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Lean In
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead | Sheryl Sandberg
Thirty years after women became 50 percent of the college graduates in the United States, men still hold the vast majority of leadership positions in government and industry. This means that womens voices are still not heard equally in the decisions that most affect our lives. In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg examines why womens progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled, explains the root causes, and offers compelling, commonsense solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential. Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and is ranked on Fortunes list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business and as one of Times 100 Most Influential People in the World. In 2010, she gave an electrifying TEDTalk in which she described how women unintentionally hold themselves back in their careers. Her talk, which became a phenomenon and has been viewed more than two million times, encouraged women to sit at the table, seek challenges, take risks, and pursue their goals with gusto. In Lean In, Sandberg digs deeper into these issues, combining personal anecdotes, hard data, and compelling research to cut through the layers of ambiguity and bias surrounding the lives and choices of working women. She recounts her own decisions, mistakes, and daily struggles to make the right choices for herself, her career, and her family. She provides practical advice on negotiation techniques, mentorship, and building a satisfying career, urging women to set boundaries and to abandon the myth of having it all. She describes specific steps women can take to combine professional achievement with personal fulfillment and demonstrates how men can benefit by supporting women in the workplace and at home. Written with both humor and wisdom, Sandbergs book is an inspiring call to action and a blueprint for individual growth. Lean In is destined to change the conversation from what women cant do to what they can. This eBook edition includes a Reading Group Guide.
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I finished this book in 1 day! I want to read it again to take my time with some of the concepts so I can implement them in my own leadership. I especially enjoyed the conversation around female leadership, career building, dual roles, and parenting with a career. All of these topics were relevant to my personal story and helpful as I navigate these waters for myself.


I really enjoyed this. I have also enjoyed reading the wide range of reviews! For me it was inspiring, and gave me a lot of food for thought. And #doublespin #bookspin complete! +16 for #MerryReaders #WinterGames

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
Clwojick ♥️❄️Way to go!❄️♥️ 4y
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Please send good vibes... I think it is time for me to lean.

Crazeedi Oh my just sending you my best wishes and thoughts, stay strong friend 4y
Cosmos_Moon @Crazeedi thank you. 4y
JennyM Thinking of you 😘 4y
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Cosmos_Moon @jennym thank you 🥰 4y
LiteraryinPA Sending you all the good vibes! 💜💜 4y
JessClark78 ❤️❤️ 4y
Cosmos_Moon @JessClark78 & @LiteraryinLititz thank you 🥰 nausea is subsiding a bit and emotions taking over at times, but I am thinking it will be good in the end. 4y
Darthdad Hang in there and fingers crossed that things will be better than you are anticipating 4y
Cosmos_Moon @Darthdad thank you. I‘ve been thinking about it today, and there will be an opportunity here, just depends on how I handle it and executive management decisions 🤞 either way will be more work, so promotion would probably be the best outcome. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I hope this turns out to be good news. 🤞 4y
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This book had some very good points about bringing confidence and realizing your power as a woman, but came from a place of high privilege that I didn‘t really relate to. I don‘t think most people can. It was okay, but I don‘t think I would have read this if it wasn‘t a Women in Maritime Operations book club pick. Book club meeting was a good discussion.

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So I did not read either my October #bookspin or #doublespin this month, and I don‘t think I‘ll get to them. Slow reading month, I guess. I read another from this list instead and started Lean In, because it‘s a Women in Maritime Operations book club book for November discussion. Keeping the same list for November!

@TheAromaofBooks thanks for keeping the bookspin going! Checking off my TBR!

TheAromaofBooks Some months go a different direction than expected!! Glad to have you along for another round!! 4y
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We need to stop telling them “ get a mentor and you will excel”. Instead, we need to tell them, “excel and you will get a mentor”

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I‘m leaning in....while cleaning my bookcases.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 Took me a while to get through this for various reasons, but definitely resonated with me as a single working mom.

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#NamasteNovember Day9 #SpinePoem2
Lean in, Love Warrior.
This is Where I Leave You.


And since it‘s #NFNov I finally read the tagged after 6 years on my TBR. The information remains meaningful - even though the author (and come to think of it, me too) has a life now she couldn‘t have anticipated then. Come to think of it, Glennon Doyle has had significant life changes since she authored her book, as well!

