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Die Auserwhlten - In der Brandwste
Die Auserwhlten - In der Brandwste: Maze Runner 2 | James Dashner
Sie haben einen Ausweg aus dem tdlichen Labyrinth gefunden und geglaubt, endlich wren sie frei. Doch auf Thomas und seine Freunde wartet das Grauen: sengende Hitze, verbranntes Land und ein tdlicher Virus. Und noch immer halten die undurchsichtigen Schpfer die Fden in der Hand. Damit steht den Jungen die nchste Prfung bevor. Sie mssen innerhalb von zwei Wochen die Brandwste durchqueren, sonst sind sie verloren ... Ein Wettkampf gegen die Zeit und mrderische Gegner Spannung pur! Die Erfolgsserie zum Kinofilm
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Okay, I'm not going to say that reading in this hammock swing is the MOST comfortable thing but I also won't say that it's not either. Been dealing with a lot and it's nice to have this comfy spot to tuck up and read


RedxoHearts I love reading in my hammock. I recently had to get a new one and went with a hammock chair instead. It's even more comfortable I think 5mo
AmyG If I read in a hammock I‘d be asleep before I finished page 1. Hope life gets a bit easier for you. (edited) 5mo
jessinikkip @AmyG I did pretty good at staying awake until I got the pillow behind my head. Then I was sound asleep for a bit 😂 5mo
jessinikkip @RedxoHearts oooh that sounds comfy! 5mo
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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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Fantastic book! This book is about a group of kids, who after escaping a gigantic maze in the first book, end up in the real world, which has been affected by the sun so greatly that most of the world is inhabitable. On top of all this, they struggle against a deadly virus called the flair. They meet all kinds of new people and both make/lose friends along the way. A very good book and would very much so recommend if you like fantasy books!

jp.vandendungen The point of view in this book is set in first person, from the eyes of Thomas, the main character. We know this because the author often uses phrases such as me or I. He also quite often shows Thomas‘s thoughts, as a way to both establish the Thomas thinks, and this true intentions throughout the book. 3y
MissYaremcio Nicely done JP! I would agree, this is a great series but I found the books after book one to be less enjoyable myself! I was just missing the recommendation. 5/6 3y
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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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Up and out for a cycle early this morning so I could read this book on a blanket in Stanley Park. It had been too long.

mandarchy Ah! Say hi to the squirrels. I'm hoping this pandemic ends soon so I can visit my nephew. It's been a long time since I've been to that park. He lives near there. 3y
BookishTrish @mandarchy The squirrels have been duly greeted and wish you a speedy return. 3y
mandarchy @BookishTrish 😘 very sweet of you! I can't wait.
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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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Spectacular, I loved this book! Its about how when Thomas and his friends get transported to The Scorch, which is super hot btw, they have to get through a town full of people who have a disease which makes them inhumane. They also have to get passed another group, who went through the same thing as them, except only girls. They‘re sent to kill Thomas, but, and both groups are promised a safe haven, and no more trials if they make it. 😍

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner

I forgot to post but I finished this book a few weeks ago and I really liked it. I think that the author has written with a lot of detail which made me feel as if I was in the book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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He turned to look just in time to see the rain start falling out as if the storm had finally decided to weep with shame for what it had done to them.

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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I felt her absence. it was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. you wouldn't need to run to the mirror to know they were gone

Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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A thrilling sequel to the Maze Runner! The slang uses by the teens still annoyed me, but I got used to it. I loved the scene with the nose-eating Cranks! I don't really enjoy the writing style of YA-books, but the story was very nice!
(🎧 - audiobook)

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So far we know there is a group of boys stuck in a mysterious room surrounded by zombie like characters called cranks. The boys soon discover that there isn‘t anymore bodies in the room. Everything has been cleaned and the scent is also gone. Just in 20 minutes of them being in the smaller room with Aris. Minho, one of the main leaders of the group find that Aris‘ title on his neck has changed to the partner. So with everything being cleaned and

chase.mccuaig Ari‘s title being changed it all happened in 20 minutes of them being in the room. This book is definitely a pick in my books. It is great due to the constant suspense and action. I would say it is a solid 9/10. The POV of the novel is from Thomas and it is a first person view. It is established through us seeing his problems and worries 4y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Chase! I agree - such a fantastic series! 6/6 4y
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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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As the second book of The Maze Runner series The Scorch Trials didn't disappoint. It follows the Gladers, Thomas, and a couple other characters they meet along the way through the next set of trials. I really enjoyed it but have to admit I'm not a fan of the slang language of the characters. It makes it not flow as well while reading but I get why it's there. Now on to book three!

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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The Scorch Trials starts us off with many teen boys in a room. Suddenly there are these creatures called cranks. These cranks are like zombies for a better reference. These cranks are outside the room. They are trying to get in the room and get the boys but there are bars on the windows so no one can get in or out. For the boys there are two doors, one is locked and the other is a bathroom with no other exits. One of the boys breaks open the lock

chase.mccuaig One of the boys breaks open the locked door with a fire extinguisher that they found in the large room. With those cranks yelling and trying to get in the are free of the room they were trapped in. The room they go into smells awful and is pitch black. Thomas who is our main protagonist in our group knocks into something. The lights were later turned on and they were hanging bodies. (Not het finished the book) 4y
chase.mccuaig If you like books that contain suspense and action then you should give The Scorch Trials a try. 4y
chase.mccuaig A motif in this book would be Thomas and Theresa and their abilities to connect telepathically. They are trying to find each other in the beginning and this creates lots of suspense because Theresa doesn‘t answer to Thomas and we fear that she is dead because she is not with the boys. 4y
MissYaremcio Nice review Chase! Such a great series! 6/6 4y
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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner

I've been enjoying The Maze Runner series but I have to admit the slang language the characters use gets on my nerves

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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Spending the afternoon reading The Scorch Trials by James Dashner. The weather is nice here today and warmer. I love my comfy grinch pants lol

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cute pants!! 💚❤️ 4y
tracey38 Love the pants! 4y
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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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I can never resist going into Half Price Bookstore when we pass it. It's not very often so I could wander around there for awhile. #bookhaul

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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The plot twists in this were so unexpected, the pace was so fast, and something was always happening. The mystery of WICKED still remains, and questions still linger. I loved the action in this, the suspense and the overall world building/ dystopian feel. The characters were still great, and I loved their dynamics, their friendships are goals! I cannot wait to read the third one, and finally find out what happens, to get answers. And that ending!

