I have read so many books since the first of January!!! Covid triggered POTS for me and I can‘t work right now. It‘s been a struggle to even function like a normal person....
So here‘s to rereading one of my favorite books for my teenage years!!!!
I have read so many books since the first of January!!! Covid triggered POTS for me and I can‘t work right now. It‘s been a struggle to even function like a normal person....
So here‘s to rereading one of my favorite books for my teenage years!!!!
Totally love this series!!! Great characters, good story and great scenes!!! I‘m already 4 books in to the series!
Looking for a book with a very vague description.... series about a witch knight vampire and shapeshifter. The vampire and shapeshifter are in love. Shapeshifter can turn into a dolphin. They meet up to train and save the world. I thought it was the circle trilogy by Nora roberts but that‘s not it. Can anyone help?
What an amazing read!! If you like erotic romance this book is for you. Not a long read, but the characters have spark! The chemistry was there from the beginning. I couldn't put it down... Started and finished it yesterday.
Started a new series... Let's see how it goes. I will keep you updated.
One of my father's favorite series, he's been gone almost a year now... To deal with my grief and anxiety I'm rereading them as well. Here's to like 1000 times of reading this series.
Starting a new book today.. hope it's a good one
Starting a new book... Love reading on Sunday evenings! Hoping this book grabs me and doesn't let me go
Been missing for awhile. My father passed away last week after a battle with COPD. Can't seem to find a book I. An enjoy right now... Usually reading is my get away. Kind of lost
What an amazing book. Thrilling, fast paced, and wonderful characters.
Who killed Ella? Twists and turns you won't except. Full lively characters that you can't help but like and question. A stoeuline I couldn't put down!!! Read in 24 hours!!!
What heart wrenching journey! It was hard to not skip pages to hurry and find out what happens... I love a book that grips me this way!
My heart hurts for all involved in the story. The tragedy of their lives. The pain, suffering and bravery! The abuse and fear I felt thru my whole body. Such an amazing read. Full of road trips, love, pain, understanding, fear and anger. I highly recommend reading this. @WednesdayBooks #findsadie #readsadie
What heart wrenching journey so far!!! I can't put it down...... I have so many feels reading this! Anger, fear, sadness, compassion, understanding, and a n urge to wrap my arms around Sadie... Will be finished soon!!? Thank you @WednesdayBooks #findsadie #readsadie #arc
Loving Sadie!! What a great read so far... Taking awhile to read with health issues in the family to deal with but Everytime I get a chance I have to read a few pages!!! I already have so many feels for the characters. My heart hurts for them and races for them at the same time. What an exciting book.
@WednesdayBooks #findsadie #readsadie #arc
Power steering went out... So reading #findsadie while I wait in a parking lot #arc#sadie @WednesdayBooks
Hard to read anything right now... Taking care of a terminally ill parent kills all joy!
Just received Sadie in the mail. I can't wait to start reading it...
#readsadie #bookmail #findsadie
Just finished!!! What an amazing read.... Been gone awhile so hello to everyone!!!
Been a long week! Started this while at the hospital with my gma!! Been staying with her and being her care giver at home for days now! She's terminal.... now I just can't read? 😭
Still not sure what to think about this book.... over half way through it!!
Ok so it's starting out soooo slow please someone tell me it gets better?????
Starting a new book today!! Joined the library's summer reading program... one of the books to read is one you would normally read
Reading is an escape for me!!! A lot of stressers in my life right now, about to lose my house, lost insurance coverage, and having to move somewhere!!
Sure hope this calms my heart and mind lol
My 12 yr old daughters reads for the next 2 weeks! Hope she likes them
A book I can't put down!!! I love James Patterson!!!!!!!! 😜
The joy of homeschooling.... this is my morning after a week off!
My tbr pile!!! It seems to keep getting bigger!! This doesn't touch what's on my kindle .....
Finished book two a little while ago...
Is it bad I'd rather start the third book instead of going to bed with the hubs? Lol😂
Went camping this week by a trout river, right after they stocked it! So decided to start a new book.... 300 pages in. What are you reading?
Wow!! Major eye opener! Loved the book. Made me cry, made me worry how my daughter will do as she grows older. Gave me ideas of questions to ask and signs to look for. I will continue to teach my kids even more about actions and words and how they affect others!
You don‘t know what goes on in anyone‘s life but your own. And when you mess with one part of a person‘s life, you‘re not messing with just that part. Unfortunately, you can‘t be that precise and selective. When you mess with one part of a person‘s life, you‘re messing with their entire life. Everything. . . affects everything.
Wow!! I don't even know where to begin. I haven't finished the book yet.
But I remember my struggles in high school especially after moving so much. This story touches home for me and so many others!! No one knows how what they do or don't do affects others, and sometimes we don't pay attention to others changes at all!
I believe it should be a required read for all kids at the first of every school year!!!
Starting a new book tonight! Hands are to sore to crochet anymore today!!
Starting a new book! Haven't read or shared here in awhile, got busy crocheting!
Glad to be back!!!!
It was an ok book... one I just had to keep reading. I needed to know what happened.... but lacking alittle
Seriously loving this book!!!! Have to make myself put it down and do my stay at home mom/homeschool mom duties lmao!! It always takes me awhile to finish.
Started a new book today!!! And can't seem to put it down
Wow!!! A great book.... loved the feels!!! I love a good mystery, with love, turmoil, a doubt! This book delivered it all. And when I thought I had it figured out, nope blindsided again!!
I highly recommend this book....
My daughter reads about important powerful women once a month... so for Halloween she chose to be Rosie the Riveter!!! Next year... Joan of arc!!! So proud of my little lady
I have a book hang over... the book I just finish makes it hard to just jump in for another read. They all sound good, don't know where to start...
Which one would you read? Tell me where to start
WOW!!!' Such an amazing series!!!! So sad there's not a third book yet!!!
I have a book hangover, so many feels, so many questions with no answers!!!
I SO RECOMMEND reading this series
And starting the second book as I'm waiting at the hospital for the hubby!!!
What an amazing read!!! I love J.R. Wards BDB series and this is right at the top of my list. It's page turning action and adventure.. few books make me yell at characters with such anger this one did. I am totally invested in the characters and how the rest of the story will play out! Can't wait to get the next book!!