@persephone1408 packed an amazing #hauntedHallowsswap box. I love it all. Thank you very much.
@persephone1408 packed an amazing #hauntedHallowsswap box. I love it all. Thank you very much.
Fun world building here, and I thought the monster hunting system was really cool and wish I learned more about the different things that can be and have been hunted. There were a lot of cool things hinted at but the story didn‘t take advantage of that as much as it could have. I did love Micheline and her team though, the different relationships between them and their interactions spoke of long history and long time knowing each other.
I‘m just not into this. Some things just don‘t make sense to me and I‘m not really following it. Sorry to disappoint anyone who wanted me to read it.
#bitmoji April is very festive lately! Getting in the Halloween mood with a spooky book today!
Not a huge TBR person, more of a fly by the seat of my pants reader. But in the spirit of #screamathon and #hallowreads day 1 here are a few I hope to get through! *subject to change based on my whims lol
Overall, I loved this book. It's fast-paced, dark, and fun. Courtney gives an interesting, original twist on monster hunting with some heavy but interesting nods to Bram Stoker's Dracula. The last act gets a little rough, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the ride.
My full GR review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2068187880
#Shutter #CourtneyAlameda #ya #youngadult #urbanfantasy #monsters #vampires #ghosts #Dracula
I'm a quarter of the way through Courtney Alameda's Shutter. It hits the ground running and just never stops to let up. The book has an amazingly original approach to monster hunting. Damn good book so far. #Shutter #CourtneyAlameda #iaintafraidofnoghost #ghosts #monsters
It took me a few pages to sink in to this story; its slow at the beginning but really takes off in the middle! Once I started, I couldn't stop!
The story is a twist on a familiar story of ghosts, Van Helsing, family and friends, romance, mystery, and even Dracula!
This story is wonderfully interesting by an author who has superb story-telling skills; a great summer read, worth every frightening, chilling moment, like most summer ghost stories👻☠
This is one of the most terrifying book covers I have ever seen... But its the next one on my summer reading list challenge!
I am such a scaredy cat lol 😂✌🏻💜
Just thought I would drop by and say Hi! *waves* Don't worry, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth or anything, it's just since becoming a mummy, it's taking me forever to read a book lol! Yes, I'm STILL reading Shutter. I WILL finish this. In fact, I am going to spend the next hour reading! Right after I've made a cup of tea. But then, Shutter, I am all yours!
For years I've been an iPhone lover... Until now. Last week my iPhone decided to go for a swim and didn't make it. I saw it as yet another sign to say goodbye & try something new. I've been without a phone for just over a week. Finally I got a new 1. I'm back Littens yay! This time I decided to go for a Sony Experia! I wanted the X but the monthly cost was too much so I settled on the XA! It's taking some getting but I'm getting used to it.
Loved all the characters and the atmosphere! Very emotional towards the end. Needs a sequel! ❤️
For Hallowreads I managed to read 4 of the 5 books I'd set myself to read. This is the last of them that I have to read. I know it's not Halloween month anymore but I might as well start as I mean to go on lol! Started it a few nights ago and I'm enjoying it so far. #ya #yabooks #paranormal #ghosts #bookblog #bookblogger #amreading
My July #stats! Considering I didn't even want to touch a book for the first two weeks of the month I'm pretty happy with how much I read.
I just finished this and I am so in love with it. I adore gothic horror, and this captured that slight sophistication and moodiness of the genre perfectly while never shying away from the horror of a modern story. I have this on audio but I need a hard copy of this ASAP. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Trying to decide if the names Mulder, Scully, and Kostova are coincidences or geeky name drops. It's surprising how subtle it is in the audio, I actually went back to make sure I even heard them. It's such a good listen though! I'm glad I took the chance on it.
Started this one yesterday and so far it's pretty good. I really hate the father though. I'm counting down the minutes until he dies (hopefully).