Didn‘t hit me as hard as it did the first time, but I still love it.
And I like the book ending more that the movie ending
Didn‘t hit me as hard as it did the first time, but I still love it.
And I like the book ending more that the movie ending
5✨I read this very quickly. It is a fast paced romance between a Jamaican immigrant that is being deported from the only home she‘s ever known, and a Korean American boy who doesn‘t know how to tell his family he wants to write. They happen upon each other and end up spending the day together. The ending was really great too after a bit of sadness. It was humorous and witty. #FoodandLit 🇯🇲
3.75/5 ⭐️ Two teens struggling with their families meet and have instant chemistry, but one is about to be deported to Jamaica. The story mainly takes place within one day. #FoodandLit Jamaica 🇯🇲
#LuckyInLove Love@FirstSight
For today‘s #LoveAtFirstSight prompt, this is the only book I‘ve read from this YA list of “9 Books That Prove Love at First Sight is Real” 😉❤️🔥
A YA story with attraction, science, physics, the threads that bind us, and the forces we cannot stop. Racial, cultural and immigrant themes play a strong role in this story. What would you do to stay with someone you loved even though it was impossible? How hard would you fight? What if the universe said NO, only to say YES, a decade later? Would you still say yes?
The book is basically about how two star crossed lovers meet in a coincidental way. Natasha is getting deported and Daniel is going in for an interview. When Daniel was going in for his interview he saw a girl with a jacket that said “Deus Ex Machina” which translates to god from the machine. This was the jacket that caught the attention of Daniel. Which then led him to follow Natasha to their meeting place. They continue to meet there.
This wasn't for me.
It's not a bad story, but personally there's just too many things I dislike.
@Clwojick #Pantone2023 #Tangelo #PinkCosmos #SpringCrocus
My totals for the #FabulousFebruary #ReadAThon
I've surpassed both my original goals of 1000 pages and 10 Audio Hours.
Thanks for hosting @Andrew65
"You're just looking for someone to save you. Save yourself."
I‘m a hopeless romantic, and this story was adorable! I fell in love with the MCs. Yes, it‘s instalove, but it‘s a little bit more! This is a love letter to the universe, to science. I enjoy Nicola Yoon‘s unique style. It‘s easy to read, but still packed with emotion and she doesn‘t shy away from controversial topics. Yoon‘s ability to weave these complex ideas into her stories is so well-done and relatable. I‘m going to watch the movie now! 🥰
1. The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
2. Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
3. Something Wilder by Christina Lauren
I think I got this confused with a different Yoon book. I didn't realize until I started it that it was insta love, which I am not a fan of. I disliked Daniel. It starts with him basically stalking her. I think we are making some strides in YA romance to make it less toxic but this isn't part of that progress. I did enjoy the comparison of immigrant families,and really liked how the side characters were written
Can the universe magically make you fall in love with a stranger in one day? Well Nicola Yoon who wrote “The Sun Is Also A Star” has proven it. Natasha and Daniel, two complete strangers with their personal struggles bump into each other in New York. As the book goes further on, Daniel and Natasha decided to spend the day together. A poet boy and a science girl take the risk and see what the universe holds them.
I didn‘t realize this book is pretty much just a love story, which isn‘t my jam, so this wasn‘t for me. But at least that‘s another book off the shelves!
Do you believe you can fall in love with a person under 24 hours? Natasha has only a day left in New York before she is departed with her family back to Jamaica. As she tries her best to prevent her depart, Natasha is met with a man named Daniel. Sparks fly between the two strangers. However, with the clock flying by, will time tear these two apart? Did Natasha and Daniel meet over fate or lust? A theme noted in this book is time.
This book was good, but I just had a few preferences that moved it down to a so-so for me. I didn‘t connect with the “one day to fall in love” plot, just because I‘m not really a romantic 😅 The characters were one-demential to me (Daniel = poet, Tasha = scientist, Charlie = bad, etc). I did appreciate that race was discussed, and the theme of how your life intersects with other people was interesting. But overall I didn‘t walk away loving it.
Observable Fact: This book is so moving and satisfying.
