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Il canto del cielo
Il canto del cielo | Sebastian Faulks
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Stephen Wraysford un ventenne inglese, orfano e senza pi legami, trasferitosi in Francia per lavorare in unindustria tessile. Isabelle una ragazza irreprensibile, che rispetta, con rassegnazione, i doveri coniugali di un matrimonio combinato. Quando si incontrano, ad Amiens, nel 1910, i due vengono travolti da una passione bruciante che non possono ignorare. Ma quando Isabelle scopre di essere incinta, la loro relazione sinterrompe bruscamente. Entrambi torneranno alla vita di tutti i giorni, ma la cicatrice di quellamore segner per sempre le loro esistenze. Pochi anni dopo, la Grande Guerra sconvolge il continente. Nel 1917 Stephen di nuovo in Francia, a lottare per la vita nel corso dei conflitti in cui si ritrover a combattere tra le fila dellesercito inglese, nel mezzo delle carneficine a cui dovr assistere. Sopravvissuto, e di nuovo sui luoghi della passione, ritrover Isabelle, profondamente segnata, nel corpo e nello spirito, dalle atrocit del conflitto; ma, per lindecifrabile alchimia dei sentimenti, ne sposer la sorella, Jeanne.
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Definitely a soft pick for me. I enjoyed spending time with Stephen before and during the war. His time in the trenches kept me engrossed. Reading about the tunnels in the first war was also fascinating to me. There‘s more I could say, but I‘ll leave it with this: I‘m glad I read it. I found it to be moving in certain parts. It‘s also one more book I can cross off the 1,001 list. And lastly, there are parts of this book that will stay with me.

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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks

First line: “The boulevard du Cange was a broad, quiet street that marked the eastern flank of the city of Amiens.”

Il canto del cielo | Sebastian Faulks
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Attratta dalla copertina e dal titolo sono andata a leggere la trama. Ora sono a metà.

E' diverso da come mi aspettavo e credo che mi stupirà ancora. Una storia d'amore, una storia di guerra e, fin dove sono arrivata, una storia alla ricerca delle proprie origini. Cercavo una lettura meno impegnativa, ho trovato un libro a tratti crudo ma appassionante ed emozionante che però non riesco a leggere tutto d'un fiato.

Le pagine devo sedimentare.

Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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#AlphabetGame Letter B
Your favorite book beginning with B

At one time in my life I was obsessed with reading about WWI and it‘s aftermath. Of the soldiers who survived the terror of the trenches many did so heavenly traumatized. Pat Barker wrote the outstanding Regeneration Trilogy about it and at least as good and heartbreaking is this one.

LeeRHarry A real tear jerker, great choice! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
Centique I love your picks for A and B! Such memories of reading these ❤️ 2y
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JoeMo It looks odd writing this, but I love getting solid WWI-related recommendations! Have you read any Remarque yet? He‘s interesting as he served for Germany in WWI, lived there during a large chunk of their rebuild, and left before the Nazis came to power. He writes about the different time periods from WWI through WWII. I‘m through most of his work and so far All Quiet on the Western Front (WWI) and Spark of Life (WWII) are my faves. 2y
BarbaraBB @JoeMo I read All Quiet and loved it too. I also loved 2y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Atonement

Klou Great job! 3y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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I am using the tagged book for April's prompt for my #ReadingwithMaja challenge.


BarbaraBB It‘s so good 💔 3y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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As much as war isn't my favourite genre, this prose is why I love Sebastian Faulks.

BarbaraBB Such a wonder book! 3y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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To finish off 2020, what better book to finally read than Birdsong. This is a book that has sat on my parents shelf for decades and despite having read many of Faulks' other works, I've always held off from getting to this one. I think now is the time to get stuck in to finish off my year of reading.

Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Klou Great choice!! 4y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Day 25 - #Love #BeautifulWords
#BirdsongANovelOfLoveAndWar #SebastianFaulks

Love is more of a feeling that a person feels for another person. People often confuse love and lust. Love means to be deeply committed and connected to someone or something. The basic meaning of love is to feel more than liking towards someone.

I read this awhile ago but loved it very much!

OriginalCyn620 Sounds good! 4y
EadieB @OriginalCyn620 It‘s very good! 4y
Cathythoughts ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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#Kindledailydeal UK

This is my ultimate favourite book (as you can probably tell from my handle) so grab it while you can.

Also I don't know why it is stated that it is a number one best seller in love poetry as it is a NOVEL it does have romantic elements but definitely isn't poetry.

Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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"The function of music is to liberate in the soul those feelings that normally we keep locked up in the heart"

So beautifully said, and I couldn't agree more ?


Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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I regarded my #mysterybook from Moley & Mustard with much trepidation after seeing the wrapping, as I‘m not a big reader of romance, but it contained the tagged book, Birdsong, so I‘m quite happy as it‘s a book I‘ve been meaning to read. (Got cool stickers and a bookmark too).

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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Birdsong has been described as “a mesmerising story of love and war spanning three generations between WW1 and present day” and “an exceptionally moving and unforgettable portrait of the ruthlessness of war and the indestructability of love”.

#AboutASoldier #MagnificentMarch
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 🙌🏼📚🇺🇸 4y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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A stunning depiction of the horrors of war, I thought this was beautifully written. Can one really come back from something like that and live a normal life? It's so hard to imagine. I wasn't too keen on the romance but the rest will stay with me long after the last page.

#Booked2019 #soldiersstory
#LitsyAtoZ Letter F

Cinfhen Lots of people LOVE this book / I may need to read it next year 5y
Birdsong28 @Cinfhen Yes! Do it!! 😘 📚 📖 5y
Birdsong28 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️📚📖 5y
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Cinfhen Oh wow!!!!! Ok!!! Message received ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️😘😘😘😘😘😘 @Birdsong28 (edited) 5y
Jovy @Birdsong28 I‘m guessing you REALLY love the book 😂 🙌🏼 5y
Birdsong28 @Jovy Yes I love this book. Seen the play twice! Also as you can tell I use it for my Litsy handle. Its just so good. I know some people may not be love it as much as I do but can appreciate how well written it is and poignant it is. 5y
sprainedbrain I loved this book. ❤️ 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Love this quote from the end of the Birdsong play and thought it quite fitting for Remembrance Day.


MayJasper It really captures being part of something so unspeakable. Well done. 5y
BarbaraBB Did you choose your handle based on this book? 5y
Birdsong28 @BarbaraBB Yes I did as it's my favourite book and I combined them with my birthday 5y
BarbaraBB I hoped so! I loved this book as well 🦜 5y
Gissy 💛💛💛💛 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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I am using the stage version of the tagged book for this prompt for my #52booksin52weeks challenge which was adapted by Rachel Wagstaff.

I have seen this play twice as you can see by the same but different programmes in the photo with the book in the foreground.


Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks

Set around the trenches and warfare during World War One. Devastatingly poignant intense utterly fantastic. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/01/audiobook-review-birdsong-...

Birdsong28 My favourite book which is why I chose it for my litsy handle!!📚 📖 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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#inlaws #reviews #others

So evocative of a time & the feelings - love & pain - in a beautifully written tale. However, a bit like Captain Corelli's Mandolin, it's a book of two pieces and could have been better tied together.

Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Bit obvious this one, but about all I could come up with...! 🤣



Eggs I like 🤗 5y
Birdsong28 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍📚📖 5y
BarbaraBB Great edition 😍 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks

Claustrophobic and fascinating- learned a lot about the trenches on WWI

Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Great book! Difficult to read at times for me when it focused on the men in the trenches of war. Great generational saga.

Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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I am using the tagged book for this prompt for my #52booksin52weeks challenge


Schnoebs Is your Litsy name based on this book? 5y
Birdsong28 @Schnoebs Yes, as it's my favourite book and it's combined with my birthday which is the 28th April. 😁📚📖 5y
Schnoebs The more you know 🥰 5y
Cathythoughts Oh , I never got the birthday connection till now ♥️👍🏻 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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I am using the tagged book for this prompt for my #popsugarchallenge

Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Very good. Love the powerful imagery used in all parts of this book especially the War parts as you feel immersed in the action. Also love the beautiful love story which lasts down the generations. Highly recommended as it stays with you for a long time.

@TrishB #buddyread

TrishB Agree with all you‘ve said 💜 thanks for finally pushing me to read! 5y
Cathythoughts ♥️ 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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@Birdsong28 finished last night but wanted to absorb my thoughts! What a wonderful book about a generally horrific subject. I think the author‘s introduction to this version is so spot on - did actions in this war change the benchmark for what was acceptable in depravity and humanity?
The little stories embedded in the main one were just as powerful as the main story.

