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The Last Girl
The Last Girl: (Maeve Kerrigan 3) | Jane Casey
18 posts | 19 read | 10 to read
The teenage girl was the first victim. Her throat cut to the bone, she didnt stand a chance. Her mother was the second. She, at least, had time to fight back. Briefly. Called to the South London crime scene, Maeve Kerrigans first thought is that this is a domestic dispute gone bad. But the husband found bloody and unconscious in an upstairs room insists hes the third victim not the killer. However, the only witness is his young daughter. And shes not talking...
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2024 re-read.

Not really much to add to my previous review. I did enjoy reading this one a bit more on the second time around. Maeve & Derwent's banter comes through a bit more, & Derwent seems less like a complete a**hole. I think I just hated his character from the off first time through so it blinded me to his (few) good points. I've added a half star & rated it 3.5 🌟

OutsmartYourShelf 2018 review:

Maeve Kerrigan returns for the third book in the series. This sees the family of a thoroughly unpleasant criminal defence lawyer attacked, leaving his wife and one daughter dead. There are also a couple of other subplots involving Rob and his new job, and Kerrigan\'s stalker, Chris Swain. Derwent continues to do his best to channel Gene Hunt.
TheSpineView Fantastic! 1mo
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Librarybelle I do need to read Casey‘s books! 1mo
DieAReader 🥳Great 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
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Last Girl | Jane Casey
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Finally finished this late lastnight. Not one of my favorites in the series. It kind of irritated me. Maeve is terrible with communication and I felt, at times, made mountains out of mole hills. Josh is a pig, but somehow has become likable for me. A lot of slow build up and the resolution came right at the end. I definitely love the series and will keep going. But I‘d give this 3.5🌟.

Last Girl | Jane Casey
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A snow storm forced a rest day on me (much needed!) and the husband said to take a nice long bath to get some time by myself without a little one climbing all over me. 🥰

Mitch That‘s the best present ever! Enjoy and make it last a loooong time! 4y
TrishB Enjoy 👍🏻 4y
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Last Girl | Jane Casey
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A little #joyousjanuary reading before my next small group class. 😀

Last Girl | Jane Casey
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I‘ve been a super moody reader lately, four books going plus an audiobook. I reading at least! 🤣 Working on the next Maeve Kerrigan.

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An interesting way at looking at a morgue! 😳 Great book and series.

#Rejoice #FlyingHighJuly

Eggs Yes, interesting take on “rejoice” 🤗🤔👏🏻 4y
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Day 25 - #PredictablePlot #AuldLangReads

Although I love this author‘s books, I do remember the murderer being somewhat predictable for this book.

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
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While I still love Maeve and I‘m even beginning to warm to Derwent, this was sadly my least favorite of the series so far. I found the continuing threads from the previous entry more compelling than the central mystery. And Jane Casey could use some help with her LGBT representation. It‘s London in 2012, not 1960. 🙄 On to the 4th! #seriesread

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Finished book 3 in this series, which was another very good read. Plenty of twists and turns in this one as Maeve tries to work out who killed a mother and daughter, and left a father injured. This one did take me a while to get into, partly due to the number of characters, but once I did the book raced away. At times you feel it could have been shorter. Good developments in Maeve‘s personal life, that leaves an underlying theme. Onto book 4.

Tove_Reads Got to love Maeve! 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Yes, but at times was confusing her with Lacey Flint! (edited) 5y
Tove_Reads Maybe that‘s their big twist in the end... Maeve is Lacey 😂 5y
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Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Possibly some of their traits are similar. Also relationship seem similarities with relationships personally and with colleagues. Both quite powerful women. 5y
Tove_Reads I love it how many great characters we‘ve gotten to know! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 I agree Maeve and Lacey are ver similar. Maybe they are sisters? @Tove_Reads Glad you enjoyed the book. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Already a fifth of the way through the next one! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 You are devouring these books! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Trying to catch up 😂 After this one finally caught up in all series! @Tove_Reads 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 That was fast! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Determined to catch up, was further behind in this series. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Now you can enjoy your relaxing time and no pressure reading and feeling behind! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Definitely can chill and relax about it! Not sure where the last two weeks went! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Time goes fast when your reading good books! Everything whizzing by! 5y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 Feels good, right? I‘m happy to be on top of things, and finished Scarlet Feather as well. 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Still go5 one section to do in Scarlet Feather but it is the shortest section. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Perhaps o need to not read then the time will go slower. 🙈 Two more weeks then will need to start on some work on preparation. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 That book took me so long to read the sections switching characters every paragraph forced a lot of concentration on my part. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Ugh! Got to be frustrating with every time you start enjoying yourself you are plagued with work thoughts! Can‘t stop reading - it‘s great escape time! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Much bigger book than it looked at first. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB No way I could stop reading. Yes, just try to relax, amongst keeping abreast of any urgent emails 😔, when got to start thinking of work again. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 You do manage a lot of reading during school year too so that is good and relaxing for you! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Yes Scarlet Feather was way longer than I expected but I did enjoy it! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Hopefully still get the reading in. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Your deputy should be a big help if you delegate things for her to do! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB 🤞🤞🤞 But I‘m sure that will be the case. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Great!👍🏻 5y
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Finally got the chance to start book 3 in the Maeve Kerrigan Series. Need to read book 3, 4 and 5 this month to catch up with @Tove_Reads and @EadieB in the #MaeveKerriganBuddyRead.
Doing this one as an audiobook.