Favourite quote: "I wonder if she realizes how passionate she is about not being passionate."
#books #reader #she #reads #bibliophile #thoughts #quotes #bookstoread #2022challenge #readerscommunity #quote #live #love #laugh #bookslove #safeplace #reading
It always comes in my mind that why do we like to spend so much time with books, after reading these books for so long I understood that book takes us to the world where everything is like poetry. Where there is love, there are promises, there are dreams, there is someone, we meet, there is pain and if heart breaks then in an artistic way. Books are always a way of living the world we want to live.
#bibliophile #thoughts #she #reads
How strange it is that sometimes you do not believe in some thing at all and then the very next moment something happens that you start believing the same thing to be true.
#reader #she #reads #bibliophile #quote #currentlyreading #safeplace #peace #love #books #thoughts #mood #magic #readingchallenge
"People spend their whole lives looking for love. Poems and songs and entire novels are written about it. But how can you trust something that can end as suddenly as it begins? "
I always had this thought in my mind, but never got the words, thankfully, I read this today. This quote made it easier for me to settle my thoughts in words.
#bibliophile #reader #she #safeplace #books #quotes #love #live #read #relatable #continuereading
8/10 first book of 2022!!! Honestly, it took me a second to get into. But, i really did enjoy it by the end. Beautiful and heartbreaking and somehow heart mending as well.
Last day of 2021✨
#thesunisalsoastar #books #love #peace #laugh #live #safeplace #she #reader #biblophile
Lisa! Thank you so much ❤️
#thornbirdsreadalong pushed me to read a book that was on my shelf for years and this box of goodies is to die for.
@TheSpineView #thankyou
This just broke me, and filled me up, and I don't even know what to say. I've been struggling to get my brain to focus enough to read and have been picking this up and putting it down for months, but it always stayed with me. Now I can't believe it took me so long to finish.
Tried to get my reading in outside yesterday, but this goofball kept me occupied and I accomplished very little. It's a good thing he's cute 😊
Reading while my husband is fishing. Not sure what mood I'm in so I brought a whole stack!
While my husband shops for fishing stuff, I'm squeezing in some reading time in the truck and starting this book I received from @Tattooedteacher in the #litsylovespringswap 🙂
I've been in a YA kinda mood lately to distract myself and escape. This cute, quick read hit the spot. I don't usually care for love at first sight stories so I'm surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did. Loved that the interracial romance of the author and her husband was reflected. Felt compelled to watch the movie right after and was not disappointed 🥰
Two teens from vastly different backgrounds meet by chance on the day one of them is about to be deported to Jamaica. Discussions of home, identity, fate, and science ensue. Romance can be super hit or miss with me. This one was a huge hit. I loved the characters, the naration looking at the lives of side characters, and the handling of intersectionality. The discussions about destiny were fun too. #romance #FirstGenerationAmerican #Immigrant
Finished the evening off with some puzzle and audiobook time! #AudioPuzzle #Puzzle
"If a book is well written I always find it too short." - Jane Austen
Jane Austen could not have expressed this better. This is the exact sentiment I have for The Sun is Also a Star, written by Nicola Yoon.
Check out the rest of my review here:
Natasha is about to be deported to Jamaica and is frantically searching for a solution. Daniel is killing time until his Yale interview; his parents want it for him but he isn't so sure. They meet for one whirlwind day. Short chapters, alternating POVs, mostly of the two mains, with glimpses into the lives of ancillary characters (my favorite part!). The romance was the weakest part for me, but Yoon wrapped it up well. She's a great writer.
1/3/2021 I loved this book! I loved the characters. They were well developed and endearing. This book reminded me a bit of that Ethan Hawke/Uma Thurman movie where they spent 24 hours together and they just click. They are obviously meant for each other, but the circumstances of their lives interfere.
Nicola Yoon hit the ball out of the park with this one!
Natasha‘s family is about to be deported back to Jamaica, and she is on a mission to be able to let them them stay in America. Meanwhile, Daniel is supposed to be off on an interview for Yale.
They had never met before today.
What transpires in just one day is magical, beautiful and life-changing for both of them.
LOVED this book!!