CarolynM Great review! I've had a copy of this sitting around for years but I've never been brave enough to start . (edited) 5y
Ms_T Nice review. This is a book I really must get around to! @Birdsong28 5y
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Cathythoughts Excellent review! So glad you liked it 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Freespirit I agree it's wonderful! 5y
Kaye I‘m with a couple of the previous posters. Another I‘ve been meaning to read but have yet to do so. One of these days. 5y
Birdsong28 @Trishb Love this review. Glad you have enjoyed this ,it was nice to see your thoughts. I will be finishing it this weekend. 5y
Birdsong28 @Ms_T @kaye Yes you should read it, it is very thought provoking and will change your outlook on life and the First World War. 5y
TrishB @Birdsong28 look forward to further discussion 👍🏻 I still haven‘t decided whether I do actually like Stephen or not! 5y
RadicalReader Beautiful book cover 5y
Birdsong28 @TrishB That is how I feel about him! As you feel sorry for him about Isabelle but then in the War he is so cold about it all but at the end as he helps Jack in the Underground I feel he gets redeemed a bit. I think that is why he is the perfect character in a book as he is flawed like we all are rather than a perfect person and we find a bit of ourselves in him. 5y
BarbaraBB Great review Trish. 5y
TrishB @Birdsong28 exactly! Jack brought my heart 💔 5y
Cinfhen Will refrain from looking at spoilers!!! Adding to my bookclub possibilities for next year!!! 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen definitely a good book club read! 5y
TrishB @RadicalReader and sad 😔 5y
KateFulfordAuthor A favourite of mine 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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@Birdsong28 100 pages in 😁 loving it so far. I‘m hoping for a couple of hours tonight to get really stuck into it.

Birdsong28 Glad you are enjoying it. Let me know if you want to discuss anything! 😁📚📖 5y
TrishB @Birdsong28 I‘m up to part 4, back in France. Loving it, but expecting 💔 hoping to finish tonight if family don‘t get in the way.... 5y
Birdsong28 @TrishB You are racing through it! That's a good sign Hopefully they don't get in the way lol!!! 😂📚📖 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Quick lunchtime read (at 2.45pm, meetings til now!).
Doing a #buddyread with @Birdsong28 😁 - you can probably tell she likes this book!
Gifted to me by the lovely @Cathythoughts
Won‘t get much more reading done today as off to see Liverpool match.

Velvetfur Sorry to hear you had such a late lunch, you must have been ravenous 🙁 5y
batsy CL quarterfinal! Exciting 🎉 5y
Emilymdxn I always try to fit reading in at lunch but it‘s so hard! 5y
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Tanisha_A @batsy It's at 12:30 AM for me! 🙄 5y
batsy @Tanisha_A 3 AM for me! I do the very uncool thing of recording certain matches to watch later because time zones 🤷🏾‍♀️😂 5y
Cathythoughts I hope you love it ♥️👍🏻 5y
Cathythoughts Or like it 🤞🏻& good luck Liverpool 👍🏻 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Go Liverpool! 👍 5y
Tove_Reads Let me know what you think! 5y
BarbaraBB Liverpool did great! 5y
TrishB @Velvetfur I certainly was! 5y
TrishB @Tove_Reads will do 👍🏻 5y
TrishB @Emilymdxn it is! I do my best. 5y
BarbaraBB Tonight Ajax ❤️ 5y
TrishB @BarbaraBB good luck 😉 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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When do you want to start our #buddyread @TrishB ? 😘 I am free to start at any point just let me know and if you want to make it later in the year that is fine with me. Also if anyone else wants to join when we get going please feel free just let me know in the comments so I know who to tag when we talk about it. 😁📚📖

TrishB I‘m just finishing my current read (will be done before bed!) then I‘m good to go 😁 I‘m out tomorrow and Wednesday night so probably no real reading time until Thursday night, so will catch up properly then. 5y
TrishB Read at own pace and then discuss? Not that you don‘t know it inside out! 5y
Birdsong28 @TrishB Ok I will do. That sounds good, 😂 it will be nice though to get someone else's view on it.📚📖 5y
TrishB Definitely! If you have some soul searching questions I‘m happy to discuss. Did you know it‘s Brett Anderson‘s fav book - he said he reads it every year on holiday. 5y
Birdsong28 @TrishB No I didn't know that! 😁📚📖 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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TheSpineView 😊 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks

So evocative of a time & the feelings - love & pain - in a beautifully written tale. However, a bit like Captain Corelli's Mandolin, it's a book of two pieces and could have been better tied together.

