The “I‘m depressed” #bookhaul baby!
Thanks for the Rust recommendation @Reviewsbylola 😘 Thanks for the candle @Cinfhen 😘
The “I‘m depressed” #bookhaul baby!
Thanks for the Rust recommendation @Reviewsbylola 😘 Thanks for the candle @Cinfhen 😘
This book is about how to navigate the rough waters, how to live through uncertainty, through pain, how to accept you made a mistake and move forward, how to work on yourself, and how to forgive yourself and love yourself. It‘s a book about asking for and receiving advice and it‘s uplifting, encouraging, and helpful.
I will say that it would be better to own this book and read at a slower pace if possible, when encouragement is needed.
I‘m doing some serious identifying with this question. I already made my first big leap. That put kids out of the equation. I‘m working on the second big leap. Will it all work out? Am I just watching forty go past me and not achieving what I should achieve?
Wow, it‘s amazing how productive I am at 2 AM!
#bfc #bfcr2 #bookfitnesschallenge #goteam book 6/12
If you buy one advice book, make it Tiny Beautiful Things that I reviewed last weekend. HOWEVER, this is a fun advice book for people in their twenties and early thirties. Heather pulls no punches and believes strongly in exercise and bettering yourself mentally, perfect for the BFC! 👍🏻👍🏻
Starting day 3 with this book. 👍🏻👍🏻 Life kept getting in the way of my reading this morning. 👎🏻👎🏻 #24b4Monday
I really enjoyed these advice columns. Heather has great perspectives, and her writing has a great voice. 4⭐️
On a personal note, I‘ve found the above quote especially true. I‘ve had to upend my life about every 3 years since I was 17 due to illness and it seems like each time I lose a few more friends. Fortunately, I gain some too. Hugs to others on Litsy with chronic illness 💕
My cousin sent us this beautiful centerpiece today! It looks and smells divine. #ChristmasCountdown 🎄🎄🎅🏼🎅🏼
And I‘ve also included my #currentlyreading
Spent most of last week in the car, being cheered on and encouraged by this book. I am an absolute advice junkie and this was top notch. Funny, foul mouthed, honest, and exactly what I needed. Highly recommend to people in the world. 5 🌟.
Don't ask indifference to love you.
(Attempting) a bedtime read of How To Be A Person - if you loved Tiny Beautiful Things this one is a must
I really liked these collected advice columns. The author is funny and personal and gives strong advice.
While these 2 were sleeping I finished this collection of Ask Polly letters. I really enjoyed all of them. Some I wanted to share with friends and I saw myself in some. I did notice that she likes to suggest exercising, a lot. Mostly though this helped fill the 'tiny beautiful things' place in my heart for honest advice giving.
I finished 2 #audiobooks this weekend and 1 #ebook. They were all good, but not great. How to Be a Person in the World wasn't as good as Dear Sugar as far as advice, but I enjoyed it. Horrorstor was fun. I liked The First Time She Drowned better the first time I read it, even though the narration is good.
Just bought How To Be a Person in the World from one of my favourite (and my local) #indiebookstores, The King's English in Salt Lake City. *Today* is their 39th birthday! #indiebookstore #getindie
The original letter was making me nervous because I thought we were gonna support some "not like other girls" BS, but Polly is coming through.
Compilation of the author's advice columns. Her writing is effusive and at times overblown, but the depth of insight and caring is worth it. Good especially for people in transitional periods--as a recently married, childless person in her early 30s who is still at an early career stage, I found it grounding and motivating.
Straight-up, tough talk. Thanks, Heather, I needed that.
Not quite as awesome as Tiny Beautiful Things (❤️ Cheryl Strayed) but definitely a solid collection of advice columns from Ask Polly. (And I do hope the people who wrote in basically asking for permission to cheat on their partners got dumped. What tools)
Here it is! In all its BOLD millennial-advising glory!
Heart-burstingly good.
Ask Polly on the plight of nice women. New manifesto. WITHOUT A SMILE. 👊