#Wardens2024 #ReadAway2024 #ReadMyRoom
An excellent read/listen for all true fans🥰 Now to locate & watch as much of Robin‘s work as humanly possible.
#Wardens2024 #ReadAway2024 #ReadMyRoom
An excellent read/listen for all true fans🥰 Now to locate & watch as much of Robin‘s work as humanly possible.
According to the author of this book, Robin was someone who thrived on making people laugh yet at the same time could be deeply insecure and was difficult to get to know on a one-on-one level. I enjoyed reading about all of his amazing films:Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society, Mrs. Doubtfire, Good Will Hunting, Aladdin. Reading about the last few months leaving up to the end of his life was heartbreaking and I hope he is finally at peace.
Wow! This epic story captures all of the layered elements of Robin Williams‘ expansive talent, unique personality, and special heart and exceeded all expectations. The author spoke with Robin often over the years and many of his friends and family spoke with him to about their relationships with Robin and it brought so much life and understanding to the biography. Beautifully written, I highly recommend it for comedy fans. #Roll100 #BookspinBingo
Alright, I only got 39% of the way into this book, and I couldn‘t do it anymore. I didn‘t like the narrator at all. Robin William‘s life choices were increasingly upsetting. I only knew of him through his dramatic/comedic movie roles like Jumanji, Mrs. Doubtfire, Aladdin, What Dreams May Come, etc. So hearing about his cocaine and alcohol use, excessive infidelity with his wife, and depraved stand-up routines was too much for me.
1. Niagara Falls (Canadian side), Letchworth State Park, and Cedar Point amusement park.
2. Listening to music and coloring.
3. Tagged.
4. That I have a little peace and quiet for a few more days until my parents come back from vacation.
1. I mainly read the blurb of the book to decide if I want to read/buy it.
2. This is probably my favorite autobiography I‘ve read (so far). If you do decide to listen to it on audio, I‘d recommend listening on one of the fastest speeds. The narrator almost sounds like Robin at times.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Robin Williams‘s iconic career spanned decades. His brand of comedy was so eccentric, causing an immediate standout from peers. He was a damned good actor, too. I had somehow completely forgotten about Dead Poets Society! Must rewatch soon. I‘m saddened by the suffering he endured toward the end of his life. Only he can truly understand. Whether you‘re a massive fan or not, this is a fascinating biography of a unique, challenging life.
Gosh I miss Robin, his warmth, humor and all the joyfulness he made us feel. There are many details in the book including what‘s behind the tragic ending of his life that I didn‘t know...
I just think, feeling all alone in life is a dark moment we‘ve all been to. How can we know better if loved ones were there and needed us to pull them out? How can we respond better? Just finished the latest season of The Sinner...and this has been on my mind...
These are the books/audiobooks I finished during this crazy, forgetful year. I believe this is the most books I've read so far. I'm proud of that! In this coming New Year, I'm not going to set any reading goal because it's just unessecary pressure.
I hope 2021 is a better year for all of you! I am grateful to have found this awesome community. Stay healthy and safe! 😊
I loved all 3 of these books. Would definitely recommend them!
“I used to think the worst thing in life is ending up all alone. It isn‘t. The worst thing in life is ending up with people that make you feel all alone.”
#bookndinner #biography
🍽 sweet potato chili
This is one of the best biographies I've read/listened to. There was a roller coaster of emotions ranging from laugh-out-loud laughter to tear-jerking sadness. I thoroughly enjoyed the narrator; he kind of brought Robin's voice to life. I should mention that I listened to the audiobook at 1.4 speed. I think it's the perfect speed for this book.
RIP Robin
“Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs.”
Addiction is all around us... sadly we lost Robin, this was his quote... I honestly can‘t think of anyone in my family without an addiction except my 94 yr old grandmother, me, and my two kids. It would be easy to have an #addiction in this crazy world. My addiction is books and sleep and right now I prefer the latter. I hope if you or anyone you know seeks help for their addiction👇🏻
Some laugh out loud moments, many tragic, some surprising elements are in this bio of, IMO, a comic genius. His early life, marriages, personal and professional doubts, and death are detailed. I always worried about Williams cracking and breaking.
Last night I was having a hard time getting to sleep after trying (and failing) to get the kid to bed. So I just randomly grabbed a few books to read bits out of to try to get to sleep on top of the audiobook I was listening to earlier last night and I just realized today that they all basically have the same color scheme 🏳 😴
I started this book a while ago (i.e. May 2018 😳) and picked it back up recently. It started with Robin‘s childhood which was somewhat sad, but I enjoyed reading about his career and learned more about what really happened at the end of his life. I have such fond memories of watching Mork and Mindy as a child and I loved Mrs. Doubtfire. Although I noticed a few editing/grammatical errors towards the end, I highly recommend this biography!
