A long overdue reread and one perfect for the winter season. 🩵
Cather is always an absolute joy to read again and again. That is the gift of great writing, it never feels old or repetitive or predictable.
A long overdue reread and one perfect for the winter season. 🩵
Cather is always an absolute joy to read again and again. That is the gift of great writing, it never feels old or repetitive or predictable.
Willa Cather beautifully evokes the artistic sensibility and the effect of great music on the inner life in this story of a talented young pianist from a small town who goes to study music in Chicago. The book focuses on her relationships with two very different men. The first 2/3 of the book are more satisfying than the end. But Cather‘s mastery of language and metaphor are strong throughout. #catherbuddyread
I thought this was going to be another 5-star read in the vein of The Pilgrim Hawk, but when I got to the final section I was thrown off. It was maybe not the novel I expected, but perhaps the novel I needed. It's beautifully-written & elegiac; deeply poignant & sad. Time, youth, ambition, & life throwing its curveballs. The last section maybe gave way a bit to sentiment, but otherwise I found it an almost pitch-perfect novel. #catherbuddyread
The long trail of our #catherbuddyread takes us to this largely overlooked later novel and the thin ice of American life. Cather casts her magic in the opening with the “gentle glow” left on all by our “bird flying home” and all the movement and energy she gives off as she spreads her wings. We fall in love with her existence and wonder at the implications of ominous fate. This is no perfect novel, but Lucy holds a place in my literary 🖤.
Book 3
Harry Gordon reflects back 25 years later, just after the funeral of Jacob Gayheart. (It‘s 1927. I don‘t remember a year mentioned earlier.) This book serves as an epilogue, it‘s probably an unnecessary add on, although it‘s here we learn there are no children for anyone. But among other things it serves as a kind of book review - Harry‘s analysis of Lucy.
What are your thoughts on this section and on the book overall?
I think I'm glad to have read this as part of the #CatherBuddyRead because if I'd been reading by myself I'd have finished it in one sitting and probably been left feeling extremely melancholy. As it is, I have a bit more distance from the story and the emotion. The book shares themes with the Prairie novels, although Lucy didn't seem to me as vivid a character as Alexandra, Thea and (especially) Antonia. Looking forward to the discussion.
Book 2
Lucy comes home, we get a close look at the small town world and the compromised life of Pauline. And then, eventually, thin ice is not simply metaphorical.
Usually I give myself some time between reading and posting, but I only just finished and this hasn‘t processed yet. Thoughts are brewing. What to make of this? Home? Family sacrifices? Going against the grain? Fate? Life - and the forces against it? Your thoughts?
Ballots have been sent out to all residents, phones are ringing, and I‘m contemplating what I just read about Lucy while I decompress during my lunch hour. This is the view from my secret lunch spot at City Hall. Gentle music from the 8-hour album “Sleep” is playing on my phone as I look out over the lake.
“Life is short; gather roses while you may. Make it as many as you can. Nothing really matters but living. Get all you can out of it. Accomplishments are the ornaments of life, they come second. Sometimes people disappoint us, & sometimes we disappoint ourselves; but the thing is, to go right on living.”
I have been painting little things and i feel, nothing could depict life better than trees and flowers. Cather is a force of inspiration. 👇🏽
Book 1 parts XI-XXI
I know we saw the signs, but still. Is that how to interpret “the treacherous mildness of the April afternoon”, as a foreshadowing? Before that Sebastian and Lucy have a relationship to discuss; and Harry Gordon leads us to Cather on Impressionism and Opera before either making a mistake or exposing himself. Or both. But, our poor bird. Thoughts? (ps This was a difficult place to pause.)
Lucy Gayheart - Book 1 parts I-X
Nebraska and Chicago in winter. There is something about Lucy and it certainly wouldn‘t be captured in a photograph. This is a wonderful opening. Lucy‘s vitality comes off the page in this prose. Her aura, her existence - it‘s beautiful and attractive. Maybe sexy. “Very suggestive: youth, love, hope” - Sebastian captures and demolishes it.
You agree? thoughts? There is also so much more here...
It dawned on me earlier this week that I never ordered this book for the #catherbuddyread... Unfortunately it's not in stock at my local bookstore and the edition I wanted wasn't offered on Amazon Prime... So I ordered the one option that I could get this week, not knowing that it would be GIANT 😆😧 oh well 🤷🏻♀️ better get reading!
“In Haverford on the Platte the townspeople still talk of Lucy Gayheart.”
I am happy to be back in Cather's world. #catherbuddyread #openingline
This is giving me The Song of the Lark vibes, which is very nice. And this passage captures the transcendentalism of Cather, which is the thing I like best in her work. The idea that experience can go beyond the material senses. Always this yearning to connect to the world. She always links this to characters who are driven to art or self-expression. The idea that "something" in the world "knew" is so beautiful ?
#catherbuddyread @Graywacke
#catherbuddyread Just a reminder - 1st discussion is Saturday: Book 1 parts I-X.
I‘ve got my sections marked and I‘m ready to go for the #catherbuddyread @Graywacke
Setting this up officially. Our next Cather, one of her late novels, with one previous post on Litsy. Anyone is welcome to join in with our small group for this.
Book 1 parts I-X - Sep 12
Book 1 parts XI-XXI - Sep 19
Book 2 - Sep 26
Book 3 - Oct 3
#BookMail from my sickbed, lol! I ordered these weeks ago and they finally arrived. It‘s nice when you‘ve set a book buying ban but are still enjoying the spoils of past splurges. I think I have a few more left.
Thank you everyone for your kind wishes and comments! Love my Litsy Family. Xx 🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️
#bookhaul #bookbuyingban