Oh, I loved this one! Mamas and sons, fathers and sons, and two special cows that show us how we should be.
This one is rough. I loved As I Lay Dying, The Town books, The Sound and the Fury, and others, but this one is not gripping me with the language for some reason. I have about a third of it left though.
Oh, this was a good one! This book kept me wondering until the last page. Tessa went through the most horrible nightmare, but by the end I was wondering if it had really happened, if she was crazy, or if somebody she knew or loved could have done this to her. I'll be looking for more from Julia Heaberlin!
Really enjoying this book! What's better than old rekindled romances and a treasure hunt?
Loving this followup to The Inheritance. Loni travels from America to the Shetland Islands when she hears that she has received an inheritance from a long lost relative. There are those on the island who are trying to trick her out of the inheritance. She's learning about the family she never knew, and hopefully will learn about the deceivers before it's too late.
Just finished this. It's amazing how different people can see the same relationship. I loved Irenie's strength and was fascinated by Brodis' unchristian "Christian" view of Irenie's actions. I also loved the New York Times article that told how much of this story is based on truth!
I don't know how much time I'll have for reading this year, but a girl's gotta dream, right?! My TBR stack for #readathon @DeweysReadathon
Loving this book! I'm right there on the creek bank with them-and then glad I'm not really, when it all falls apart!
Chester sighed. We are talking about mountains that have been here for ten thousand years. Mountains that have defined us for generations. They were the one constant in this scratch-a-living life of ours, and now three are gone. Just gone.