On my way to the Wallace Collection, I wandered to #DauntBookstore, a store which focuses on books published in different countries and has amazing wooden shelves.
On my way to the Wallace Collection, I wandered to #DauntBookstore, a store which focuses on books published in different countries and has amazing wooden shelves.
Daunt was one of the places I might have been most excited about going to in London so I had to head there my first day here. Such as lovely as anticipated and I am now starting to worry about fitting my new books in my luggage.
Visited Daunt Books this morning for a browse, before meeting up with @TrishB @Oryx @jhod @RaeLovesToRead to see the play of A Little Life this afternoon.
I can‘t carry any more books home so I‘ve resorted to taking pictures instead, of books I want to read!
Visited the gorgeous Daunt Books at Marylebone this morning, where there was a steady stream of people looking for an Instagram shot. My pic probably doesn't do it justice, but it's a beautiful place to browse. I also made it to Foyles, Forbidden Planet and Judd Books.
Time well spent 😁
Thanks @RaeLovesToRead and @julesG for the tips - I will return to see more!
Me and my boys in front of Daunt Books in Marylebone, London. Possibly the best bookstore experience I‘ve ever had. It was magical. Will post one more of the interior.
Photo from my favorite London bookstore, Daunt Books, from this past Saturday! I squeezed in a visit between a work trip and a wedding (plus a 12 year anniversary celebration because the timing was just too perfect). So glad I made it there! I limited myself to one book purchase to save on packing space ☺️
Couldn't resist a bit of bookshop merch yesterday 💙
Nothing soothes the soul like a bookstore browse. ♥️
Two hours to spare until I meet friends for a party, couldn‘t resist an opportunity to visit a book shop... 😍
Not as large as Waterstones or Foyles, yet Daunt Books is a lovely shop. Lots of character and tons of books. It was hard to resist all the lovely books.
When you have an hour before a dinner date......
The Daunt Bookstore in Maryleborne Road is everything a Bookstore should be!!
#london #shelves #bookstore #holiday
Ever since I visited London for the first time last year, I can hear #LondonCalling me to visit again, and especially its bookstores like the tagged/ pictured one