Yep, me too! I'm so excited about this book. I have lots to learn about our invertebrate friends. 🪳🦟🐜🕷🦋🐝🪲
Yep, me too! I'm so excited about this book. I have lots to learn about our invertebrate friends. 🪳🦟🐜🕷🦋🐝🪲
Starting the #NaturaLitsy #buddyread with the first outdoor read of the year.
A gorgeous spring day really lifts the spirit, don't you think? If only you could hear and smell the apple blossom pic. It smells amazing and is literally buzzing with pollinators. 🐝
I just joined the #naturalitsy buddy read last night. I‘m only 2 months behind because I just joined but I should have time to catch up. I like nature and watching nature documentaries so this is perfect for me. I recently read a book about the ocean called Sea Magick by Rieka Moonsong. It has spells, invocations, meditations and mythology about the ocean and also facts about the ocean. I really enjoyed it.
repost for @AllDebooks:
#Naturalitsy March #buddyread
This month, we turn our attention to the essential creatures that sustain life on earth. I hope there is lots to learn in this book. Invertebrates, insects, creepy-crawlies, whatever you call them, are not my strong suit. I'm looking forward to getting to know them and their world better. 🐜🪳🐞🦟🦗
All welcome to join in. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.
#Naturalitsy March #buddyread
This month, we turn our attention to the essential creatures that sustain life on earth. I hope there is lots to learn in this book. Invertebrates, insects, creepy-crawlies, whatever you call them, are not my strong suit. I'm looking forward to getting to know them and their world better. 🐜🪳🐞🦟🦗
All welcome to join in. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.
#hiselderliness had quite the reading week. #bookreport While Curious and Quirky was “a bunch of rubbish” (sorry authors it‘s not you, it‘s him) The Long Walk is “the best escape book I ever read” And Dad has read nearly all the POW escape books, so 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. Mawson‘s Will was excellent too. The cover was falling apart so he sellotaped it back together (all the librarians shake their heads) And Extraordinary Insects delighted him. ⬇️
☀️Bloom and Starfell: The Forgotten Tale have absotely glorious covers underneath the dust jackets, plus wonderful illustrations in black and white
☀️Extraordinary Insects has delicate drawings.
☀️The monster of a book by Le Guin (only 1008 pages) is illustrated by Charles Vess, both in color and in black and white.
Oh to be free just to read. 👾
All of the stars for this wonderful, beautiful book! ⭐️ It turns out I absolutely knew nothing about insects; but after reading Extraordinary Insects (Buzz, Sting, Bite in 🇺🇸), I feel like Ive learned so much. Broken up into small, easy to read sections, we are introduced to a plethora of insects and just how varied they really are, while highlighting how crazy important they are to us, and the Earth. This book shook me. In all the best ways. 🐝
Not as startling as it thinks it is. I'm very not into insects (actually I read about them to help really understand them and reduce my anxiety about them), but little of this was surprising to me. It's easy to read and informative enough for a layperson, for sure, though.
Fluffy pop-science palate cleanser, post-Wyrd and Wonder marathon. Gets some stuff wrong for sure -- species names are not always Latin, as it makes clear with its own examples... It sounds trivial, but carelessness in the small things always makes me worry about accuracy in the important stuff.