EadieB @Andrew65 Just checked my review - gave it 4 stars because had some slow parts and the murderer was predictable but still very enjoyable. @Tove_Reads (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Thanks for that information. 😊 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 👍🏻 5y
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I enjoyed the third book in the series, although not as much as the two previous books. I thoroughly enjoy Casey‘s style, because she writes about police work in more detail than others. I often feel like authors leave out important details, but Casey doesn‘t. In the beginning of the book it worked against her though, because it went a bit too much into detail. I‘m really getting to like Maeve Kerrigan and it is great to get to know her better!

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London defense attorney Philip Kennford's wife and twin daughter have been brutally murdered. Philip and his second favorite daughter, Lydia, both claim to have seen nothing. Maeve soon finds herself entangled in a case with an unhappy family accustomed to keeping secrets. A bit long and slowed down in parts. The characters feel very real. Murderer predictable. Look forward to reading the next one. Recommend to those who love police procedurals.

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Enjoying the third book in the Maeve Kerrigan series! Can‘t believe I‘ve never read a book by Casey before this year!

Andrew65 Prior to reading these I‘d not even heard of her! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 She seems to be not well known. @Tove_Reads I‘m finding this book a little wordy and the murderer predictable. 5y
TrishB Love this series 💕 5y
Tove_Reads @EadieB I felt like it went a bit too much into detail in the beginning. If I remember it correctly this was one of the least liked in the series (still good though). 5y
EadieB @Tove_Reads I would have to agree with that assessment! 5y
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Whoop 🙌Amazon has resolved my issue and I now own the book! I‘m ready to go!

Tove_Reads Oh, some eejit still has the overdue McKinty book. Still waiting ☹️🤷🏼‍♀️ Persom does not seem to be in a hurry to return the book. @EadieB @Andrew65 5y
EadieB @Tove_Reads That‘s great! Ready whenever! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB I can do it next week. @Tove_Reads Bad news about the McKinty. 😔 5y
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Tove_Reads @andrew65 @EadieB Works for me. Hopefully I‘ll get the McKinty one soon. Want to continue with that series as well. Andrew, have you thought about compiling a buddy read list for June? We have Binchy, Follett, Casey, Parris, Hayder... And of course the second Poldark already next week. We‘ll probably finish it before June. 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Will get on to it this weekend. @eadieb 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Poldark should be finished by end of May. 5y
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It was an OK read. The lawyer was an absolutely repellent character. Kerrigan‘s insistence on doubting Rob at every turn is getting a bit wearing, & Derwent continues to do his best to channel the Gene Genie.

I did feel the LGBTQ+ aspect was handled rather poorly, it could have been done in a better way. Rating: 3 ⭐️

Last Girl | Jane Casey
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#sheworkshardforthemoney #fiercefeb
Maeve Kerrigan works very hard for her money in these books!!

MicheleinPhilly Recently bought the first because of your praise! 7y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly can‘t wait to see who you think should play Maeve 😁 7y
MicheleinPhilly How old is Maeve? Can Cate play her too? JK. 7y
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TrishB @MicheleinPhilly way younger unfortunately! She‘s neatly at the beginning of her career rather than at senior level. 7y
batsy She sounds awesome 💪🏽 7y
Cinfhen How many series are you following @TrishB ???? 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen way too many! Fantasy and thrillers mainly! 7y
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My third one in this series. Just ordered 4 & 5. Good detective series with great character development. Some good plot twists until the end in this one 👍

Samantha.1020 I just picked up the 2nd one from the library. Glad to hear you are enjoying this series! 7y
TrishB @Samantha.1020 I mistakenly brought number 7 and got it home and realised and I can never read a series out of order. So have slowly been buying the first 1-6 ☺ 7y
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The work deadline was met with 1 hour and a minute to spare 👍😀
Rewarding myself with a read and some lunch.
Loving this series!

Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻 you go girlfriend 😘 7y
Ms_T Well done! 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen @Ms_T thank you both 💝 the family will be pleased 😂 7y
minkyb Enjoy. 7y
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