Easter-themed in title only! This is my fourth Rash. I liked it more than The Cove, but Serena‘s still my favorite. This one‘s also dark. What can I say—I‘m a sucker for novels with doctors as villains...Happy Easter for those who celebrate it!!
Easter-themed in title only! This is my fourth Rash. I liked it more than The Cove, but Serena‘s still my favorite. This one‘s also dark. What can I say—I‘m a sucker for novels with doctors as villains...Happy Easter for those who celebrate it!!
In 1969, two brothers in rural North Carolina fall under the spell of a young woman who seems to embody the free spirit of the time. Years later, the brothers couldn't be more different and a body that rises to the surface will bring tension and memories. Rash is a gifted writer and his talent is on display in this short novel.
My weekend reading schedule was completely hijacked by Ron Rash's newest novel, THE RISEN. When I heard him speak at the Decatur Book Festival, he mentioned that he started his writing life as a poet, which totally makes sense to me. His writing sweeps you up and takes you into deeply lyrical places before you're even aware it happening.
Short, haunting story about two brothers and a girl. Pictured is the town the story takes place, a mountain town that has stayed essentially the same for the past century. I love Rash's prose and feel such nostalgia for the area he writes about. Finished this one in a little over a day.
Books read in January. It was a pretty productive month 😄My favorites: The Known World; The Leavers; Sing, Unburied, Sing; and We, the Drowned.
"...or go to Malaprop's and buy a book." That happens to be exactly where I bought this book! Great indie bookstore! #Asheville #Malaprops
Unexpected day off!! Was supposed to do a 4 hour drive this morning but woke to a black ice weather advisory in effect for the next couple hours. I hope to finish this book & then I'll drive later.
This novel was alright. I feel like I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't know all the spoilers from Ron himself (he is one of my professors). I believe that the experience would have been completely different had I gone in without previous knowledge. I recommend giving it a go, maybe it could be better for you.
Everyone's posts about upcoming reading inspired me to make one of my own. This is what I hope to read this month. October I barely read anything since I was sick. Here's hoping November is better.
Signed 1st edition book haul from the weekend. I already owned Mischling but when I saw a signed copy I had to buy it again. Problem?? @Well-ReadNeck I'm blaming you for Ron Rash. 😂 😜I had never heard of him before #dbf2016, but you talked so highly of his writing that I had to give him a try.
#dbf2016 Still working my way through my TBR from the Decatur Book Festival. I just love Rash's writing. This is no exception. 👍🏼
Loving this book! I'm right there on the creek bank with them-and then glad I'm not really, when it all falls apart!
Today's haul. Probably a good thing that I went to the grocery store before I went to Joseph-Beth 😬. I had a great time, though!! #nosuchthingastoomanybooks #bookhaul
You know those embarrassing author stories? I saw Ron Rash sitting alone at a bar a few years ago in Charleston. He was watching college football. I sat next to him because I'm a creep like that. After an awkward ten minutes (on my end), I asked if I could buy him a drink. He shook his head, and pointed at the TV. Weeps. Sorry, Mr. Rash.
Thoroughly enjoyed this one. As with all of the Ron Rash novels I've read, they move quickly and precisely through the darkness and back into the light. The struggles with alcohol are heavy in this one. Those newly sober may find it a wee-tad too real.
Coming up next on "My Leg, What I'm Reading, and What I'm Drinking." The alternate title, "Sorry Kids, No Groceries This Week. Daddy went to Chop Suey Books" did not test well amongst left-handed teens with eye roll disorder. In all seriousness, Ron Rash kicks ash.
4.5⭐️. The Risen is a powerful story of 2 brothers & how the choices they made early in their teens lead them down vastly different paths. It's a story of secrets kept & revealed. Ron Rash is a masterful storyteller & writer. When reading his works I can always visualize the story. The Risen did not disappoint.
4.5⭐️. The Risen is a powerful story of 2 brothers & how the choices they made early in their teens lead them down vastly different paths. It's a story of secrets kept & revealed. Ron Rash is a masterful storyteller & writer. When reading his works I can always visualize the story. The Risen did not disappoint.
Just returned from the book launch party for this book at M. Judson in Greenville, SC, and got to spend time talking to one of my fav bookish friends who I usually just chat with online for my podcast! Awesome.
Launch party for #RonRash at M. Judson Booksellers & Storytellers in Greenville, SC!
I was waiting in line to buy THE RISEN before the signing and was trying to post this to Litsy. I looked up for a second when the line moved and continued standing there. I heard a "Hey"—Ron Rash was standing right in front of me! I jumped and put my hand on my chest, startled out of my mind. Apparently, I had been standing in the signing line the whole time! ??
The gorgeous church sanctuary where @autumnprivett and I will be seeing Ron Rash, Alexander Chee, and Kaitlyn Greenidge!! 😍🎉📚
#dbf2016 #DecaturBookFestival
RON RASH!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #dbf2016
He's so charming. Telling stories about his hometown in 1969 and the local paper reported a "hippy sighting"; buying love beads in Myrtle Beach to look cool.
Ooooh, the schedule and guide is in today's AJC. I guess I'll have to spend the afternoon planning next weekend! (I'm definitely planning to pick up Ron Rash's latest, The Risen, which will launch at the festival #dbf2016
New Novel coming soon from one of my favorite authors!- Ron Rash!
The Decatur Book Festival announced its author line up this week. Can't wait to see Ron Rash and read his new novel. The festival is the largest independent book festival in the country September 2-4. It's fabulous!! www.decaturbookfestival.com