Lumberjanes vol 5
This one didn't have the camaraderie in like the other's bit still a good read.
Lumberjanes vol 5
This one didn't have the camaraderie in like the other's bit still a good read.
Edited for plot.The campers meet some merfolks down by the lake. Ripley wants nothing more than to more than to add sparkles to a dress for a party. April senses friction between a pair of merfolk and tries to help them reconnect. She learns a lesson as it relates to her friends when she ignores her friends' wants & needs. I loved the logistical questions of an underwater music fest.
#CrushTheRush #NovelNovember #ProgressItNovember @Andrew65
Thanks for the tag @MommyWantsToReadHerBook
❤Two Negative Covid tests & puppy cuddles!
🧜♀️🧜♂️Girls at camp meet Merfolk. Chaos ensues.
@eggs #wondrouswednesday on Thursday
Flower snow! 🌸🌸
Despite some fantastic punk mermaids 🧜♀️, I thought this was one of the weaker volumes in the series. I really did not like the change in illustration style. The first issue in this volume was the best, which gave some backstory into each girl‘s arrival at camp.
It‘s the first time since we began self-quarantining 1 1/2 weeks ago that I was able to sit down with a cup of tea and a book after breakfast.
A small daily ritual can be soothing during times like this, and sorely missed when it doesn‘t happen. I‘m glad I am finally able to incorporate this back into my daily life.
1 - Read as much Lumberjanes as I can on Scribd. Read a Brandon Sanderson novel. Decide if I am finishing or putting aside a couple books left over from February.
2 - Not really. I used to when I blogged but now I just read for fun.
GN Challenge: 9/366
Lumberjanes vol 5 was a decent addition to the collection but definitely not the strongest which is sad because this is the last volume that founder Noelle Stevenson worked on. Overall, it was enjoyable and I'm looking forward to the future volumes.
#graphicnovel #grpahicnovels #comics #libraryread #lumberjanes
But shouldn‘t we have a Little Mermaid reference here, instead of Aladdin?
I‘m still on the fence about this series, and this volume didn‘t help any. I really liked the backstory, seeing each girl arriving at camp, but the merband thing just didn‘t work me. I did really like seeing Jo confront April, in a loving way, about her selfish behavior. That was A+ friendship right there.
Also, HATED the change in artwork.
It‘s been a while since I read the last volume of Lumberjanes, but the gang is still delightful. The issue featured mermaids in the camp lake who are in a band. Charming!
I disliked the artwork in volume 3, and was so pleased when the usual look returned in vol. 4. But in volume 5 the characters can hardly be recognised! What the Noelle Stevens is up with all the guest artists in this series?
Guys! I finally earned one of my Lumberjane badges!!!! Now I can sew it on to my canvas bag😁😁😁😁😁😁
Best present ever!!! @RyanWalsh
This was a waste of time in the grand scheme of things 😑 the only thing really relevent to the whole story was the beginning, in a flashback where they're all arriving at camp.
Ripley's always been my favorite, but I love her even more after seeing this hectic crowd she lives with. Poor kiddo! 🙀
Merpeople! What more can I say? Another fun Lumberjanes volume. Also, I have been attempting to eat healthy so a Naked juice this one ing instead of doughnuts. Just not as satisfying.
Doing Friday night up right. Husband is at a work dinner so I am curled in bed with Lumberjanes!
Yes I did just stay up until midnight solely to wait for my Hoopla checkout to reset so I could grab Vol. 5. I get off at 1 on Friday and plan to read the afternoon away! Happy March!
Not sure how I feel about the art shift in vol. 5, but this adorably fun (and magical) comic still makes me so happy! It's been the perfect light, uplifting read these past few days
It was ok, but still enjoyable. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Let‘s Dance ( you can kind of see that they‘re dancing in the second window) #speechbubblechallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon @TricksyTails @Clwojick
Well...after the experience that was I Hate Fairyland, I think it‘s time for something a little lighter...and less bloody. #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongReadathon
The lumberjanes and rock‘n‘roll mermaids: I‘m in heaven 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Between these two and The Dragon with the Chocolate Heart, it's been a wonderful week of reading for me!
Every series has them, and IMO this is a bit of a dip (pun not intended 😉). I can‘t say why; it was still funny and fun, and the art was still fantastic, but it just didn‘t work this time.
I‘m loving this series and can‘t read it fast enough! This also might be my favourite cover! #currentlyreading #graphicnovel
Catching up on my reading! Already finished Descender Vol. 1, so I'm going to curl up with this one before I immerse myself in The Silmarillion for the evening.
Stopped by the library and picked up a few things. Lumberjanes was my hold copy and the other three I snagged from the library sale shelves.
I got a new shortbox to hold all my Lumberjanes, so I threw on some stickers I had laying around. Just FYI, there is such a thing as Cat Sticker Club and Feminist Sticker Club.
YASSSSS! Loved it! Mermaids and Glitter plus some more background on how our favourite lumberjanes came to be at camp... ✨✨✨✨✨
Don't mess with April - she's read all the mermaid books 😂😂😂😂
Finally getting around to this volume of Lumberjanes! It is very overdue 😰
Getting into a new Lumberjanes! 🌲 🏹🎣🛶🎀 These ladies are all #heroes! #septembowie
More #bookmail. I might have a book buying problem. #cantstopwontstop #anditsaugust
I was reading my own book when I heard the 6yo ask, "which one do you want to be?" and so I went over to see what the boys were up to, were they deciding which Lumberjane they liked?
They were picking which sea monster they wanted to be
Love the story, super annoyed by the artwork change. I really wish they would stick with one illustrator. The cartoony look doesn't fit the story. They should look like the cover of this volume. It's still a pick and I'm going to continue reading but be aware I will probably b*tch about the artwork again.
Not digging the artwork change, far too cartoony.
5⭐️this one is my favorite so far!!😍
I love that this one showed how to handle a confrontation/disagreement with your friends and how easy it should be to apologize.
Also MERMAIDS!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍💜💜💜😍😍😍
My reading matter for a lazy Sunday afternoon on the sofa. Gotta love the #Lumberjanes crew. #amreading #graphicnovels