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Best Friends
Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
23 posts | 14 read
Rambunctious and irrepressible Gemma has been best friends with Alice ever since they were born on the same day, so when Alice moves miles away to Scotland, Gemma is distraught over the idea that Alice might find a new best friend.
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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I don‘t know what I would do without this woman in my life... she is my ride or die... my sister from another mister... my rock! #bestfriends #loveprevails @Eggs

Eggs 🥰❤️🥰 4y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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I asked my daughter for a short story recommendation from her book shelf as I wanted a change.
This was a sweet story about two best friends and one moves away to Scotland but they try everything to remain ‘ Best Friends‘. The author has made the characters really relatable and this is an ideal book to share with middle grade if they are experiencing this situation. Lots of laugh out loud moments but a really endearing message throughout.

Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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#FlyHighJuly Day 12: I am lucky that my lockdown partner is also my #ForeverFriends husband who I truly enjoy hanging out with. 💕🧚🏼‍♀️ I appreciate this fact even more so now, and grateful for it, every single day.

Eggs You are blessed! 4y
BarbaraBB Do you have to wear face masks at home? 4y
GatheringBooks @BarbaraBB nope! But we were out for our usual 45-minute long walk around our compound, hence the masks. :) 💕 4y
BarbaraBB Fortunately! Lovely pic and lucky you 💚 4y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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One of my very good friends has written a book! It‘s all been very exciting. Tonight Megan and I are in conversation at one of our local bookshops. I am a bit nervous, but also aware of how natural and passionate a speaker she is. So I just have to throw questions at her. We‘ve got this! Her blog is amazing https://childrensbooksdaily.com #conversationswithauthors #megandaley #childrensbooksdaily

Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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I‘ve had a rough couple of weeks at work (officemate was fired so it‘s just me... 60 hours a week) and my bff cheered me up!

Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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It was my birthday on Saturday and my bestie @DeborahSmall bought me all of these amazing books!! 🥳😍🥳😍

MinDea Awesome! Belated Happy Birthday! 🎉 6y
nelehelen Happy belated birthday!!!! 6y
TrishB Happy belated birthday 🎉🎉 great books. 6y
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MayJasper Wowed 🎂❣️😊 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker Happy Birthday! 6y
rockpools 🎉Happy Belated Birthday! 🎉And what a lovely selection. 6y
Soubhiville 😲 wow! That‘s a good friend! Happy birthday ! 6y
rubyslippersreads Happy belated 🎂🎂🎂! 6y
Kalalalatja Amazing! Happy birthday 🎉🎉🎉 6y
wordslinger42 Happy Birthday!! Enjoy all your new books 😊 6y
LeahBergen Woohoo!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I‘ve been eyeing 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow, awesome! Happy belated birthday! 6y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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I love that even though life has taken us in different directions when we do get to spend time together we pick up right where we left off in college but now we get to make memories with your daughter! #love #gratitude30

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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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Best way to beat the post holiday blues ?? Greet your postman at the door and rush to open your #litsymail Thanks Guys - they came just when I needed them!

JoScho ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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Received the most amazing presents from my bestie @DeborahSmall today. The scent of the candle is so gorgeous and it‘s custom made with my handle!

saresmoore So lovely! 6y
Mitch That‘s so lovely. 💕💕 6y
TrishB Lovely 💕 6y
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jhod 💖 6y
DeborahSmall 😘 6y
LeahBergen How lovely! 😍😍 6y
emmaturi Fantastic! 6y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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I have two pretty cute reading companions this morning. They love to hang out with one another 💕 I think they are both very happy they do not have to be outside, as it looks to be another scorcher here today. #catsoflitsy #digsoflitsy

Slajaunie Love your babies! 6y
Lreads 😍 6y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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Non-book related but my best friend and I at my bridal shower today!

GypsyKat That‘s awesome! Congratulations! And you look beautiful! 💍💗 6y
LauraJ Your whole look is gorgeous! Squee!!! 6y
AmyG How lovely!!! 💕 6y
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LeahBergen How lovely! 💕 6y
PenguinInFlight Beautiful! 💜💜 6y
JoScho Your dress is perfect 💖 6y
riversong153 Wonderful!! 6y
Ingerella Lovely!! The dress is so pretty! 6y
Crazeedi Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I hope your day is perfect! 6y
Branwen You look wonderful! Congratulations! 😀 6y
kstadt929 Congratulations! When‘s the big day?? 6y
TheLibrarian @kstadt929 Thank you and it‘s Sept. 1st! 6y
Bookzombie Your dress is beautiful! So lovely! 6y
kstadt929 That‘s awesome! Right by me - I‘m getting married September 29!! Hope you enjoyed your shower 😁 6y
CouronneDhiver Very pretty 6y
mrozzz Congrats! ☺️ 6y
TheLibrarian @kstadt929 Congrats to you!!! And the shower was lovely. 💕 6y
Velvetfur Aahh how lovely! Great photo too 😊 6y
TheLibrarian @Velvetfur Thank you!! ❤️ 6y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson


Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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I got the sweetest postcard from one of my #Litsy besties today!!! Thank you so much @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks you are the BEST friend a girl could ask for!! I don‘t know what I would do if I hadn‘t met you! I love the postcard. Everytime I look at my little flower at home it makes me think of you and your beautiful yard! I hope you had an awesome day today!! Love you lots!!! ❤️❤️🌺🌸🌷😍😘😘

