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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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Day 39.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

Fatherland | Robert Harris
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The "Germany won the war" alt-history novel has been done a few times, of course, but this one is still a cracking read. I didn't totally buy the central love story but I suppose that goes with the territory. And the last 100 pages brought home the horror of the Nazi regime perhaps more vividly than any of the many histories of the period I've read.

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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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Not remotely a Christmas book, Fatherland is set in an AU 1960's Berlin, where Germany won WWII. This wasn't a fast-paced book, but it was compelling reading with a lot of depth. The very realistic world-building made me wish for a whole series by this author.

#TBRread #WinterGames #MerryReaders @Clwojick @StayCurious

Crazeedi I have this on my tbr list 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi - It was a really interesting read. And while it dealt with a lot of serious, intense material, it didn't feel too dark, or like it was wallowing in hopelessness just for the sake of being edgy. 5y
Clwojick 16pt 5y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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Just ok 🤷‍♀️
Wanted to love it, alternative history, detective story. But I just felt a bit meh through most of it.

Graywacke Read this when it came out. It seemed fun then. Probably hasn‘t aged well. 5y
JazzFeathers Read it a couple of years ago for a challenge here on Litsy. I loved the beginning, but then it started to feel what it zctually is: a historical essey turned novel. The ending dissatisfied me. 5y
JennyM I remember reading this at 18 with my history college mates. Scary premise! 5y
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Bookwomble I was waiting for some kind of surprise reveal, which didn't happen. Interesting (if unoriginal) idea, not executed altogether well. 5y
TrishB @Graywacke sometimes high expectations don‘t help! 5y
TrishB @JazzFeathers I really was just wanting to finish by then! 5y
TrishB @JennyM definitely a scary premise 😱 5y
TrishB @Bookwomble exactly! 5y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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I'm sensing a theme with all these #FromParistoBerlin books... 😂
I LOVED All the Light We Cannot See and Fatherland is TBR, courtesy of @Vinjii 😘

#SeptemberDanes @Kalalalatja @Cinfhen

vivastory I keep meaning to read Harris 6y
Cinfhen I heard Fatherland is great!! Need to pick up a copy too @vivastory 6y
Birdsong28 Fatherland is so good. 📚📖 6y
Kalalalatja Love the cover on Fatherland, and it sounds really great! 6y
ephemeralwaltz @vivastory @Cinfhen same! @Birdsong28 I need to bump it up the TBR! It's calling me. @Kalalalatja I know! It's striking isn't it? 👌👌 6y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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This is a police procedural set in Hitler's Germany during 1964. As a police procedural it worked well. I enjoyed the story line, the characters, and the plot development. As an alternative history, it didn't really work for me. I'm not sure if it's a function of having audio-ed this one, but that aspect of the story felt underdeveloped to me.

Fatherland | Robert Harris
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An exciting thriller! Set in 1964, this is written as if Germany had won WWII. A body is found and the police inspector on the case starts to uncover a dark secret. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SandyW This one's on my TBR too. 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Recently read it and I enjoyed it too! 6y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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Happy Father's Day!

This is one of my favourite picture of my Dad and I - taken about 4 hours after I was born! He had a lot more hair then! 😂😂😂

The tagged book is something he would read!

TrishB Great pic 👍🏻 6y
rubyslippersreads I spy Nicholas and Alexei! 😊 (edited) 6y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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1. None, I don't typically buy cards, I give gifts and if the gift is card shaped I write a note card for the occasion and put it inside.
2. Either, both, neither? Depends on how I'm feeling about my legs
3. Neither
4. I scoop a pretty mean ice cream.


