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Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen
Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen | Mary Sharratt
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Thrifty find on my TBR today! Sushi lunch with husband, book browsing & yarn squishing made for a lovely afternoon. 😄

It‘s so dark in the pic because we‘re under a blizzard warning. 🙄 I‘m ready for a change in season already.

mamareading Stay warm! 1y
TheBookHippie Such a good read. 1y
jlhammar That does sound like a lovely afternoon. Loved this book! 1y
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batsy Nice! But stay warm! 🥶 1y
Cathythoughts A blizzard warning ! I hope you will get spring soon X 1y
LeahBergen That sounds like a perfect day! 1y
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Illuminations | Mary Sharratt
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Fascinating article on the rescuing of Hildegard‘s work.


jlhammar I hadn't seen this yet. Thank you! 1y
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Illuminations | Mary Sharratt

I don't normally read fiction based on real people and books that take place in the 12th century are not usually my thing either, but I really liked this novel. It's well written and so interesting. To read at the end that most of it is based in fact is fascinating. This book makes me want to read more books about nuns.

jlhammar I loved this one. Have you seen our #NunLitQuarterly posts? You are more than welcome to read along with us for any or all if interested. 1y
BookishShelly @jlhammar No, I hadn't seen the #NunLitQuarterly. Thanks.
BookishShelly @jlhammar Ok, I just checked out the tag (and the NunLit one) and that's great timing. I probably won't get the January pick in time. I just requested it from my library, but it'll have to be sent from another branch. But I should be able to get the next 2 in time. 1y
jlhammar Great! Happy to have you join us whenever you are able. I‘ll be sure to include you on my future #NunLitQuarterly posts. 1y
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At 8 years old and for 30+ years Hildegard, a prophetess, was bricked up into 2 narrow cells with another girl to serve as “anchorites” to a monastery. This book is a fictional account of her true story—of how she managed to gain her freedom and start her own nunnery in #Germany with the patronage of the pope and an archbishop in the 1100s. There is so much to recommend this book—a celebration of women when they had no rights. But if religion ⬇️

Texreader doesn‘t sit well with you, don‘t read it. It demonstrates both the most evil and most glorious sides of religion. I‘m glad I read the history of the Cathars because there are several references to the brutality meted out on them and Hildegard‘s sympathy toward them. An excellent book. #foodandlit @Catsandbooks 1y
jlhammar I loved this one. I'm planning to read Sharratt's more recent novel, Revelations, in February. Really looking forward to it! 1y
JamieArc @PatriciaU sent this as a bonus add-on in my Jolabokaflod package. Your review makes me look forward to reading it even more. 1y
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PatriciaU I was raised as a Catholic with very devout parents and grandparents so nuns were always around. Tbh I was terrified of them when I was little, but have found myself reading about them as an adult. Illuminations was at once horrifying and beautiful. How any of them survived is testament to the resiliency of women through the ages. 1y
Catsandbooks Wow sounds intense! 🇩🇪 1y
Sapphire That sounds recalling interesting 1y
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The Middle Ages were not kind to women

#Germany #foodandlit @Catsandbooks

Catsandbooks Oh yikes 😬😬 1y
JamieArc I just got this book in my Jolabokaflod Swap 😊. Looking forward to it! 1y
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I‘m very excited about focusing on #Germany for #foodandlit this month with its magnificent food (bratwurst tonight), and here are some of the books I may try to read. I‘m starting with the tagged book. Other than my being a 1/4 Swiss, I‘m a lot of German thanks to a large number of my ancestors immigrating from there. And my daughter is a huge fan of Bayern Munich. ⚽️ Welcome December!!

Catsandbooks I love brats! One of my favorite things to grill! 2y
Susanita We have the same Pfaltzgraff plates! 2y
Texreader @Susanita Ocean Breeze! 2y
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Get thee to a nunnery!

