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Green Island
Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
26 posts | 15 read | 41 to read
A stunning story of love, betrayal, and family, set against the backdrop of a changing Taiwan over the course of the twentieth century.February 28, 1947: Trapped inside the family home amid an uprising that has rocked Taipei, Dr. Tsai delivers his youngest daughter, the unnamed narrator ofGreen Island, just after midnight as the city is plunged into martial law. In the following weeks, as the Chinese Nationalists act to crush the opposition, Dr. Tsai becomes one of the many thousands of people dragged away from their families and thrown into prison. His return, after more than a decade, is marked by alienation from his loved ones and paranoia among his communityconflicts that loom over the growing bond he forms with his youngest daughter.Years later, this troubled past follows her to the United States, where, as a mother and a wife, she too is forced to decide between what is right and what might save her familythe same choice she witnessed her father make many years before. As the novel sweeps across six decades and two continents, the life of the narrator shadows the course of Taiwans history from the end of Japanese colonial rule to the decades under martial law and, finally, to Taiwans transformation into a democracy. But, above all,Green Islandis a lush and lyrical story of a family and a nation grappling with the nuances of complicity and survival, raising the question: how far would you be willing to go for the ones you love?From the Hardcover edition.
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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This book was amazing! I learned so much about Taiwan and its tumultuous history that I knew nothing about before. It was interesting reading the end, which takes place during the SARS epidemic in the early 2000s, and comparing it to our current pandemic…

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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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This book is a phenomenal read! An intergenerational story that follows a family through their lives in Taiwan and then the youngest (whom narrates the book) in America. Shawna Yang Ryan has such a gift for writing as she seamlessly weaves in and out of storylines. The setting and the characters are beautifully written. Learning about some of Taiwan's history that makes you want to research more. I would recommend this book to all.

TheSpineView Awesome! 3y
Librarybelle This is on my to read list! 3y
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Jess861 @Librarybelle - I was captivated by this book! I hope you get the chance to read it at some point. 3y
BarbaraBB Wow! that is quite a book to finish the year with in Asia! 3y
Jess861 @BarbaraBB It really was a great way to finish reading for the year! 3y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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Nothing I love more when it comes to being an adult than a book and a drink with a cozy blanket. I just cannot put this book down and I'm hoping I have enough time to finish it tonight.

#WineAndBook #ColdNightReading #Readathon #CozyBlanket #KidsAreInBed

Cathythoughts Cosy !!! 3y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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I've chosen to read Green Island next as I try to fit one more book into 2021. So far it is beautifully written and I'm struggling to put it down. I'm about 100 pages in and pretty surprised that more haven't read this book - if it keeps the pace it has so far it might end up being one of my favourites this year.

#HistoricalFiction #Taiwan #Asia #ReadingAsia2021 #Intergenerational #Family #Readathon #AVeryMerryReadathon

TheSpineView 👍📖📚 3y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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I ordered these book a while back and they finally arrived. Two more books for #ReadingAsia2021 and hopefully I get a chance to crack them open at some point this year. I've gone on a bit of a book buying binge as things start to open up around here.

#TBR #BookHaul #BookMail #Malaysia #Taiwan

Bookwormjillk I have bought SO MANY BOOKS 3y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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I had a vague understanding of the history of #Taiwan over the last century, and reading this had me researching a lot—a sign of a good book.

Historical fiction centered around real history, this is a family saga spanning 60+ years. Very well-written, with colorful characters and a heartbreaking but uplifting storyline. I found myself really invested in the life of our unnamed narrator, and was sad to reach the end.



MrBook Great review! Added! 5y
Butterfinger I loved this book. It was one of my favorites last year. 5y
DebinHawaii I have this one sitting in my #TBR stack. Glad to know it was good! 👍 5y
readordierachel Oh, this sounds great. Stacking! 5y
Reggie Great review!! Stacked! 5y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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#readingaroundtheworld #Taiwan A multigenerational family epic that centers on a woman born on the night of the 228 (2/28/47) insurrection and massacre by the ruling KMT in Taiwan. The story explores compromises and betrayals that this family makes to survive the brutal regime, and the echo of those choices across generations. There are a couple of soft spots in the plot when the MC is not true to her character but overall an educational read.

rockpools Sounds really good! 5y
sprainedbrain I‘m about 20% through this book for my Taiwan choice, too! Glad you liked it. 🙌🏻 5y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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#readingaroundtheworld #Taiwan anyone find a great Taiwanese fiction for January? I am thinking of this as my library has it.

rockpools Did you find anything? I‘m going to read this (because library!) 5y
Currey @RachelO The Stolen Bicycle looks good. I am going with 5y
Currey And maybe if I have time 5y
rockpools @Currey Ooh. They both look interesting! I‘ll keep an eye out for your reviews. 5y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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I think this is the first book I have ever read set in Taiwan. Not sure how I missed this island as I use to live there. I get to cross another place off my read around the world challenge. Steamed dumplings and egg foo young makes a lovely match with the novel.

Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan

So close to the end of the year and I have to squeeze this one in my top ten. Did not realize I had all these misleading misconceptions about Taiwan. I thought it had always been free because the Nationalists escaped from China. Anti-Communist equals human rights, right? I was so wrong. The Nationalists were just as oppressive. I need more info about Taiwan. Any suggestions?

vumblereads Interesting! Wish I could bookmark this post because I‘d like to hear other people‘s comments. 5y
arubabookwoman I just read a book about Taiwanese emigrants in Alaska, The Unpassing by Chia-Chia Lin. One of my favorite reads of the year, although there wasn‘t a whole lot about Taiwan in it. 5y
Butterfinger Thank you @arubabookwoman I hope all is well with you and your family. @vumblereads I will tag you if anyone else comments. I'd recommend this book. I learned so much about the history - native Taiwanese, Japanese colonialism, etc. I remember in college, I had a friend from China and a friend from Taiwan. I knew there was bad blood, but I didn't think of the culture before Japan and the Nationalists. 5y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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Dear Carolyn, What a beautiful card to get ! What a lovely place to be. This made me smile 😊. Cathy. PS Thankyou 👍🏻😘

TrishB Gorgeous ❤️ 5y
Crazeedi What a view!❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Tanisha_A 😍 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB @Crazeedi @Tanisha_A gorgeous , I wish we were there 😍👍🏻 5y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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This is what I scored at dollar tree today! I‘m super excited! #bookhaul

Lauram Wow!!! I stopped yesterday and the inventory wasn‘t nearly as good. 6y
Samplergal Dang. I really need to stop at one soon. 6y
SandraG A Step before falling is sooo good!!! Great YA read 6y
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vkois88 Super jealous... ours has awful selections at every location 6y
Mdargusch Nice! 6y
KristinaRay @SandraG yay! I‘m glad to hear that! 6y
KristinaRay @vkois88 my dollar tree kind of makes up for the fact we only have one mediocre bookstore in my small town. 6y
RaimeyGallant Lovely! 6y
fleeting I've been meaning to find and read Green Island :) 6y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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Anger is an ember, and the one who holds it is the only one who is burned. #PassportLitsy #Taiwan

Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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You rethink power. Not the power that is desire, or dominance. The power that is strength. #PassportLitsy #Taiwan

Jabberwocky Ouf that quote has some real weight! 6y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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What was recognition? she thought. She had recognized his face the day he arrived, but she could not say she knew this man who moved without sense. #PassportLitsy #Taiwan

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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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Getting a few chapters in before I listen to the author speak tomorrow at the writer's workshop I'm attending. With tonight's dinner (& blog post), Eric Ripert's Salmon Rillette. My food blogging group is cooking with Chef Ripert for the next 6 months-making one of his recipes weekly. This one from the tagged book below & online, is both easy & delicious.

Reading, laundry & getting stuff together for tomorrow. It's a #wildfridaynight 😆📚😴

batsy That looks simple and so delicious. 6y
BiblioLitten Fish themed cutlery too! 🐟🙂 6y
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Leftcoastzen Looks yummy! 6y
LoveToReadLiveToRead Yum, looks good! 6y
CoffeeAndABook Wow that looks good 😋 6y
Sukesh Yummyyy 6y
Mdargusch Beautiful photo! That sounds like a fun group! 6y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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#ReadingResolutions #AprilTBR 📚Just part of my April #TBR-it doesn't include library holds, a review book I'm waiting on or e-books & audiobooks. The top 4 will get read as they are for blog book tour reviews but the rest may or may not-in fact The Chalk Man has to go back to the library Tuesday & the tagged book I'm not having much luck reading before I attend a writing workshop with the author as the keynote.😬So many 📚📚📚...so little time!🐔

Jinjer The struggle is real. 6y
emilyhaldi Ooohhh curious about the tagged book. The premise sounds great, I would love to learn more and Taiwanese history, AND it would work great for #popsugar18 prompt- book with your fav color in the title! 💚 6y
Mdargusch Yes the struggle is real! @jinjer. I love your photo! 6y
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Audrey Tagged book is really good. It gets more readable as the narrator gets older. It‘s hard when she‘s narrating from the womb. 6y
DebinHawaii @Jinjer @Mdargusch So very real! 😆📚📚📚 6y
DebinHawaii @emilyhaldi I am hoping to get at least a few chapters in before Saturday's workshop but see the comment from @Audrey above! 👍📚 6y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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I'm excited--I got my ticket for the Ko'Olau Writers Workshop next month! This is my 4th year attending & the best $40 I spend all year. Two workshop sessions taught by local authors (I usually attend the fiction & creative non-fiction), lunch & a keynote address. It's serendipity the keynote is Shawna Yang Ryan, author of the tagged book (that I bought several months ago at the library bookstore) & who taught a great fiction workshop in 2015.🌺❤️

Cinfhen Fun🙌🏻 7y
SandyW Sounds great! 7y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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I‘m going to read this book this year for my #Litsypassport! #Island #readingresolutions 🏝🌺🦋🐠🌊🌞🥂

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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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This book was fantastic and it's a shame that it's not as well known as other books that were released last year. It's ambitious and complex: historical fiction, family epic and immigration story. This book delves into a political era that just isn't that well known outside the Taiwanese community.

I think it's one of the few books, in English, set in Taiwan. I was enthralled throughout the entire read.

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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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Book outlet order - taking advantage of the sale. Sometimes I think you guys are a bad influence on me. And that's why I love ya! I just hope my husband isn't home when this gets delivered. 🤞🏻

Reese_Pearly.Pages I do the same thing- hope the hubby doesn't see. Lol 7y
TheLibrarian Same here! Praying the fiancé isn't home when it arrives. If so I'm in BIG trouble!!! 7y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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My best friend

Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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I saw this at the bookstore yesterday. I've never read any Taiwanese literature but I'm very interested in the culture and history.

BookishFeminist I just got this from the library. It looks super good! 8y
shawnmooney @BookishFeminist Great! I'll be so curious to see what you think! 8y
suvata Sounds interesting. 8y
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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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Enjoyed a fascinating panel on Taiwan at the Bay Area Book Festival!

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Green Island: A novel | Shawna Yang Ryan
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