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww thank you!!! I feel the same about you!! So thankful to have a friend like you! ❤️❤️ thanks for everything!! Love you too 😘😘 6y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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Here are the two napping dogs of our friends —brand-new neighbors and future colleagues— in #Bradenton, FL, our new home starting this summer. #Nilo and #Diesel, everyone!

wanderinglynn What sweeties! ❤️🐶 7y
JoScho Love them ❤️ 7y
GlassAsDiamonds They are SO cute (but does that mean there‘s a big move in your semi-immediate future?). 7y
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LizzieChantree What a great photo. 7y
AmyG So cute. Yes...a move to FL? 7y
Cupofjo Is the one an Italian greyhound, or whippet? Congrats on the move and be safe! (edited) 7y
Shvonne I‘m not wearing my glasses so I thought the brown one was deer at first. 7y
Redwritinghood My old college roommate lives in Bradenton. It‘s a beautiful town. 7y
WanderingBookaneer @Cupofjo : Italian greyhound 7y
Cupofjo @WanderingBookaneer 👍 sighthounds are awesome! 7y
BookishMarginalia @GlassAsDiamonds Yes! Just bought the house. We‘re moving from PR to Bradenton in the summer. 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @BookishMarginalia ooh!! Congratulations! (And commiserations in advance for the move! My number one unsolicited moving tip is to buy and wrap (in fabric so you are sad at any squishing) yourself a treat that you unpack in your new place. Maybe more than one. Actually makes some part of the experience fun. 😊😊😊) 7y
Suet624 Are you happy to be moving? I feel so badly about the state of things in PR and I‘m wondering if you‘re leaving because of it. 6y
BookishMarginalia @Suet624 We‘re happy But it‘s bittersweet. We want to vote in the States and we want our work to make a difference. 6y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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Is there a 12 step program for Litsy that @LoverofLit and I can join?
#blameitonlitsy #wehaveaproblem

LoverofLit Totally used the hashtag #romantsy for my post 😂😂 #litsyrehab 7y
sammisho Of course you did! Because that's what you do here! @LoverofLit 7y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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My best friend gave me a wonderfully bookish gift for Christmas. A handcrafted leather bookmark. 😍

Alicia Omg that is so beautiful!!! 7y
emilyhaldi How nice!!! 💕 7y
AmyG That‘s lovely 7y
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britt_brooke Lovely!! 7y
minkyb Sweet! 7y
LeahBergen That‘s wonderful! 7y
Cinfhen ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Megabooks 😍😍😍 7y
Suet624 💕💕💕 7y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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Not book related, my apologies. But, my best friend MADE ME THIS for Christmas. I cried as soon as she gave it to me. It‘s so pretty and well done. I just wanted to share with all of you. I just love it so much. (I‘m not into Christmas. I‘m a grinch. I kind of despise the holidays, honestly. This meant so much to me. I wanted to share it with everyone ❤️)

AshleyHoss820 Well, it's pretty fabulous! 7y
SassyPants617 @AshleyHoss820 right?! Lol. Thank you! 7y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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So @GypsyKat and I became super great friends through Litsy and I'm so thankful for her!! We decided to do our own Christmas swap, and this baby is waiting for me when I get back to Florida on Friday! Yay for Litsy, and yay for BFF's!!! 👯📚💖

GypsyKat Awe! I love you! I‘m so excited for you to open your package, and I‘m so happy we‘ve become friends!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
swishandflick Love this!! 7y
LeahBergen This is so awesome. 😍😍 I feel the same way about @DeborahSmall and we are doing our own Xmas swap, too. ❤️❤️ 7y
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GypsyKat @LeahBergen That‘s great! I love Litsy for how it brings people together! 😊❤️ 7y
Kalalalatja This is so lovely! 👏 7y
kylienoele @LeahBergen @swishandflick @Kalalalatja Litsy is just the best!!! 😍 7y
DeborahSmall @LeahBergen your parcel is on its way 😘😘 7y
LeahBergen @DeborahSmall And so is yours! 😘😘 7y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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After a week off school for Irma, my Bebe and his BFF Annie were overjoyed to see each other again.

Kaylamburson So sweet!! 7y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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My #litsypartyofone has become a #partyoftwo and that's okay by me! Luke has discovered Reading Rainbow on Youtube and has been obsessed!

Sace Love this picture. 7y
CoffeeBooksRepeat I love this!!! 7y
litmuggle We loved the app too it just got to expensive 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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#ReaderILove #17BookLove #Besties

I have known this lovely lady for over 10 years now, and she is a reader I love. We often share books, recommend series, and help each other with all important things such as moving books and rearranging books. 🙂

LeahBergen 💗💗 8y
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Best Friends | Jacqueline Wilson
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Completed my final Christmas gift exchange with a new friend I've grown close with this year. She gave me this coffee cup, as well as a star wars travel tumbler. She knows me so well! Said "I wish it said 'and read' on the cup too." I may just paint it on myself ;) #merrychristmas #gifts #sweet #thoughtful #bestfriends

EvieBee Aw! What a cute mug! Can't wait to see your Star Wars tumbler. 8y
britt_brooke Excellent mug! 8y
mrsh62010 @EvieBee84 I'm sure you'll see it when I start another SW book, if not sooner! @britt_brooke thank you both, I love it!!!! 8y
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