Catching up on all my challenges. This one was for #foodandlit Jamaica. Poems just always get me when they‘re this raw.
Catching up on all my challenges. This one was for #foodandlit Jamaica. Poems just always get me when they‘re this raw.
Do you think some people have endured so much pain that they have no other choice but to turn it into poetry? That they do not have the luxury of refusing the narrative that their pain didn‘t make them stronger? I feel so much empathy for her. It is unbelievable how much pain some have endured. It is unimaginable.
Dark, painful, raw, gritty... And really good.
A few favorites of mine to note:
mental health
sthandwa sami
why you love her and what to do
not the end of the world, but almost
some kind of man
4 out of 5 stars
(Top R: Great short poem. Bottom R: Excerpt from one of my favorites.)
New poetry collection + lunch! Summer is wrapping up quick and I‘m back to work tomorrow with some meetings to set things up. Always a mix of dread and excitement. So far it just feels like a never-ending Sunday night!
“You told me I seemed haunted.
It was three a.m. and you could still smell
the storm clouds under my skin.
You can‘t quell depression by making
But we tried.
But we tried,
oh, we did.”
I mostly checked this out because I've never done a volume of poetry on audio. I've heard poems read, obviously, but an entire volume that way seemed like it would be either supremely powerful or a novelty. Unfortunately, I felt the latter with this one. I think poems are meant to be poured over and dissected, with this format you are forced to let each poem wash over you, one after the other... the effect is that it dulls their power.
From the poem "Things it can take twenty years and a bad liver to work out." I will come back to this collection over and over again. #bone #yrsadaleyward #readingblackout #blackhistorymonth #poetry
Rating: 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷/5 Cheers
#ReadSoulLit Day 2/28 - Best Book of 2017 ⠀
A stunning & captivating book of poetry. Beautiful prose, range & depth.
“what is now will soon be past
Just because you do it
doesn't mean you always will.
Whether you are dancing dust
or breathing light
you're never exactly the same,⠀
#spinesvines #books #wine #diversespines #blackhistorymonth #photochallenge #poetry #bone #yrsadaleyward
This little book of poetry was powerful, raw and beautiful. Daley-Ward does a wonderful job of writing a mix of poetry and story telling. From heartache to healing. With raw powerful emotion. She also touches on race, religion, family, and love.
I didn't connect with every single poem but I did mark several passages that spoke to me, more than I have in a long time. I am looking forward to reading more of her work.
#yrsadaleyward #poetry #poems
"You will come away bruised.
You will come away bruised
but this will give you poetry."
~Yrsa Daley-Ward
Started Bone last night By Yrsa Daley-Ward. ?
#shelfie #minishelfie #femalauthors #bookworm #booklover #biblio #bibliophile #bookshelf #bookpile #bookstack #mybooks
I‘m not a poetry person. Don‘t often know how to read it or if I‘m reading it the right way! So to find a collection of poems that one can truly connect with, without the concern of “getting it” or not, is truly special. These poems are special and are meant to be read and re-read and used as daily mantras. Best of 2017 in my book!
A collection that doesn't hesitate to rip open old wounds in order to properly heal them. Ward's poetry is raw and reflective, but she has little patience for wallowing in the past. Instead, she urges us to be better than we have been, pushing us forward with the gentle reminder that "this will give you poetry."
So I‘m not typically into poetry but I‘ve been hearing so much about this work that I‘ve decided to pick it up and give it a try. Judging from the first few selections, I can say with conviction that this was a solid investment! 👍🏽
It's never too late to be wise.
See how your spirit has been fermenting.
- #YrsaDaleyWard
#NationalPoetryDay #spinesvines #books #wine #bone
#minimalistcovers #jubilantjuly
Day 23 #poetry #aprilbookshowers I've read Milk & Honey, but Salt and Bone are still to be read. My Mikey-Cat has been very cuddly with me when I read of late.
Reposting that these excellent poetry books are currently free on Kindle because it's apparently an event through this week. Download and read! I haven't read Bone but nayyirah waheed is fantastic.
Fitting in some poetry n' prose while getting my hair done! Happy Friday and see you later for Listy Party of One!
"Look for yourself because it never helps to hear from someone else."
I don't know what to say.
It was a painful reading experience??? I couldn't connect to the topics??? Both of these statements are true, but I doesn't cover the whole thing.
I don't know how to review poetry books. They are so personal.
"She puts cinnamon on tomatoes
white pepper on carrots
mustard seeds on unlikely things
and takes wine and ice with breakfast."
#DiverseAThon Day 4 Update :)
Don't often read poetry books. This was recommended on another book site and was 99p on kindle. It's an amazing book of poems about life and love (of yourself and others) .
'Seize that loveliness.
It has always been yours.'
'It's never too late to be wise.
See how your spirit has been fermenting.'