BarbaraTheBibliophage Thanks for playing along! Know what you mean for #2. 😍 6y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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Man, I ❤️ a good alternative history! Given the current state of politics, this feels a bit more frightening. The premise - Hitler won the war & that serves as the backdrop to a police procedural that may involve deconstructing the propaganda of the Reich. It's a book my husband loved. (Though he bent the hell out of the paperback copy I am reading while on public transit so he wasn't accused of being a nazi sympathizer. 😂)

Heideschrampf This picture really shocked me when it came up just now, too. No publisher could print this in germany... 😱weird how association and public spaces work sometimes. I understand the urge to bend the spine on the tube^^ (edited) 7y
HardcoverHearts @Heideschrampf It's very provocative!! I was just reading it at brunch, and I kept the cover down on the table! I had a hard time picking an appropriate background to go with it that wasn't propaganda photos. It feels dangerous. Especially now. 7y
Heideschrampf @HardcoverHearts i know, scary right!? I feel like every one around me ('modern german' that i consider myself to be) would react hesitant at a cover like this, and yet the new right wing party has become biggest oppositional party to the new (old) reigning coalition... scary, because this is not the reality of my daily life - and yet sadly it is 🤕 7y
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Heideschrampf Fyi: the nazi swastika symbol is not allowed to be printed/published on the german market, so the german translation would definately look like this 7y
HardcoverHearts @Heideschrampf I'm in Berkeley, CA, known recently for literally fighting off Nazis. It's one of the many things I love about our town. So I was nervous about how I would explain it if I got called out- which is a real possibility here! Luckily, I'm flying through this book so that it won't be a problem for too much longer. 7y
Heideschrampf @HardcoverHearts facism/racism/narcism on the rise everywhere. It really makes me so sad to see it on the news every day... good thing there is such a thing as litsy etc. to support global communication! Hello from europe, californian book lover 🙋💌📚 7y
HardcoverHearts @Heideschrampf hello!!! It's hard times, for sure. And yes, this was one place that I felt confident would read into the post and not just stop at the surface image. I am so thankful for readers and this community. ❤️ 7y
SandyW @Heideschrampf @HardcoverHearts Sounds like an interesting read... And this is another reason why I read e-books. I don't always appreciate it when other people comment on what I'm reading, especially if they haven't read the book. 7y
HardcoverHearts @SandyW Exactly. Though, even I would look askance at someone reading with a cover like this! 😳 7y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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Hi everyone!😍 Finally home to open my #halloweengoespostal package from @Vinjii from London!👻 Olivia THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤❤ I haven't read any of the books (or heard of half of them) and I love everything; Mr Booklight is so funny😂😂 You have over-spoiled me and I feel more excited than 5-year-old me at Christmas!
Thank you also to @BookishMarginalia, as always ❤❤

LeahBergen Lovely! 💕 7y
mom2bugnbee The Nightengale was one of my faves of last year! Great package! 7y
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Vinjii Awwwww!! 😍 I'm so glad you like the books and that you haven't read any of them yet 😊😂 I hope you enjoy them! 7y
ephemeralwaltz @LeahBergen yes! @Vinjii has done an amazing job - I'm so lucky!❤ 7y
ephemeralwaltz @Andrew65 @mom2bugnbee I'm happy to hear that, I'm looking forward to reading both! ❤ 7y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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I was expecting more from this book, l'll be honest. A mystery novel set in Berlin in 1964, but with the Nazis still in power. I was expecting to see the spirit of the 1960s fightung a totalitarian regime.

It isn't thar stoey. Even the alternate history side isn't very strong. Could have been just a WWII story.

Still an enjoyable read, but could have been a lot more.

Full review here http://theoldshelter.com/thursday-quotables-fatherland/

Fatherland | Robert Harris
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And so this is the result of my #LitsyPartyOfOne More than half the book is read... which is what l was aiming for.