Eggs Great poem! Lovely post! 5y
marleed @Eggs Thanks. It‘s so rude, but it came together while building Poem1 and I couldn‘t resist! 5y
Eggs Nothing wrong with that 5y
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Velvetfur That was very clever! 5y
Nute You told me this was coming in my Spine Poem #1 post. I don‘t see it as rude. I see it as motivating with direct advice. I like it! 5y
Amiable I haven‘t read the book, so I‘m not sure exactly what is advocated. But a few years ago my place of employment started Lean In Circles for women who were already directors or above (which kind of misses the point, in the opinion of those of us who are not up there yet). And last week it was just announced that they would be starting additional Lean In Circles —for men. 😠 Which REALLY pissed off a significant chunk of the women folk. (edited) 5y
marleed @Nute oh I was hoping you‘d see my take - thanks! It really is fun to look at the titles as just words and do your own take on it! 5y
marleed @Amiable I wonder what Sheryl Sandberg would say to your perspective. She does seem to be speaking to women who strive to lead. I bet she‘d suggest you won‘t find your mentors at that company! I get that people in management positions should be continually trained to lead and not simply manage. But to exclude non management from leadership training creates a schism that‘s difficult if not impossible to cross. 5y
SilversReviews Very good. 5y
marleed @SilversReviews I love looking at my books for some spine poetry. I tend to put my sights on one book and stick with it for an idea. It‘s interesting to me when it veers away from the context of the actual stories. 5y
SilversReviews @marleed It is fun. 5y
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I absolutely loved it! I highly recommend this book to any working women who are at ANY stage in their career. It really opens your mind to think about important topics such as women in the workplace, struggles we still face to this day, and women supporting women (as well as men and women supporting each other). I loved it so much I‘m buying several copies to give to family and friends who I think should read it!

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An inspirational and affirming read. As someone looking to have children soon and not leaving my job, hearing the advice on doing both was helpful to me and to share with my husband. The statistics were frustrating and enlightening. I especially found it interesting that there is no difference in child well being with a stay at home mom versus a working mom. And unfortunately true that queen bee women bring us all down.

TrishB I haven‘t read so it‘s only a personal comment, but I think it‘s about choice and being happy with that that has the biggest influence on your children! Also, there is never a perfect solution or upbringing! 5y
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Such a good book! ❤ Gave me so much to think about. This book feels so real and it's written so well! I highly recommend this to anyone interested in reflecting their careers or hoping to find out how to go forward with life. 😊

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So true!

Maria514626 That book! It revealed so much. And I learned so much. 👍 5y
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I wonder what thoughts these kind of books bring to men who read them? 🤔

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Started this. I work in a field (IIoT) that consists mostly of men. Reading books like this makes me feel conflicting. I'm so lucky to live somewhere where these things are a bit easier than in some other places but I still recognize many of the issues in this book and others like it. The road seems to be long. Sometimes I wish I wasn't the only woman around in each meeting, team and project. ☹

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Amazing Book!! Every chapter was thought provoking (as you can see from my many post it notes). Whether your a woman trying to rise in the corporate world or dedicated to raising children this is a must read. We should all lean in - all the way!

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Recommended to me so giving it a go!

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Such a warm and beautiful person!!

Thrilled. Inspired. Happy

She may even participate in our #ChristmasBookSwap

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Already a little dated (published in 2013), but Sandberg presents a solid argument for why women should lean in at work and describes how to find a (better) work-life balance while raising a family.

Read May 7-12
Book 26/55

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This just in my mailbox! Yay! Thanks @Rachel.Rencher !!!!😍🌼🍩

Rachel.Rencher Yaaay! You're welcome 🤗❤ 6y
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This was a really insightful look into current feminism and the culture in our world presently. She really shows why it is so important to fight for women‘s rights and not back down and she gives great ideas on how to move forward every day. Really informative and comprehensive read.


Perfect for people looking to balance their lives and strive at work. The idea of “having it all”, is myth-busted with facts, statistics and personal examples. A great read for all, also a lot of focus on parenthood struggles among professionals.

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Grit, tenacity, passion does not equal bossy 💪🏼

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Oh my gosh you guys, I feel like I've been working nonstop for over a month now. I've already been across the country and back on business trips, and I have more scheduled. I leave for the Oregon coast on Thursday (any tips on what to do in my free time?), and even my reading material has been business related.

I'm about 50 pages in to Lean In, and it's insightful. After this, though, I'm going to have to read a fun book before I burn out. 😂

JennyM I have this waiting for me next. I‘ve had a horror work month as well...hoping to get some insights from Lean In. Take good care of yourself. 6y
Blueberry Will you be close to Portland? Go to Powell's Books. 6y
Rachel.Rencher @JennyM Thanks Jenny, you too. ❤ I'm learning how important self care is day by day! 6y
Rachel.Rencher @Blueberry I'll be a bit south of Portland, but I've been to Powells and love it! ❤ 6y
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A very supportive book for women and men alike. I found myself nodding during the entire audiobook, as I‘ve done so many of the things that contribute to my situation as a woman. After listening, I sat at the table with defiance and confidence that I was meant to be there and I‘m definitely leaning in. Absolutely worth a listen/read.