Leah‘s post yesterday inspired me to assemble all of my books featuring nuns. If a book has a nun in it, I want to read it! Some of these I‘ve read and loved (like tagged) and some are still TBR. And there are others I hope to acquire soon such as Frost in May by Antonia White, Land of Spices by Kate O‘Brien and Revelations by Mary Sharratt.

Tagging some of my fellow known #NunLit lovers.

batsy Fabulous stack! 😍 You've reminded me about Illuminations which I want to read one day alongside the Penguin edition of Hildegard's writings. (Maybe I need to declare 2023 my year of nun reading, lol) 2y
LeahBergen You really DO have a stack there! 🤣 I have Illuminations and The Anchoress and have read the Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy. Oh, you‘re missing a nunnish Rumer Godden 2y
LeahBergen I also own Matrix and have read Cutting for Stone. 😆 2y
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Kitta Cutting for stone is great 2y
marleed Omg - what an interesting collection of books. I was essentially raised by nuns (my mother having died when I was two. She went to a college that was a feeder into a novitiate (so did I), and she languished in a hospital run by that order for 8 months prior to her death, I went to their schools through college). …My daughter‘s name is Gwenna so of course I had to buy The Guineveres when it came out! 2y
jlhammar @LeahBergen Definitely adding that Godden to my wishlist! 2y
EvieBee Oooh nice collection! There are quite a few that I was somewhat interested in but didn‘t know featured nuns and so now…must buy! Black Narcissus was a great nun book and film! I liked the Audrey Hepburn movie based on this book and read all the Call the Midwife memoir books. So good! (edited) 2y
jlhammar @marleed Wow, thanks for sharing. So sorry you lost your mother so young. Love the name Gwenna! I graduated from a Catholic university and currently work at a different Catholic college for women founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. I was raised Catholic, but am no longer practicing (more of an agnostic now, I guess). I have great respect though for the nuns I've known and an endless fascination with religious/monastic life. 2y
jlhammar @EvieBee Might need to track down a copy of The Nun's Story! I haven't watched the Hepburn film yet either. I love watching Call the Midwife series. I really need to try the books they are based on. Thanks for the recs! Speaking of nuns in films, I finally watched Lilies of the Field (1963 starring Sidney Poitier) earlier this year and loved it. 2y
marleed @jlhammar I too have great respect for nuns. When I think of the nuns that were mentors to me, they were quite liberal in action and chose a life allowing them highly advanced education and careers. I do feel Catholic in my bones - all those saints and the Mary thing. But my worldview no longer allows me to financially support or attend a church that funds issues i find unkind and cannot support. 2y
Caroline2 Oh what a fab looking stack. I love Nun books too, I recent read The Nun‘s Story. It‘s really good! 2y
jlhammar @marleed Yes, exactly, all of that! You might appreciate this documentary if you haven't seen it yet:
jlhammar @Caroline2 Yay, good to know! 2y
Ruthiella That‘s quite a stack! I‘m impressed. 2y
jlhammar @batsy A year of nun reading doesn't sound half bad. Love the pairing idea. You could also listen to some Hildegard while you read, take it to the next level!
AlaMich @leahbergen @EvieBee @batsy I haven‘t seen it mentioned by anyone, and I haven‘t read it myself, but this is another one. 2y
jlhammar @AlaMich Yes, definitely need to get that one! I'm also interested in trying the adaptation (FX mini series from a couple of years ago) once I've read the book. 2y
LeahBergen @AlaMich Yes! That one‘s waiting on my shelves, too. 2y
quietjenn I love #nunlit and now I‘ve so many more to add to the proverbial pile! 2y
EvieBee @jlhammar Okay, that is awesome!!!! I have been saving it for the perfect day (like, why?) and now you‘ve convinced me to do it this weekend. 2y
batsy @jlhammar Thank you for that link! I was intrigued to learn about this musical interpretation of Hildegard from an interview with Susanna Clarke, who said the sounds conjured up the Halls in Piranesi when she was writing it, and it feels like the perfect musical accompaniment to most of #nunlit https://youtu.be/shFXxZf5tNI 2y
batsy @AlaMich I've been meaning to read that for ever so long! There are scenes from the 1947 movie etched in my memory because it used to play on TV every so often when I was a child. Like @jlhammar I want to read it, then check out the new(ish?) series and revisit the film :) 2y
jlhammar @batsy Beautiful. Thanks for sharing! 2y
kspenmoll I realized I have read Illuminations & remember it. So I may try & read a few essays from 2y
jlhammar @kspenmoll That sounds very good. I'll have to add that to my wishlist. Thanks! 2y
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I just spent the $1.99 for the ebook, on sale today, on a whim. Fictionalized story about a real woman, based on contemporaneous writings during her life. It looks really good.

