4/5 stars. This book just reminded me so much of a twilight retelling. Great book though with a bit more plot and more in-depth then twilight.
Los triángulos amorosos nunca me gustaron, me parecen una pérdida de tiempo y me aburren. Pero, bueno, puedo perdonarle eso a la autora porque la historia es muy linda. Los personajes están bien logrados, aunque me hubiese gustado saber un poco más de ellos. ⠀
La pluma de Cynthia Hand es sencilla pero llena de misterio. Espero poder leer más de sus libros pronto.⠀ #currentlyreading
Of the two Angel novels I read this monthly for #ParanormalLoveCrew this was the superior. There‘s no indication it‘s part of a series but it would be a wasted opportunity if it‘s not. Great character-building, setting & world-building,
JUST one thing, which I‘ll hashtag as I‘m not sure how to do the spoiler editing.
#AlwaysSavetheHorse #SavetheHorseFirst #MidasLives
This looks like fun!
1. Book: Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
2. Movie: Angels in the Outfield
3. Song: Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls
@JoScho #manicmonday
I enjoy YA fantasy series, but one of my biggest peeves is love triangles. I find them so unnecessary and predictable. So trying to find a sci fi/ fantasy book with a #lovetriangle that wouldn't completely turn me off of the book was a challenge. After a bit of research, I discovered the Unearthly series. The books are about Clara, a quarter Angel, whose life is uprooted when she has a vision of her "purpose" . I enjoyed book one, continued below
“...watching the gigantic butterfly wings open and close behind her, back and forth, such a different movement from our feathered wings. She looks like a Goth Tinker Bell. “More fragile. And I don‘t think they would fly the same way. I don‘t even know if I could fly like this. But that‘s a limitation of my brain. I think our wings can be whatever we want. We see feathered wings because they are #iconic of angels.” #QuotsyNov18
#GetMovin #Untouched https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ykW4rtW2eu0
Part angel, part human there‘s a bit untouch-ableness going on in this book.
Day 22: #SockSunday #Ampersand2018
Day 22: Young Adult #ReadingResolutions
Have you read this series by Cynthia Hand? It‘s so lovely!
I recently reread this as an #audiobook so I can finally continue in this series and finish it. I liked it more when I read it the first time couple of years ago but it was still an enjoyable read.
Im desperately waiting so I can start this book!! (I am currently reading one and Im not good with reading multiple books at once 😂
#littens #books #coverlove #reader #unearthly
I have mentioned this series before, and while the protagonist herself isn't a #FallenAngel, I spent a lot of time worrying over whether her brother would become one. Nope, not telling you whether he did or not! #Characters2017 @LibrarianRyan
I know I've mentioned it, but these covers are so foofy looking that I would never have thought to pick up either. They're not unpretty; they just make it look like these books are about sad girls who pout in the woods wearing ballgowns. Instead, they are fun YA sci-fi/fantasy brain candy. #badcovergoodbook #AprilBookShowers @RealLifeReading
#17booklove Day 27: Book + Drink I Love: Coffee plus this gem by Cynthia Hand
#OctPhotoChallenge Day 18. I wanted to try and hit both best and worst parents.
Unearthly has one of the most supportive and caring parental figures in YA. This is a beautiful series and you should check it out.
Lolita on the other hand... that's some bad parenting. Humbert kidnaps and sexually abuses his preteen step daughter.
#Booktober Day 5: #DebutNovels, they are not new but these are some of the ones I liked more. Between Shades of Gray is an ARC but it's signed so it's quite special