and staying positive.
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Make it a great day, Littens 💙💙💙
Play? @Eggs @dabbe @TheSpineView
I‘m sharing this gratitude list I made last Tuesday because I decided to make August a self care month for myself. I fell into a reading funk in July after Hurricane Beryl hit me here in SE TX but I‘m starting to feel better. I have a new update to share about Toppy. She has an upset stomach right now. Her stomach‘s been bothering her since she had a seizure last week. I‘m wondering if that‘s why her stomach is hurting.
It‘s the last #WhatsNewWednesday of August. Final summer plans? Looking forward to Fall?
Share what‘s new. Tag us. Invite others to share.
Make it a great day, Littens 💙💙💙
Play? @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @CBee
I wrote this update last night but she‘s back to her normal self today. She used the bathroom outside and then she laid down in the grass in the sun this afternoon and rolled around. That made her happy. I wish I was that happy after using the bathroom and being in the sun.
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For me it‘s been multiple dr & physical therapy visits (with several more to come) this week. I developed Foot Drop a few weeks ago. Since then, it‘s been 2 MRIs, a brace & seeing a spine specialist. Today I have a nerve test to hopefully determine if the problem is coming from my back or knee.
Make it a great day, Littens 💙💙💙
Here‘s my highlighted choices for #wondrouswednesday. For some of the options here, I liked both so I highlighted both. This was fun.
We‘ll be taking this wonderful kid back to college this week. Happy for her and the adventures she‘ll have & memories she‘ll make. Sad for me. She‘s fantastic and I LOVE our times together. 💙💜💙
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude
We hope you‘ll share with us. Good news, joys, opportunities.
Use the #WhatsNewWednesday hashtag, tag us
( @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude ) and invite others to participate.
Want to share @julieclair @AllDebooks @kspenmoll