Birdsong28 😘😘😘😘😘 My all time favourite book ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️📚📖 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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#MarchIntothe70s #AllTheYoungDudes I loved this book & Im thinking of all those young dudes who went off to war - who go off to war ... any war , every war .... 💔

Lizpixie This sounds lovely but very sad. I‘ve always loved history, especially war, both the fighting & human cost but also the politics & power plays behind it all. WWI is my focus at the moment, when I researched my genealogy I found two family members who were at the Somme & one at Gallipoli. Terrible times. 5y
Cathythoughts @Lizpixie it is very sad ... but beautifully written.... war , to me , is abuse on a bigger stage ... it‘s awful.... we want peace ✌️ must try to keep on top of this challenge... sometimes I can‘t think of anything new 👍🏻♥️♥️ 5y
TrishB Going to be reading this year 👍🏻 5y
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Cathythoughts @TrishB I hope you like it when you get there ♥️ 5y
Birdsong28 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. 5y
Birdsong28 I'm still on for a buddy read @TrishB 😘📚📖 5y
TrishB @Birdsong28 how much notice do you need? I don‘t plan very far ahead, but will fit around you 😁 5y
Birdsong28 @TrishB Not this month as I am doing a buddy read for The Luminaries which is a BIG book but from April onwards I can do it. Just let me know when you are ready 📚📖 5y
TrishB Will do 👍🏻 I have one end of March and then first weekend in April, so after that should be good for both of us. @Birdsong28 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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1. Birdsong is one of the worst books I've ever read. I've tried the times and have never managed to finish. Faulks days nothing about WWI that isn't done better 1000x better in other books.
2. Salty!
3. Neil and Jean
4. The Princess Bride
5. Lucerne
@howjessreads #friyayintro

TrishB I‘m planning on getting to Birdsong this year! Interesting 👍🏻 5y
squirrelbrain @TrishB - I don‘t love it, but it‘s not as bad as ‘A Week in December‘...🤣 5y
TrishB @squirrelbrain that‘s a high/low benchmark 😁 5y
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Moray_Reads @TrishB So many people love it! 5y
Melissa_J Now I‘m curious to know which WWI fiction books you like best. It‘s one of my favourite time periods to read about so I‘m always up for recommendations. 5y
Moray_Reads @Melissa_J off the top of my head I'd say the Middle Parts of Fortune for the eye witness account (that's slightly less well know than All Quiet on the Western Front!), Parade's End and the Regeneration Trilogy. You've probably already them if it's a favourite period but I think they're all vastly superior 5y
Melissa_J You know, I actually haven‘t read any of those! I did try the first book in the Regeneration Trilogy, but could not get into it. I‘ll probably try again one day. I have Parade‘s End on one of my shelves, so I‘ll make an effort to try it soon. 5y
Moray_Reads @Melissa_J I really enjoyed Regeneration but the other two in the trilogy are better. 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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Haunting. WW1 is dark subject matter and some parts of this were very difficult to read. Reading this satisfied my desire to learn more about this time period. Beautiful writing! This will stay with me for a long time! 😊
@Birdsong28 I can see why you love this book! 💕

Birdsong28 Glad you liked it 😘📚📖 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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I have been re-watching Downton Abbey and feel the need for some more WW1 era drama. I think this will fit my mood nicely. 🤓

Birdsong28 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ let me know what you think it's my favourite book!!! 😍😍😍😍😍📚📖 5y
CouronneDhiver I‘m in love with that show! 5y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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When my son is playing his music at full blast and I‘ve got writing and reading to do! Slap this ambient sound on loop and imagine I‘m out in the countryside and not hemmed in by rap music!!
#writing #wolfandbear #tridentseries #writer #authorsofinstagram #author #authorlife #book #bookstagram #bookshelves #bookquotes #scifi #scififantasy #freebooks #free #5amwriter #martynjpass #martynpass #indieauthor #haldar #independentauthor

Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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#winterwonderland #winterkills
This prompt made me think of the soldiers in WWI spending those harsh winters in the trenches.
I read Wilfred Owen‘s WWI poetry this year for a challenge (book you were assigned in school and hated!) and was so incredibly moved by it.
I added this Faulks novel to my #TBR soon after...
About a young man tasked with tunneling during the war, I‘ve heard great things about it...
May use this for #booked19 #soldiersstory

TrishB I‘m going to use for that prompt too 👍🏻 a book I‘ve overlooked for too long. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Haha! I have these two books on my mind for that prompt too! 😁 6y
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sprainedbrain I read this book earlier this year. So good. ❤️ 6y
Andrew65 @TrishB Me too! 6y
TrishB @Andrew65 it‘s definitely it‘s year in 2019! 6y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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1. Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks
2. I Heart Paris by Lindsey Kelk
3. Women and Children First by Gill Paul
4. Witch Child by Celia Rees
5. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See

#SundayFunday @sebrittain

sebrittainclark ❤❤❤ 6y
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Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks
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