I loved ‘Behind Her Eyes‘ and was excited to read this one, but I didn‘t like the ending. I give it 3 stars. Key point to remember: it‘s easy to manipulate the sleep deprived.
I loved ‘Behind Her Eyes‘ and was excited to read this one, but I didn‘t like the ending. I give it 3 stars. Key point to remember: it‘s easy to manipulate the sleep deprived.
*Vague spoiler alert* ⚠️
This one was hard to put down. The protagonist was clearly an unintentionally unreliable narrator, unsure even herself if her behaviors and actions were symptomatic of her insomnia, or "going mad" as her mother did. Keep an open mind when reading this one, or the twist at the end might just turn you off. I personally enjoy twists that use time theories, so I really enjoyed how it all wrapped up in the end.
Next up and seems like a perfect read for a wet weekend tucked up indoors as much as possible!
I‘m not a fan of psychological/suspense but this book had me turning the pages nervously yet quickly to find out what was going on! This mind bending story featuring Emma and her family had me questioning everything. A hard working family woman trying to leave her childhood trauma and her mothers insanity in the past. That is until Emma reaches her 40th birthday, the same age her own mum was sectioned and detained. Edge of the seat reading!
Woman about to turn 40 suddenly cannot sleep. She fears she is going crazy like her mother did on her 40th birthday. Suddenly her sister shows back up in town and tells her her mother is in the hospital.
The past and the night their mother went crazy starts to replay in her head.
In the meantime the woman‘s son is going through something strange and she begins to suspect her sister for that.
I would pass on this. She has been books.
Another very twisty thriller from Pinborough! She‘s become an auto-buy author for me. Emma‘s 40th birthday is approaching and she‘s suddenly plagued with insomnia. The exact same thing happened to Emma‘s mother when she turned 40, and something horrible happened, and now Emma is afraid it will happen again. The past is definitely repeating itself, but why?
#bookspinbingo - got a bingo!
Woke up under the weather, but the upside of that is I can take it easy and just lay around reading. Settling in to finish this one!
Book 145📚 4⭐️
Oooo this one had me wanting to stay up all night long to finish it!! But I didn‘t, cause you know.. insomnia 🤷🏼♀️😂
I did want a bit more from the ending, and the epilogue was a tad strange 🤨 maybe a set up for a second?
Husband is a little bit of a wiener😂 Like support her just a little maybe? Jeeeezzzz haha
I really enjoyed this book! It sucked me in so quick, I read this in a day. I was so invested in what was going on and I like where the ending ended up! Yeah it was a tad obvious in some aspects but I didn't see some of it coming. I really had fun reading this one. 4.5/5
Has anyone else read this ? I‘m about 40% in and it‘s been so slow… I‘m close to DNFing it, but the reviews have me holding on. Ugh 😩
#20in4 progress so far! I cheated and started on Thursday, so I was able to squeeze in a few more books. Currently listening to the tagged book. So far it‘s really slow. Hoping it picks up soon. 💙
My favourites of the bunch were easily Boyfriend Material, and Legends and Lattes. Easy 5⭐️ reads!
Full disclosure: I'm not a fan of Behind Her Eyes. I was hesitant going into this one because of the paranormal/supernatural elements from that novel. Unfortunately, that was the way this one went too. I just don't enjoy her books as thrillers because of the weird suspension of reality. I like a little more logic in my twists. I'm not surprised when they end with off the wall stuff, I'm livid. So I think I'm done with Pinborough. ⭐⭐💫
Would rather be listening to this but I‘m writing 2 papers for grad school today instead.
"A suspenful thriller with a great twist."
Emma believes she has a curse. At her 40th birthday, she is a fraud she'll go mad like her mother and aunt. A few days before as birthday, she can't sleep, stares outside her window and whispers random numbers to herself. Strange events start happening.
She can't help but ask herself if she's going mad or if someone is coming to get her?
I enjoyed this book. The action really starts to pick up towards the end. There was a plot thread that I thought was underdeveloped at the end of the book as well. I wasn't sympathetic towards a lot of the characters, but still found the book interesting.
Emma‘s mother had a sudden breakdown at age 40 that has strongly affected Emma‘s life, leading her to worry about the same thing happening to her. Forty is approaching, and her insomnia is tying her in knots, especially when frightening things start to occur. I felt the tension was built well and I guessed whodunit but still enjoyed the ride, but I have a couple quibbles. A low pick for me.
I didn‘t like this one nearly as much as I thought I would. It was so repetitive and felt like it could have gotten to the big reveals of the story a lot quicker than it did. That being said I really enjoyed the wrap up of the story and what was really going on during the earlier slow unraveling. The last two pages were a little confusing - not sure what the point was - but without it I liked the ending. 🌟🌟🌟
(Book 10 of 2022)
Intensity x1,000
? You REALLY want to believe she's being set up but MAN does she look crazy!! ? This was a wild ride of guessing. I did eventually guess part of the ending but the author threw in an explanation for it that I was NOT expecting, because I've never seen it done in a thriller. It works though and gives you something to chew on afterwards like "hm, what if??"
?: IG, bookedanbusy
Me, trying to decide if she's stark raving mad or being brilliantly set up!! 😂😂
Thank you Sarah Pinborough!! 👏🏻 👏🏻 Best book that I‘ve read in awhile now! I read it in 2 days, and I haven‘t managed to do that in forever either, with this slump that I‘ve been in.
So my library got this ebook in TODAY...and for some reason no one else snatched it up, so I am all about it and on it! 😁😁😁 This looks so intense!!!!
I kinda have a love/hate thing with this book. It started out strong. Real page turner and then. A little past half way…not so much the page turner. It almost reads as if she put in all effort at the beginning but was kinda lost on how to end it. And the ending didn‘t do the beginning any justice it was just that an ending. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #readingchallenge2022
Sarah, a successful lawyer and mother, is struggling with insomnia and weird things keep happening. She is not sure if she is losing it or if someone else is setting her up. The story is entertaining and I enjoyed it for the most part, but it lost me some with the ending. A good thriller has to have a strong ending and and it has to be somewhat believable but the ending of this one lacked a bit of that. It thus dropped to 3.5 stars from a 4.
Very good. Another great book by Sarah Pinborough. Even though the chapters were quite short it didn't hamper the strong storyline. Love how this book keeps you guessing till the very end.
It might just be my mood but I kind of got annoyed with Emma. I understand the frustration of not sleeping but how she spoke to and how she treated her husband was not great.
It was an interesting premise but I feel like this has been over done at this point. Emma is creeping up on her 40th birthday and she‘s showing signs of repeating the past of her mother with her sink into insanity. 🌟🌟🌟✨