A really good book for those womens that need to empowered themselves! Makes you to be aware about a couple of things that we as womens "suffer" without realizing it!


Listening to this is exactly what I‘ve needed for the last few weeks! So good for moms, graduates, or women of all kinds!

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Erfolg bedeutet, so gute Entscheidungen wie möglich zu treffen.. und diese dann zu akzeptieren

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"Wrnn man Ihnen einen Platz in einem Raumschiff anbietet, fragen Sie nicht naxh dem genauen Sitz. Steigen Sie einfach ein"


This book gave me the confidence to quit my corporate, 6 figure job wherein I was constantly reminded of my younger age and “incorrect” gender. I know not where my place is, but step one was to admit I had not found it yet. Often times, taking the first step to leave is the most difficult. After reading Sheryl‘s journey, I decided that if she could do it, so could I. And I did.

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I wish I hadn‘t waited so long to read this book. I feel empowered and determined after listening to Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg‘s words. I wish I had this in print because I know it would be marked up with yellow highlights so I could flip through to feel the inspiring words when I need them. I‘m ready to start sitting at the table and stop holding back because I feel like my opinion doesn‘t matter yet. It does just as much as anyone else‘s.

MarriedtoMrT I haven‘t read this yet but you should look into Nell Scovell‘s memoir, too. She helped with Lean In and talks about being a female comedy writer in a very “bro” world (my word, not hers). 6y
Kaylamburson Ohh thanks, @MarriedtoMrT! I‘ll check it out. I‘m always looking for inspiring nonfiction, especially with ideals I can apply to my life and career. Or at least serves as a reminder that we aren‘t feeling these inequalities alone. 6y
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Starting the morning commute with an encouraging career guide. It‘s time to “lean in” at work!

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I wish...I could have read this book 20 years ago. I believe my life would have been so much more...fulfilling. Passing this one on to a younger generation. Hopefully, they learn to "Lean In."

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"What would you do if you weren't afraid?"
Afraid of failure, judgement, overreaching, appearing unlikeable? This book brings up powerful questions for women and men about our perspectives and unconscious biases that are keeping us from achieving true equality in the workplace and the home.

rather_be_reading been hearing abt this book 6y
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larah17 This book looks so interesting! 6y
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Finally! Finally it is spring-like enough to get out patio furniture and enjoy the sun. Farewell to the longest winter ever! 👋🖑🐞🐝🌷🌞🌞

mrozzz Looks GREAT 6y
RaimeyGallant I'm so curious about this book. I've read several snarky references and criticisms about it in the past few weeks. 6y
staci.reads @RaimeyGallant I've also read the criticisms. Most of the ones I've seen take issue with 1 of 2 things: her privileged perspective or the belief that she's blaming women for their lot. I didn't find either one an issue. She acknowledges her privilege throughout, talking about how she's been blessed with support, opportunity, and means. I didn't feel it made her points any less valid. 6y
staci.reads @RaimeyGallant I also didn't get the "blame" vibe at all. It was about empowerment and letting go of the societal ideas about our own worth. For me, it served as a timely reminder. 6y
RaimeyGallant Good to know. I'm generally wary of snark and prefer to make up my own mind. I just find it interesting how often this title is popping up. 6y
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Does anyone have any suggestions for books that have helped during a job search? I've been applying for new jobs since November and unemployed (except temp stuff) since January. I've been getting some interviews, but keep getting rejection after rejection, including two today. I'd like to read something with practical tips or even just motivation since I'm becoming less and less confident that I'll find a decent job.

BarbaraTheBibliophage I wish I had an idea off the top of my head. It sounds like a truly difficult time. I‘ll give books some thought...hopefully I‘ll think of some! ❤️ 6y
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#Aprella Day 17; These lady bosses are #BusyEarning and while I haven‘t read these two yet, I hope to get to them at one point in time. Am sure they will find me at the right time. Here‘s a longer reading list of books that deal with female bosses: https://www.elle.com/culture/books/g29752/best-business-books-by-women/

Cinfhen 💪🏼👊🏼 6y
Mdargusch Great choices! 👍🏼 6y
emilyhaldi Awesome! 💰💰 6y
Reviewsbylola ♥️♥️♥️ 6y
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Super excited to start on this!

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I‘m 5yrs late to this party, but this is a great read so far. Thought provoking but also infinitely infuriating.

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"When I don't feel confident, one tactic I've learned is that it sometimes helps to fake it"