The main characters in this book are an elderly widow, a strange woman who takes over her life, and a tiger. Seriously? A tiger? I get what happened at the end, but there‘s a lot of confusion up to that point.
The main characters in this book are an elderly widow, a strange woman who takes over her life, and a tiger. Seriously? A tiger? I get what happened at the end, but there‘s a lot of confusion up to that point.
8-28-22: My 85th finished book of 2022! Ruth, a widow, lives alone by the beach outside of Sydney, away from her two sons and their families. When one day, Ruth meets Frida, a carer sent to her by the government to help her with her home and herself. At the same time, Richard, a dear friend from her past, comes for a visit. Disheartening but realistic in many ways, it‘s a story of aging and it‘s difficulties. ⭐️⭐️⭐️📖#️⃣8️⃣5️⃣
A intriguing book 🤔 3.75/5 Read for the August #Buzzwordathon - Time of Day
Last book of 2020! 🥳 This was a strangely unique book set in Australia. Ruth, an elderly, widowed woman, has a carer show up at her house to help out with daily chores. Their relationship evolves and things get VERY weird. Ruth also has a weekend visit from a man from her past. Interesting and suspenseful. #Goodreads #MountTBR #MtEverest #100 🤩
Oh dear, I really didn't like this and usually the NSW Premier does better than the Miles. Oh well. I thought it was pretty obvious what was going on from early in the book, and although I could see what the author was doing in following the MC's mental deterioration, it was all a bit samey so I got rather bored. I wish there had been some sort of twist, but no. Thanks #LMPBC #GroupX it's been interesting to read some different books. #ozfiction
4.5 ⭐
I loved this! Such a beautifully heartbreaking story. The writing was amazing - I really experienced all of Ruth's feelings: her love, her loss, her confusion.
Great #lmpbc pick, @LapReader
Hope you are all having as much fun as I am!
@CarolynM @thegreensofa
Having a Moët on my balcony looking out towards the ocean to celebrate my first niece‘s 5th b‘day. It‘s something I did the day she was born & have kept up since. I wish I could be with her but unfortunately she lives 6 hrs away. Her name is Lila which means dark beauty & she certainly is colouring wise but clothes wise she loves colour & has an eclectic fashion sense. She loves a dress up & to dance. The book is for #LMPBC Group Xcellent Oz.
Uhm can we talk about how gorgeous this cover is!!! Never heard of this book before but couldn‘t pass it up at the library book store! Soooo pretty 😍
Oh how I love an unreliable narrator (lol, j/k),but it really works here. The frustration and fear it invokes, of growing older, of being trapped, of not even knowing it‘s happening.
SPOILERS: The old lady also wants the tiger to eat her.
Moving on to #abookwithafemaleprotagonistovertheageof60 #readharder2018 I hope the old lady gets eaten by the tiger.
I have plenty of time on my hands at the moment so I have spent this rainy day book shopping for the 6 swaps I am involved in at the moment. I like the sound of this one so much I might have to download it from my library.
I have the afternoon off after working Sunday so this is the book I gravitated toward. So be it!
Celebrating #AustraliaDay by reading this book by an Australian author. 🇦🇺
Books I brought home from the library this week. Three are Australian authors for this month's theme in my Newest Literary Fiction group (in Goodreads) and White Tears is on the shortlist of the Tournament of Books. Maybe it's finally time to read it?
This was no Tony the Tiger! Debut novel and I‘ll read whatever Fiona publishes next. MCs felt real (even if unreliable) and the last third was a compulsive read.
I am supposed to be working, but I keep getting distracted by this awesome cover and Litsy of course, because I don‘t really want to work. 🙄
#4 chapters in and I love the writing!
Book buy today! 🤗 Had a nice chat with two women about YA.
I will admit, i bought this book because i loved the cover. It's been on my Kindle for a couple of years now and i'm finally reading it.
Yesterday's after work #DollarTreeBookHaul! Such a great deal. #BookHaul
#catsoflitsy #TwinkyToles #TookeyToles #TnT #mybrats #littenkitten
I can't decide how I feel about this one. A little depressing and disjointed for my mood tonight.
#JudgedByItsCover #marchintoreading This is on loan and highly recommended by a friend. I think the cover is pretty fantastic. @RealLifeReading
Day 6 #DreamingOfAWarmerClimate #JanuaryReads This book was a strange but interesting read, and I enjoyed picturing the surroundings, wishing I was there in the warmth with my own tiger Mikey-Cat.
I know McFarlane is building up to something but I have no idea what. This is completely hypnotic...seems like the kind of book that lingers with the reader. If you've read it I would love to know what you thought.
#debutfiction #creepycover #cantstopreading #libraryfind
Slow and subtle, this is a dark, haunting story that gets its hooks in deep without you noticing. Wonderful storytelling with complicated characters who provoke a wide range of reactions. In a cunning twist, you may find yourself descending into madness along with dear old Ruth!
This was unsettling, the closest I want to come to a horror novel.