This book will work for #Germany in December for #foodandlit

jlhammar Loved this book. If you enjoyed Matrix and are looking for more strong medieval nuns in your reading life, highly recommend. 2y
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In Sophie‘s World, Hildegard von Bingen is discussed by Albert & Sophie.Consequently, my interest piqued, I read the tagged book & am starting the other by Fox. The novelized version of Hildegard‘s life was built on recorded facts of her life and works.Insightful and well researched, this novel brought this incredible woman to life.Loved this novel.🤍❤️💜

GingerAntics She was a popular add on. Maybe because she was one of the few women mentioned. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I loved learning about her as well. Such good books out on her. 3y
Crazeedi I have illuminations, have not read yet 3y
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Finished the books in top row & the first in 2nd row.
At various stages with the 5 remaining books. #audio #historicalmystery #cozy #sophiesworld #philosophy #poetry #librarybooks

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#sophiesworld #philosophy #bookconnections
Sophie‘s World-along with books I am consulting,reading that seem connected.Read first 2 ch in HofB,1 in which Fox is looking at the relationship between Hildegard‘s world view,writing & Mary Oliver‘s poetry.I think, therefore I Draw has quick summaries & short essays on various philosophers & cartoons expressing their views-lots of fun & Illuminations I started-it‘s a novelized version of HB‘s life.

TheBookHippie I‘m also reading illuminations and Mary 🤍🤍🤍🤍 3y
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie Lots to talk about. I love when you discover new books, new people, new ideas when reading! 3y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll me too it‘s a very favorite 🤍 3y
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My interest waxed and waned as the plot galloped and lolled, but I would read it again. It deals heavily with spirituality and religion, topics I can only take in small doses, but the story is good and solid.

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One of the most fascinating women of the Middle Ages is Hildegard von Bingen, a composer, philosopher and polymath. She was given to the church at age 8 and rebelled against life as a handmaiden by turning to books and writing. #TakeMeToChurch #LyricalApril

LeahBergen @AlaMich and @raeintheworld Have you read this one? 😀 7y
AlaMich @LeahBergen I've heard of her but haven't read this. I will now though. 😊 Sor Juana of Mexico sounds similar: brilliant girl who didn't want to marry so she entered a convent so she could study and write poetry. 7y
LauraBrook I've been interested in Hildegard since high school - so happy to know that this book exists! 7y
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saresmoore I love Hildegard! @LauraBrook 7y
Melissa_J Such a good book! 7y
raeintheworld @LeahBergen I've read some non fiction about Hildegard, but this looks excellent! Thanks! 7y
LeahBergen @AlaMich I've heard of her, too, but haven't read anything about her. 👍🏼 7y
LeahBergen @LauraBrook @saresmoore @Melissa_J Oh, good! I'll have to move it up the TBR. 7y
clbeyer @ReadingMidwife Hey, look! Have you seen this book? 7y
Cinfhen Sounds like a true #renegade 🙌🏻 7y
ReadingMidwife @clbeyer no, but putting it on my TBR. 7y
Suet624 I've read a lot about her. Love her music as well. 7y
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I devoured this entire book during a long flight. It was a cheap ebook deal I bought on a whim, but by doing so I learned a lot about a fascinating historical figure I'd never even heard of previously.