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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About halfway through Scorch Trials, and really enjoying it!

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

A great sequel although didn‘t excite me as much as The Maze Runner , some really strange goings on!! Hoping things start to make a bit more sense in The Death Cure.

Started watching the movie last night and it is completely different!! So if you have watched the films it won‘t spoil the book.

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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1. Nope! Super far from there. I grew up in Kenosha, WI which is just a little south of Milwaukee. Then I lived in Houghton, MI in the upper peninsula for 8 years. Now I've lived in Vicksburg, MS for 7 months.

2. I'm grateful for my fur babies 🐱🐱🐱🐶


Texreader I‘m grateful for my furbaby too! ❤️ 4y
Catsandbooks @Texreader They're the best! 🥰 What kind of furbaby do you have? 4y
Texreader @Catsandbooks A cat. She‘s my baby. 🥰❤️ 4y
Catsandbooks @Texreader Aw so sweet! Cats are the best! 🐱💕 4y
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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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Someone likes to join me at the breakfast table #readingbuddy #chihuahua #lapwarmer

“ He turned to look just in time to see the rain start falling outside, as if the storm had finally decided to weep with shame for what it had just done to them”

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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🤣🤣 Minho‘s leadership skills do make me laugh

“ Speak now or never. Once we go wherever we‘re going, if some shank decides he‘s a sissy-pants and tries to turn back, I‘ll make sure he does it with a broken nose and smashed private‘s.”

... that‘s one way to get everyone on board 😂

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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Completely jumped the #TBR queue .... I couldn‘t wait!!

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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‘She was there. She‘d been in his arms. They‘d been together again. They‘d kissed and he‘d felt something he would‘ve thought impossible. And now he was running away. Leaving her behind. [...] At least she was alive. At least she was alive. That was what he kept telling himself. That was what kept him running. She was alive.‘
-The Scorch Trials, by James Dashner.

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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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I rate this book a 9/10 because it continued the story well and helped to explain things. However, at one point I wasn't satisfied with a couple things the characters confessed that completely changed the story, so that was a little disappointing. Other than that, I loved the new characters and the resolution to the story was brilliant.

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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This book was an amazing sequel to the maze runner series. I really enjoyed this book.

phantomx The Scorch Trials is still my favorite in the Maze Runner Trilogy 5y
ava.lynn @phantomx same it was soooo good 5y
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Summary: Thomas and his friends find them in trouble once again from finding clues and hints of the organization of WCKD. This time, their challenge is to walk into the scorch that is filled with highly risked obstacles and viruses that will most likely take your life. They find new allies to fight off the WCKD and take revenge on what they done to all these kids.

Date: Sept 20-29


The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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First finish for the month of November. Book # 20/24 for the #goodreadschallenge . I‘m terrible at reviews, so bare with me. This didn‘t grab me quite to the extent that The Maze Runner did, but it was still worth ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. And apparently there is a #readathon going on this weekend in Litsy land, so I‘m using that, as well as one on Facebook, as motivation to get as much reading done as possible! #24B4Monday #LitsyPartyOfOne

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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I really wish I could stay home today and read. I need to get some of these books wrapped up! 📚🎧 #currentlyreading

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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Did not get in the amount of reading today that I thought I was going to. I like the book, I‘m just having a hard time with being motivated to pick it up. I‘m really wanting something more light hearted at the moment, but The Scorch Trials is a library book and I feel like I need to get it finished before I move on to something else.

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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My current read. I‘m not doing a readathon currently, so I‘ve been a bit slower in getting through this one vs The Maze Runner. And can I say how much I love the #libbyapp and the fact that I can read the library books on my #kindlepaperwhite !! My eyes are much happier with me. 👀

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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I love how this book keeps you on your toes with the flare, WICKED, rebel group etc. As an eighth grader it can be tough to find a book topic that is interesting, but the Scorch Trials and dystopia books in general is my favorite genre.


Genre: Action, thriller & science fiction
Book Started: 10/16/19
Book Completed: 10/23/19
I chose this book because the first book was actually very interesting, and I'd like to read every book in this series.

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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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“𝐻𝑒 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑠 𝑖𝑓 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚 𝘩𝑎𝑑 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑠𝘩𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑤𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝘩𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑚.”

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The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5/5 stars I'm really enjoying this series! The action definitely keeps me hooked. It will be interesting to see how the author fits together a lot of these moving pieces in the book! It's looking like I'll need to add this series to my home library!

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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WICKED‘s latest abominations

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner
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Man I feel bad for these characters. They just can‘t catch a break.

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So excited to read/finish these awesome books!

The Scorch Trials | James Dashner

13/10 will read again. This book filled me with anger and suspense which was the exact emotional imbalance I wanted to feel with it.

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At this point I really wanted slap Thomas with his own book!! 😁

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Uuugh! 😤 I hate Teresa so much right now!!-again 😅 #rereadingthescorchtrials

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The glue that holds us together. Oh Newt... 😢

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,,Property of WICKED Group A, Subject A7. The Leader.