good book!!
“But if everyone is onstage, who‘s in the audience?”
He gets darker and obsessed as go through it started it 16 days ago and read it on and off so about a week technically
I liked it! I did feel like it meandered more than You did, but I‘m still very interested in seeing what happens in You Love Me.
I actually liked this one more than You. It's messed up for sure, but impossible to put down.
This was my #doublespin for January.
Christmas gifts from my mom because she knows I was obsessed with this series on Netflix this year but hadn‘t read the books yet. Obviously I need to read the books!
Well, much like the first book in the series, I feel kinda dirty after reading this lol. It‘s so seriously fucked up, and I honestly find it embarrassing that I could NOT put this down! 🙈 I guess there‘s a sick, twisted part of my that wants to see inside the head of a sociopath.
Just finished this on audio! So crazy! Hidden Bodies is COMPLETELY different than S2 of You! I will eventually read the 3rd book (You Love Me) but I need a little break from Joe...👀
#LittensDressedInBlood Every Breath You Take – Joe two days in a row? I couldn‘t help it 😂 I can promise I won‘t use the third book for a prompt since I haven‘t read it yet!
Joe‘s sharp critiques transition well from hipster/intellectual Brooklyn literary circles to the superficial celebrity obsessed environs of Los Angeles. But the story itself and Joe‘s increasingly deluded world view doesn‘t translate as well in this second book. Honestly, I enjoyed the second season of the Netflix adaptation much more. Still interested in reading the 3rd book (recently released), and of course the 3rd season when it comes out.
I was so excited for this after reading 'You'. Joe Goldberg's characterisation was so good in the first book but I just didn't like him as much this time round. The twisted justifications for his actions just weren't there. There was too much focus on LA lifestyle, celebrity and money. Also the new characters were just awful people. I still whizzed through the book thanks to Kepnes writing style, but that was the only redeeming thing.
Lost the charm of Joe in this one. He went from having understandable (albeit demented) reasons for doing the things he did and in this one if someone so much as looks at him wrong it‘s reason to kill them. The constant name dropping was annoying, we get it, he‘s in LA. However under the repetitive dialogue and weird characters was a plot interesting enough to carry me through to the end.
This book was soooooo boring! The Tv show actually fixed what is wrong with this series and made it better.
Joe gets taken advantage of by his latest love interest and chases after her all the way to LA. He ends up having a difficult time tracking her down and gets hella sidetracked by Love...and the shenanigans ensue.
MY REVIEW⇢ https://audiobookingwithleah.blogspot.com/2020/06/audiobook-review-hidden-bodies...
My current read! So far it's really good I find it to be a bit slower than the first but still very well written!
It's rare that I enjoy a sequel more than the first book, but this is an exception. The characters in this novel seemed more evenly matched with the psychopathic Joe, and in most cases they were just more complex overall. The ending of this one seemed a bit far-fetched, but the events leading up to it were entertaining enough that it's easy to forgive a ridiculous ending.
Not so good. And I really liked You and the show on Netflix 🤷🏼♀️
When this book started, I enjoyed it and how it was different from the show. But after about 20% it started to go downhill. I just thought so many decisions were ridiculous and Joe didn't seem the same Joe from book one. I couldn't get on board with Love's character here either. Then I hated the ending soooo... it wasn't great. I'm so glad they took the show in a different direction.
I hesitated between a pick and a so-so for this one. I really enjoyed You but Hidden Bodies is different and I did not enjoy it as much. Although the first book and first season of you share many similarities, the second book and second season are worlds apart. The first book is better than its TV season but unfortunately, I'll have to admit I enjoyed the second season of the show more than I did Hidden Bodies. #yousequel #quarantinereads
The night is still young here. Next on the TBR ! #currentlyreading #psychologicalthriller #carolinekepnes
I liked the book You better than the show. I liked s2 of the show much better than this book. It did more interesting things with the secondary characters and committed more to the concept.
Hidden Bodies is so different from You S2. I had no idea.
Just completed Season 2 but stacking this book on my TBR pile. I hope it's good as the first book and the show.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 this book was intense. It was building for awhile and there was definitely a twist. This author is really talented. Great sequel!
I enjoy terrible Joe. The first book is read while hiking through the mountains in North Carolina and I tell you what, my pace was a good one. I constantly was looking over my shoulders. I loved how he was so certain of everything.
This book didn‘t hit me nearly as well. It was fun and entertaining and he‘s still terrible but it felt a touch unnecessary and that the spark was a little less. Still enjoyable though. Still creepy and fascinating.
“It‘s food. And you know what food is, Old Sport? It‘s pre-shit. That‘s all. It‘s pre-shit and we need it to survive.” 💩
omfg maybe i‘m slightly inebriated 🥴 but this quote just blew my fucking mind 🤯 #poopthoughts #perspective
love to hate him, hate to love him. 🤔🤷♀️
This was different than the first book, but still enjoyable. I‘ve only just started season 2 of the TV series, but I do wish they would‘ve stuck closer to the book‘s storyline.
1. Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes
2. I have NINE on hold!
3. Two beautiful cats, Thor and Petunia, plus four nameless fish. Do adults name their fish?
3/5 stars.
Twists and turns around every corner of every page.
I really wanted to like this book as much as I liked YOU, but I just couldn't get in to it as much. I feel like my mind just breezed past every page and it was such a quick read. The only thing that really kept me going was the revolving door of plot twists...
It was another great reading month! I liked them all so it‘s kinda hard to pick a favorite!
Just started this one.
Wonder if it will be as good as You?
Joe is the opposite of #calm. Dude has zero chill!
#sorrynotsorry (I finished the tagged book last week and started You S2 last night, so I have Goldberg on the brain!)