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A Dying Fall (Ruth Galloway, #5)
A Dying Fall (Ruth Galloway, #5) | Elly Griffiths
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“Maybe humans need animals to help them understand the world.“

dabbe 💙💚💙 4mo
AnnCrystal 👏☺️👍💝💝💝💝. (edited) 4mo
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Found in little free library. Never heard of author but seems she has many books in this series. I'm right into her main characters and feel I have to read more to find out what happens to them. Easy to read. . Great escape for me right now. Now on to my next read. This month has been my greatest escape into reading.

mcctrish A couple of people I know are obsessed with this author, I need to read her sooner than later 2y
CarolynM I picked up a very cheap one of hers from the Book Grocer a while ago which I‘ve never got around to reading and probably never will. I‘ll send it to you.😘 (edited) 2y
Jeg @CarolynM that is very kind of you. Her characters have hooked me in. 2y
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Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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I actually visited a real live book store last week. At this rate, I might actually get to 2 this year lol

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Ruth Galloway is once again up to her neck in danger. With ties to her college days, a dead man‘s invitation to a possibly history making dig, a floundering college, all of which takes place near a vacationing Harry Nelson, Ruth once again helps to solve an intricately involved mystery, and rediscover possibly career changing remains. And there‘s ancient mythology and druids. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This is book 5 in the series and just as good as the first. What I love about the series is the continuing back story of the characters. The main plot is always good too. 4.5⭐ #SpookOween #Necronomathon @Patchshank #Wickedathon @StayCurious #LittenListen @aperfectmjk #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #SeriesRead2021 #ReadWithUs @GHABI4ROSES @DieAReader
Book #5 for #OutstandingOctober hosted by @Andrew65

Andrew65 Love this series. Well done 👏👏👏 3y
TheSpineView @Andrew65 Me too! I plan to start the next book today. 3y
DieAReader Fantastic!🎉🎉 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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Brilliant #crimefiction event taking place this weekend. They've raised over £12K for food banks sellong tickets, and if this opening session is any indicator, it's going to be well worth the price. I was laughing out loud.
Two crime writers and a microphone: the Locked Up Festival



Very atmospheric with a tantalising air of menace from an unknown source. One quibble which may be just the ebook formatting, but some sort of typographical clue such as an extra line space or a row of asterisks when the scene changes would be helpful.


But being thin has never seemed worth being hungry

Excerpt From: "A Dying Fall: A Ruth Galloway Mystery" by Elly Griffiths. Scribd.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Read this book on Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/book/249308155


‘I‘ve asked around,‘ Henry is saying, the unctuous note back in his voice. ‘And you are one of our foremost experts on bones.‘

This description always makes Ruth think of a dog.

Excerpt From: "A Dying Fall: A Ruth Galloway Mystery" by Elly Griffiths. Scribd.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Read this book on Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/book/249308155

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#scribd ebook cover was boring so I am using the thumbnail

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I can‘t get enough of Elly Griffiths. These are super fast reads for me! Each story is interesting and you get to know her characters a little more in every book.

Ms.Story My favourite series!! 5y
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I think I liked this series better at the beginning. That being said, I still gobbled this one up. I'm a sucker for a cosy mystery these days - such a great escape from the news cycle!

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Next up! I'm at home doing post vacation laundry and trying to wrap my head around going back to work tomorrow. I just want to curl up in bed with a book all day!

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Another in the Ruth Galloway series! This one had Ruth involved in finding out whether bones were King Arthur's. She always manages to get in the middle of dangerous situations. This one wasn't quite a good as previous, but still enjoyable. My heart did stop at the end of story and I thought oh NO! You'll have to read to find out why!!

