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Daughter of the Blood
Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
The Darkness has had a Prince for a long, long time. Now the Queen is coming. For years the realm of Terreille has been falling into corruption, as the powerful Queens who rule it have turned to cruelty. But there is hope - a prophetic vision has revealed the coming of a Queen more powerful than any other. And once the foundations of her power - father, brother, lover - are in place, she will emerge from the darkness, bringing freedom. For she is the living myth, dreams made flesh; not just any witch, but Witch.
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Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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The latest stop on my very slow early 2000s rereads tour. DAUGHTER OF THE BLOOD and its sequels completely entranced me back in 2009, but I didn‘t expect I‘d feel the same here in 2024 because of Bishop‘s squickier worldbuilding choices. Wrong. There‘s some questionable stuff, yeah (like the virginity thing; ICK), but the world‘s fascinating even if it‘s not always admirable, and I still love the characters. I‘m annoyed I can‘t just read all day.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hey sweet Casey 🐶 🐾 ❤️ 8mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 8mo
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Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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June 28 #BigJuneReadathonPhotoChallenge "Daughter/Son" @Clwojick This is the first book of the best series I have ever read.

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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June 9 #BookMoods By your favorite author I do not have a favorite author, I have many. Anne Bishop, Cassandra Clare, Ilona Andrew's, Kelly Armstrong, and John Connelly @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Agree - too hard to choose just 1 🤗 2y
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This series is amazing. Pictured is the original trilogy, however Bishop did follow with several more books. She just recently started a new series that revisits this world and characters.
#Top20Series #20Series20Days @Andrew65

Andrew65 Not heard of these, will check them out. 4y
tdrosebud @Andrew65 It's dark fantasy if you like that. 4y
Andrew65 @tdrosebud Yes, increasingly enjoying fantasy. 4y
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Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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So. I was given this book (and its next two) by a friend. I had no idea what it expect, and what I got was...interesting. Darkness. Magic. Mentions of unicorns and dragons (maybe they come in later books?). Rape (men and women and children). Child abuse. Pedophilia. A dude named Satan (I mean, it‘s spelled saetan, but come on). Despite all that, I‘m intrigued. The world building was cool, though confusing, and I love the darkness of it. We‘ll see!

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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So. I was given this book (and its next two) by a friend. I had no idea what it expect, and what I got was...interesting. Darkness. Magic. Mentions of unicorns and dragons (maybe they come in later books?). Rape (men and women and children). Child abuse. Pedophilia. A dude named Satan (I mean, it‘s spelled saetan, but come on). Despite all that, I‘m intrigued. The world building was cool, though confusing, and I love the darkness of it. We‘ll see!

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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There are so many I could have chosen, but I'm going with this trilogy. #illalwayslovethisbook
#ANewChapter @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty cover!! 6y
Nessavamusic This is an excellent trilogy! 6y
tdrosebud @Nessavamusic It is, I enjoyed the others set in this world as well. I'm planning a reread of them all this year as she is planning a new one for next year. 6y
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Nessavamusic @tdrosebud I am a huge fan of Anne Bishop 6y
vkois88 I haven't read them, but this cover is gorgeous 6y
Lauranahe You posted this a while ago, but I was searching this book on here. I‘m about 2/3 of the way through and am pretty confused. I really wish there was a map, because all these places are jumbled in my head. I feel like I‘ve been reading this forever! 5y
tdrosebud @Lauranahe If you go to her website and go to the Black Jewels page, you can scroll down and click on a map. However it is extremely minimal as she says she is geographically challenged and things can change. It is at least something, but the is no detail. I hope the confusion abates and that you enjoy. 5y
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Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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The book I picked from the free library tonight

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop

This was definitely just meh for me. I finished it and had no desire to find out what happened next. So away it goes and on to the next.

Owlizabeth I love Anne Bishop‘s The Others series so I thought I‘d try this and it was a big ol‘ nope for me too. 6y
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Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop

For Dewey's #reversereadathon I'll probably be focusing on Daughter of the Blood, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and Sense and Sensibility. We'll see how this goes. 😂

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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So both library books were a bust—I‘m not sure if I just wasn‘t in the mood or if I genuinely just don‘t care, but I‘m moving on. I‘ve heard great things about Anne bishop and this has been sitting on my shelf for a long time.

iread2much This is one of my favorite series. It‘s gets super dark and twisted super fast, so be prepared, but the world she builds is fascinating! If you like the first book; I suggest reading all of her novellas in the series as well, they really flush out the world. 6y
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Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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New nails and new books! Gotta love Anne Bishop books!

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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That whole thing between Surreal and Daemon still makes me cringe. I feel so badly for both of them.
I also feel bad for Saetan. He hates that Cassandra is afraid of him. I'd want Saetan for a friend.

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop

Then a dollop of Daughter of the Blood. #currentlyreading #24in48 #readathon

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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Sometimes you just have to be in the right frame of mind for a particular book. I started this one before (last year?) and abandoned it, because I just wasn‘t feeling it at the time, but knew I‘d come back to it. Started it over today, and I am *into it*. Except, um, how kinky are those Rings of Obedience that the bad queens make the men wear? I‘m apprehensive about what the love scenes in this book may turn into! 🤭

azulaco For those wondering about the rings, the men don‘t wear them on their fingers. No. They wear them on an appendage further south. Their “male organ,” as the author puts it. 6y
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Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop

One of my favorite fantasy series ever. Have read the original trilogy at least 10 times. Amazing read.

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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This was one of the first really #dark fantasy novels I ever read. I remember enjoying the series at the time, but I have no idea how well they‘ve held up. Photo is of Charleston Harbor in the dark. #noteworthynovember @Jess7

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop

One of my all time favourite reads.

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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This keeps getting recommended to me when I say I like the Kushiel novels. Trying to keep my expectations in check because I LOVED the Kushiel books.

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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I think I am just not in the right frame of mind to read this book. It's a little too fantasy-genre for me right now. It's an interesting premise, though. I plan to get back to it eventually, but right now I'm going to let this little library book go home.

Daughter of the Blood | Anne Bishop
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My hold came in at the library! I've skimmed the first few pages and I think I'm going to like this one. Another NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour romance recommendation for romance beginners.