I'm really enjoying the novel too. The mystery is exciting, and the worldbuilding nearly lives of its own and has a lot to offer of its own account.
Can't wait to see how it ends 😁

Thanks @Ambrosnazzy to organising this event 👏👏👏 l had a great fun 📖🎊🎊

Fatherland | Robert Harris
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The train is one hour late. Oh, well. The right occasion to put in some more read for the #LitsyPartyOfOne

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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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Fine, human. If you must do this #LitsyPartyOfOne then do it. But don't expect me to move a hair in this heat

RealBooks4ever You must follow what the #CatsOfLitsy demand! 😻 7y
JazzFeathers @RealBooks4ever Too right 😉 7y
mjdowens 😺❤️ 7y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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#LitsyPartyOfOne @Ambrosnazzy

Won't be able to put in too much read, today, because l have people visiting. And l'm afraid they'll have to suffer my first experiment with the frozen banana dessert 😈

MayJasper Good luck with the dessert 😀 7y
RealBooks4ever The dessert looks yummy! 🍌🍌🍌 7y
Caroline2 I named my son Xavier after I found the name in this book! 😆 7y
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JazzFeathers @MayJasper Let's hope they'll like it 😀 7y
JazzFeathers @RealBooks4ever l confess l ate a spunfull of it while preparing. Tasted good 😋 7y
JazzFeathers @Caroline2 That's a nice name. What about the book? Did you like it? 7y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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#LitsyPartyOfOne @Ambrosnazzy

This is getting so addictive. I sense an entire new world unfolding in front of me. Berlin in the 1960s still under Nazi power. A murder just during the Fuhrertag, the one week celebration of Hitler's birthday.

I sense big troubles coming...

vivastory He is Nick Hornby's brother-in-law 7y
JazzFeathers @vivastory Really? I didn't kniw that 7y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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On the train to work and l'm all ready to go!

#LitsyPartyOfOne @Ambrosnazzy

Fatherland | Robert Harris
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⭐⭐⭐⭐ Its 1964. The germans have won the war. The story follows detective Xavier March as he is called to retrieve a body from the river. But it all takes a turn and he finds himself up against the Gestapo!
Anyone who likes conspiracies would enjoy this one.
#bookstagram #review #fatherland #robertharris #bookishreview #bibliophile #booklover #itsnothoardingifitsbooks #crimenovels #crimefiction #germanbooks #redbooks #fiction #oldbooks

LaylaFray Woah, this sounds so interesting! 7y
ladywriter55 @LaylaFray it really is! I had a longer review but not enough characters 😂 7y
LaylaFray Haha, I have a hard time staying in the character limits here too! 😂 7y
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MrBook Great review! 7y
Andrew65 Love this book. 7y
Andrew65 @LaylaFray I usually have trouble staying within the character limit! @ladywriter55 7y
ladywriter55 @MrBook @Andrew65 you can read the full review on goodreads if you so choose! There's not enough characters here! 😂 7y
Andrew65 @ladywriter55 Thanks 😊 7y
MrBook 😎👍🏻🙌🏻 7y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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#RockInMay #America
I haven't read this yet, thought it has been on my #TBR basically since it came out (errr... yeah, let's say l'm a crowling reader 🙄). A few books have come out recently with the same premise and l find it so fascinating. I sense the time has come for this one 😆

Cinfhen Sounds promising 😍 7y
Itchyfeetreader Love this novel - if you enjoy this I would also recommend dominion 7y
JazzFeathers @Cinfhen l'm anticipating this one 😊 7y
JazzFeathers @Itchyfeetreader l'm pretty sure l'll like it. I'm so fascinated with this topic. I'll sure cgeck out Dominion. And if you're into similar story, l have my eyes set on The Darkest Hour and SS-GB too 😊 7y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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Just started my first read for April. I love car reading!

Andrew65 Loved this book. 7y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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I'm a fan of alternate histories, and looked on Kindle and in our library system, only to find it at the Salvation Army!

AnnieReads I really liked The Postmistress. 8y
kimdegener I've heard good things about it, so it came home with me to go on the pile. 8y
Andrew65 Also loved 7y
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Fatherland | Robert Harris
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⭐⭐⭐ A solid read. Alternate History. Hitler won the war. A nice read for the Christmas days. But obviously for any other day as well. Got a few books from family members so I'm pretty happy 😍

Christinak I read this when it first came out. It blew me away. I just recently bought a copy so my daughter can read it and I can re-read it. 8y
Zelma I am always intrigued by alternate histories. 🤔 8y
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