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A Druid who goes by the name Cathbad is a recurring character in the Ruth Galloway series. He‘s one of the reasons I love this series— the side characters are well done! He plays a big part in the tagged book. #celtic #literaryluck

vkois88 Looks intriguing! 6y
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So I think I‘m just over this series... I‘m not good at reading series. This is the 5th book in the series and at this point I think I‘m just kind of done. I‘m sure there is nothing wrong with this book, I just had no interest in continuing reading. I got about 70 pages in.

I plan to continue reading Elly Griffith‘s other books though.

Daisey Completely understand! I often struggle with a series if it‘s more than 3 or 4 books long. I just have so many other books to read! 6y
Laughterhp @Daisey Glad someone else understands!! 😊 6y
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Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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1. My pup. Always laying under my desk at my feet, especially if a blanket is involved.
2. I got an evening to myself where I got to relax and read home alone.
3. Both. I do cheese, but not milk or cream. DF cream cheese and almond milk.
4. 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ (just started only 50 pages in)
5. No


Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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I really love this series, and this installment was particularly good. An interesting cast of characters, with plenty of suspects and plot twists. I was kept guessing until very late. I have to contain myself from binge reading all the Ruth Galloway mysteries, because I want the enjoyment to last.

MamaGina I tried to space them out, but ended up binging them 😁 ... And now I hear a new one is coming out soon called The Dark Angel! 7y
Lynnsoprano @MamaGina It‘s already out in England, I think, because my friend there who hooked me on the series mentioned reading it. 7y
MamaGina Yes, you're right, I heard about it on an interview with her on a podcast called Partners in Crime. Hope it's out here soon or I may have to go the book depository route🤓 7y
Lynnsoprano @MamaGina I need to take a trip to Cambridgeshire to swap books with my friend. I wish😂 She and her hubby live in an Honest-to-God English cottage, and staying there is one of the highlights of my life. 7y
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I love celebrating Litsy milestones, especially when they come with a giveaway 😂

😺Flint, Ruth Galloway‘s cat
☘️Ballybucklebo from the Irish Doctor series
😊Phryne Fisher

Congratulations again, @Tove_Reads Tagging @theresidentromantic #largestusogrammicguveaway

Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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Picture postcard weather, but I‘m actually cool sitting in the shade on the porch. Time to take my reading inside.

minkyb Boo hoo from 2 more feet of snow! 😘 7y
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Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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I wondered where the title of this book came from, and, by coincidence, it‘s derived from a Shakespeare quote from Twelfth Night, which I saw (and read) last month.

Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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Honest, I was only going to the library to return hubby‘s books. After all, I added 3 new Kindle deals to my TBR last week alone. But the next thing I knew, my feet were moving past the book return. At least I escaped with only one book😂

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I have a sleeping baby, Beauty and the Beast edition tea that I forgot I bought at Disney, and a good book. Meanwhile hubby is outside shovelling. I like that I get to stay inside this winter ;)

Magpiegem I love your mug! 7y
Lea Sweet mug! 7y
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I know I should be sleeping... babe is sleeping, mama should be too... why don't I sleep when she sleeps all flipping night?! Why am I constantly watching her monitor? She sleeps a solid 12 hours if not more.. me a solid 2...Thanks to @Shemac77 for the bag of books I'm still reading.

Shemac77 Things are finally starting to straighten away. Looking forward to a date with you and little miss soon! 7y
Meg11726 @Shemac77 I really hope so. I miss you. Been meaning to text but never know when you're studying, sleeping, or working or jury enjoying down time. Didn't wanna be a bother. Message me when you get a moment xo 7y
Shemac77 You are never a bother! I have and ECG course until 1300 tomorrow; are you around after for a quick visit? 7y
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1. Crunchy
2. The tagged one - though the next in the series is darned good too!
3. Reading, participating in the #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon that starts today, and a library and doughnut run tomorrow. Looking forward to 4 days off!
4. Speak every language, with the option to talk to animals only sometimes (like when they‘re sick, etc).
5. No minor but I had more than enough music credits for a major!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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Book 5 in the Ruth Galloway series and I'm still enjoying them. She's off to Blackpool after the death of an old friend. Another great story and very dramatic. Off to read the next one.

Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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The DR Ruth Galloway series are based in Norfolk which is where I live and the real places mentioned are nearby to me. I'm really hoping at some point she will actually mention my town.

rockpools I look forward to reading these even more, every time someone posts about them. 7y
kezzlou85 @RachelO I'm really enjoying the series so far and loving that it's locally set. 7y
eanderson That‘s so cool! A Dying Fall was pretty good! 7y
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kezzlou85 @eanderson I'm now about to start this one 7y
kspenmoll Love this series- 7y
kezzlou85 @kspenmoll me too. It's so good. 7y
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Book no. 5 in the series and it was good! It took me a while to get into it, felt like it could have been a little shorter but I liked it! Definitely will continue the series! 😊

Bookquilter Love this series! 7y
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Felt like going right into the 5th book in the Ruth Galloway series. 🤗 #litsypartyofone

mjdowens I am going to try the first book. Sounds interesting 7y
eanderson @mjdowens it definitely is! It's good because it's not a psychological thriller so it isn't super dark and Ruth reminds me a little of Bridget Jones. I loved the first book! 7y
Bluebird @eanderson I like your comparison of Ruth to Bridget Jones! It hadn't occurred to me before, but I see it too. 7y
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Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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Time for me to read another Ruth Galloway mystery! I love this series and am trying not to finish it too quickly. #mystery

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Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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Elly Griffiths is always my auto buy author. I love both her series although my favourite is Ruth Galloway. #marchintoreading

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This is not a fun snowstorm, like the last couple of storms. It's mean and hella windy. The power keeps going out. Reading this right now while it's still light out. Then - who knows? 😕🌨☠️

Notafraidofwords Ugh it's terrible. I hate it. 8y
TheBookStacker Stay warm! 8y
Cobscook It is nasty for sure! I am holed up in a hotel room and praying the power does not go out! 8y
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Donna_sBookMinute A bad one, huh? Take care 8y
stacybmartin Stay warm and safe! 8y
booksandsympathy Yikes! Stay inside and keep warm. 8y
Audrey The snow is also seriously heavy. Ugh. 8y
unabridgedchick Ugh, I'm sorry. It's in the gross sleet phase for us. 8y
CocoReads Yay for reading but hope you don't lose power--been through that a few times, it's never any fun but definitely worse in the winter. 8y
ColleenLindsay Love love LOVE Elly Griffiths! 8y
8leagueboot Looking forward to chipping my ice mobile out of the wreckage... ☃️ 8y
Andrew65 A great series! 8y
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Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths

Top 5 Female Authors

1. Elly Griffiths
2. Karin Slaughter
3. Suzanne Collins
4. Harper Lee
5. Veronica Roth. #top5tuesday

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I almost always read on my Kindle app when I'm talking a walk. Started a new walking book today. I love these books and am trying to spread them out so I don't get through them to quickly!

Lmstraubie Beautiful view! 8y
ReadingSusan Gorgeous! 8y
minkyb Lovely! 8y
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Dying Fall | Elly Griffiths
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Y'all. I know I said it in my previous review, but this is absolutely my favourite series!! Im not even reading for plot anymore, although I still find the archeological theme fascinating; I LOVE these characters and care about what happens to them! And the suspense near the end is 👌🏻Is Griffiths's other series as good as this one??!!

bookwrm526 I've only read The Zig-Zag Girl in the other series. I liked it but not as much as these 8y
Prairiegirl_reading I'm just finishing the gathering places and so excited about this series!!! Just heard about Elly Griffiths on the get booked podcast and ran out to get it!! 8y
Moonpa I love Ruth! And I'm mostly reading for her now too! Didn't like the other series though I may try the second book Smoke and Mirrors sometime 8y
kspenmoll Love her books, Ruth & all the quirky, fabulous characters! 8y
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