Helen!!! Thank you so much for all of these goodies!! I love the socks, lotion, and facial mask!! Can‘t wait to use them!! And the book! I‘m still so sad about his passing 😪 thanks so much for your thoughtfulness ❤️😘❤️😘
Finally finished this morning. Cried like a baby through the last 100 pages. The whole book read as I hoped it would - a gentle and honest telling of a man who was as gentle as he was frenetic. I didn‘t want to finish because I wanted to spend more time with Robin. Guess I‘ll go watch some movies now.
My morning reading got interrupted by a 3 hour long fire alarm for no reason in my complex so I‘m trying again this morning. I also figured out my friend who gifted me this book managed to get me a first edition. 🤗😊
This is incredibly informative and marvelously written. Combine Fred Berman's excellent narration and you get a Fantastic end product.
A gut wrenching account of the life, trials and tribulations, and subsequent suicides of a one in a million American treasure. Williams is one of the greatest geniuses of our time and his light burned fast and furious, sputtered and was capped all too soon. This still is from What Dreams May Come, which destroyed me after his death, and is based on the Richard Matheson novel of the same name.
Ugh, ugly crying all over again. What a lonely life Williams led at the very end of his life, struggling with depression and an absentee wife who doesn't seem to given enough attention to a severely ill person. My heart hurts. Williams was the first celebrity death to make me cry, but Chris Cornell was only the second.
Now that the #Litsypocalypse is over, I can relax a little... After 15 hours, I ditched The Great Bridge. It was full of so much information, I was zoning out. I decided to go for this, even though I'm sure I won't be able to keep it together. ☹
Belated birthday gift from my friends while I was in Michigan in late August. I miss Robin as if I knew him.
I have 10 minutes in for my physical fitness. Going to try to break it up today. my calf after 10 minutes was on fire. I don't know what I did but it is so tight even after stretching. This has been a tough round for me, but I will still push forward. #BFCr3 #stayingpositive
Because my reading room is nowhere near ready, I feel somewhat justified/guilty for this tiny Costco book haul today. 🙈📚🥰
I adore Robin Williams and many of his movies are some of my all-time favorites. This book gives the reader a very in-depth look at Robin's life from birth through death. The author doesn't shy away from the darkness in Robin's life and I really appreciated that. Great read for fans of his works. Although it isn't an easy read, it is worth it.
An interesting, enlightening, difficult, entertaining, heartbreaking read. The only thing I can say is Robin Williams was someone special with a quick but complicated mind, and if you‘re a fan of him it‘s certainly worth a look.
“Robin Williams, what a concept.” - Billy Crystal
I really had high hopes for a good read on robin Williams but this book is not it.
This book wandered off and started mixing with everything else, lost me instantly.
I've never been a fan of Robin Williams as a actor or comedian he was good in Peter Pan but terrible in Mrs Doughtfire and i have to admit I've never been interested in anything else of his.
#myreview #librarybook 📚
I've got a long way before I reach the same as the rest of you but this makes me proud of my reading 📚🤗🙏💖
#readingstats #enjoyreading #stories #bookfriends #litsyfamily
Happy world book Day 🤗 (sending hugs to all you books brothers and sisters)
So I'm starting this tonight it's a chunky book about 2 inches thick!!
I was never a fan of Robin William's I hated his comedy and films but I was so shocked when he died, I am a huge supporter of ending the stigma around #mentalhealth and I do encourage people to talk more about it. 🙏🤗
#librarybook #autobiography
What are you reading for #worldbookday 📚
As a lifelong fan of Robin Williams, I needed this book.
This book serves to remind the reader of the wonderful, loving man Robin Williams was. He had his problems, he had his hang ups, and all of that is okay. He was a ray of sunshine, and it‘s taken me a long time to be able to even watch his movies again, because they just remind me of how missed he is (and that‘s just by his fans - his family has us all surpassed).
Robin at Juilliard, rehearsing for a production of A Midsummer Night‘s Dream.
Why do I feel like he‘s a sort of perpetual Puck (aptly, also named Robin)? I can‘t imagine how amazing it would have been to see him do Shakespeare. It would have been brilliant!!!
#daveitzkoff #robin #robinwilliams #juilliard #shakespeare #amidsummernightsdream #shakespearereadalong
Oh wow, it was even more complicated than Parkinson‘s disease.
#daveitzkoff #robin #robinwilliams #parkinsonsdisease #lewybodydisease
Oh my god, this explains everything...especially the ending. Poor guy.
I feel like his third wife failed him. She sent him to rehab for his Parkinson‘s. WTF it‘s not am addiction. Then she didn‘t want any of his friends to know what was going on with him and had him hang out with her friends that he didn‘t know. What? His friends all felt like they should have been there for him.
#daveitzkoff #robin #robinwilliams #parkinsonsdisease