🤔 but also 😂
The #kingofhearts is shy & polite, reminding me of Chantho in Dr Who! #CharacterslikeAlice @LibrarianRyan
Fave Star Wars character: R2-D2
Fave Doctor Who: Peter Capaldi ?? (as evidenced by my Twelve action figure)
Game of Thrones "Team": None
Fave Back to the Future: 1
Fave Muppet: Animal
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the lovely Peter Capaldi 💙💙 🎁🎈🎉🎊
This is literally the first thing that popped into my head for today's prompt. I loooooooove this cover 😍
#emojinov day 4: 💋
(also, this is the first time EVER I have used that emoji)
I know this isn't book related but I know my Litsy family will be okay with that!! This is EVERYTHING!!! The first female Doctor Who and Jodie is an amazing actress!
Congratulations to our new Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker! It is fitting that Chibnall approached an actor he'd worked with on Broadchurch to step into the Doctor's shoes as he steps into Steven's. I look forward to meeting her at Christmas!
The little Funkos are a-quiver with anticipation. Sunday after the Wimbledon men's final, we'll know who the next Doctor is. 😬
(I need a nail-biting emoji.)
Fighting off Stormtroopers at Montreal ComicCon with Alex Kingston and David Tennant! (My friend made the Stormtrooper helmet herself! Isn't it awesome?)
If #AliensExist I hope they are like the ones on Doctor Who. To make this more book related, here is a list of books for fans of the show. I've read a few of these and want to check out others. http://ew.com/books/books-doctor-who-fans
#90sinJuly @Cinfhen @Robothugs
Twelve and I are preparing to catch up on last night's Doctor Who, which I had to record because my BF and I were out. The shirt is from Ottawa ComicCon and has the same slogan as my hand-stencilled shirt that I wore in my photo with Peter Capaldi 😍
The Doctor‘s left knee was beginning to ache. He recognized that ache. It meant that somebody, somewhere, needed his help.
Wild Saturday night for me...Doctor Who, margs and cheesecake!
I am in a book rut. Haven't read in over a week or really been on Litsy. I don't know if I have hangover from ACOWAR or if I am just overextended with the kids and end of the school year. But I have caught up on all my shows. Maybe I will feel like reading next week when school gets out?
So, Ottawa ComicCon is this weekend, and this happened when I went today.
Just when I thought I couldn't love Doctor Who any more than I already do, DAVID SUCHET gets a guest role! 😍
This isn't the first time that Peter Capaldi and David Suchet have worked together. Peter was Mr Vladimir to David's Verloc in The Secret Agent, while David's Poirot suspected Peter's Claude Langton of murder in Wasps' Nest.
Watching Doctor Who with my buddy, Twelve!
Any Whovians out there?!?! Anybody else as excited for April 15 as I am?!?? 😍😍😍
After a weekend of single parenting a 1 year old and 3 year old, my favorite season of Doctor Who and whiskey in bed is just the thing to help me wind down. #notreading #butbookshelves!
#doctorwho #whovian #rosetyler
#marchbookstagram #squadgoals Amy Pond from #DoctorWho / Elizabeth Bennet from #PrideandPrejudice / Hermione Granger from #HarryPotter / Mia Thermopolis from #PrincessDiaries / Arya Stark from #GameofThrones
Happy World Book Day!
Photo taken from David Tennant's Facebook page.
Hey, Doctor Who fans... Remember when this used to be the scariest possible president the U.S. could ever have? #GoodTimes
#Saxon #Saxon4President #DoctorWho #TheMaster #TheDoctor #HaroldSaxon #DoneWithTrump #Resist #JohnSimm
Haven't been reading or postings much because I'm just getting over this nasty bug going around. My days this last week have primarily been sleeping, snuggling my fur baby, and bingeing Doctor Who. Excited to get back to reading this week!
#ReadJanuary Day 9: #ReadingEquipment
👓Bookmarks: I've been collecting them since I was about 8. No idea how many I have currently but certainly approaching 100. Spy the Doctor Who one.
👓Journals. I journal generally and include book thoughts therein. Also special HP journal.
👓Many colored pens for journals.
👓Earbuds for audio.
👓Flags for quotations.
👓iPad for travel, OverDrive and Hoopla.
👓Hot beverage 🍫
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! I spent Christmas Eve with my older brother's family - opened presents with the kiddos and watched them go nuts all hyped up on sugar. 😆After exchanging presents with my parents and taking the dogs on a walk to the river this morning, this is my idea of a relaxing Christmas Day afternoon: Doctor Who marathon, crocheting/knitting, snuggly dogs, yummy snacks and deciding which book to start later. ❤
Capaldi and Tennant (or rather, Tennent's Original Export) together at last. 🤓🍺
#bookandbreakfast, Christmas morning edition. Leftovers from Christmas Eve dinner: tourtière and various hors d'oeuvres, plus orange juice. I shall eat and read my stocking magazine, which is a special edition of Doctor Who Magazine.
I haven't ever read any #steampunk and the closest thing I've experienced are Doctor Who episodes that have some steampunk elements. My favorite of those is The Girl in the Fireplace. So I'm sharing this 50th anniversary book (shown -- it's not in the system.)
I do need to read a book of this type in next year's reading challenge so I'm hoping others have good suggestions in today's #seasonsreadings2016
Waiting incredibly impatiently for the BBC writers room Doctor Who special 😬😬😬 note the dalek sitting on the corner hehehe...