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Truly Madly Guilty
Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!


CogsOfEncouragement Moriarty, so good! I tend to read her books in just a few days because I can‘t put them down. This one included. 3mo
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty

A novel with deep character development. I cared about each unique character as they were developed by the author. Their separate struggles in processing a single traumatic life event. A read that leaves you cheering for everyone. Also interesting setting of urban Australia. I love traveling a bit in a good read!

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 😵‍💫 1y
Eggs Brilliant 😌 1y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Here are my June books for #roll100. And did I add any of these to my book spin list, no I did not. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 1y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Starting a new audiobook while working on a Sunday hoping I‘ll be home in time to watch the NCAA Women‘s Big Ten Tournament final.

#oniowa #gohawks

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Another great read

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Onto the next.

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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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On my long TBR list. #ScarathonDailyPrompts #TeamSlaughter “Guilt” @Clwojick

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Day 28 of #scarathlondailyprompts is guilt. I‘ve read six Liane Moriarty novels. I read this one three years ago. I always enjoy the unexpected twists in her tales. They are always hard to put down.
#TeamSlaughter #scarathlon

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I really enjoyed this one! It‘s amazing to me how Liane Moriarty can literally write an entire novel about essentially one ordinary day, but still make it so interesting!
⭐️: 4/5

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Until about halfway through this book was a “so-so” for me. But, the second half was gripping and the ending utterly satisfying. The characters are so flawed that they are unlikeable. Then you get to know them better and you realize that they are just human, dealing with the lives they‘ve been dealt. This book is about flawed families, marriages and friendships…in the end aren‘t we all flawed? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

This was my #doublespin for October.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I hardly ever have caffeine this late in the day, but I make myself tea every #readathon to help me stay awake past my bedtime. (My dog has commandeered my blanket, and made himself quite comfortable.) #deweysreadathon #deweyoct #deweys24hourreadathon

Progress so far: 7 hours 18 mins of total reading time and 396 pages read. I‘m facing more distraction than normal at this point in the evening. Using AirPods & ambient noise to try to overcome.

Aims42 Your dog looks so cute! I can almost hear his little snores lol ☺️ Happy Reading!! 3y
jessjess What's your favourite kind of tea? I love an apple-cinnamon Tetley mix but am also enjoying a Wild Sweet Orange one from Tazo. 3y
Elizabeth2 @jessjess I usually stick to herbal tea, if I‘m drinking tea - Chamomile or “Sleepy Time” which has lavender is my favorite. But when I want caffeine in my tea, I love English Breakfast with a splash of cream. I recently found English Breakfast with Vanilla & Honey made by Twinings which is sweet on its own. It‘s delicious! 3y
jessjess @Elizabeth2 I'll have to try the English Breakfast one, vanilla and honey sounds heavenly! I have liked Sleepy Time tea as well. 3y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Switched things up again and took a walk while listening to the tagged audiobook. Got in a mile and a half before it started to drizzle. Saw some neighbors engaged in something nefarious. 😂 My neighborhood is all decked out for Halloween. ❤️📚 #deweyoct #deweysreadathon #readathon #deweys24hourreadathon

SheReadsAndWrites I love this. 🧡😂 3y
DarkMina 😆 3y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Liane Moriarty is such a fine observer of human emotions and subtle reactions and is able to illustrate behaviours genuinely and naturally.
Although the amount of details looks a bit exaggerated, makes the reading slow and seems to be diluting the main plot, they all add up eventually to sustain the sensitive topics which are developed and treated with sensibility and realism.

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty

If you know this author, you know that this will be a family/friends drama where a mystery/suspicious act occur in a neighborhood and that the outcome will impact everyone. In this story, something happened in a barbecue day that “all of them got something to feel bad about that afternoon”. A lot of secrets. It was ok, I enjoy this author‘s mysteries but they are more drama than anything. Vid is a peculiar character. Slow pace reading. 3/3.4⭐️

Gissy #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaOfBooks
#Aussie readathon month (YouTube)-books by Australian authors
#ShutdownRound3 @DieAReader
(edited) 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
BiblioLitten This was a strange read for me. I was disappointed by the story, the buildup for nothing but the details of the plot were quite vivid. I still remember most of the details even though I read it a few years back. 3y
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Chrissyreadit I tend to like her books because I can just sit back, enjoy and not think too much. 3y
Gissy @Chrissyreadit Yes, me too. I forgot to tell you that the YouTuber who discussed the book: When No One is Watching, rated the book with 5 stars. 3y
Gissy @BiblioLitten It happens, I just enjoyed the drama but it is an ok book in general, so I can understand that some people don‘t like it. But there is always a book out there for every taste📚📚📚🤗. That‘s what I love about Litsy, to share opinions and explore more genres. Excuses to buy more books📚📚📚📚🤣 3y
BiblioLitten @Gissy That‘s so true. I wouldn‘t have discovered so many amazing reads otherwise. 💙 3y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Work sucks. Audiobooks help. Happy Hump Day, y‘all.

Julsmarshall Nice setup! 4y
Aims42 Ughhhhhh, I hope it gets better!!! 4y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Meh. This was not even a so-so for me. Too much going on and a lot of weird plot points that felt they were only there for some shock value. Not my favorite by Moriarty.

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I love a mystery book,but this didn‘t do it for me. Normally I appreciate the detail put into the backgrounds of the characters but in this case I felt like it focused too much on them rather than the main plot,so much so, that the end “reveal” of the main plot events were overshadowed with all these extra side plots, that weren‘t really resolved? Too much time adding side details only to rush the ending of the main one? Not a fan, Sorry🤷🏻‍♀️

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Loved the build up in this one and how it all played out within each family. Good story telling!

4 stars

#kindleunlimited #amazonoriginalstories

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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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This was going to be a so-so, she does like a long build up and I felt it didn't fully pay off. But then it got better and some further revelations felt like more of a pay off. Still a bit overly long but her writing style does serve in keeping you hooked.

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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"This is a story that begins with a barbecue," said Clementine.

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I got excited when I heard the postie, thought it might be a book I ordered. Turns out it's my professional magazine, can't possibly read that on holiday! So good old Liane Moriarty it is.

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty

I honestly did not enjoy this book as much as I thought I would. Honestly, Liane Moriarty books might be better on screen because of the drama, than they‘re on pages.

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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@Cyndij82 thank you so much for my #litsylovefallswap 😻 I can‘t wait to snuggle up with these books and a cup of chia in my new mug! I really appreciate the hand sanitizer since mine just ran out so you saved me a trip to the store! Everything is perfect and so thoughtful and Zelda thinks so too 😹💘🎃

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!!! 🥳🥳🥳 4y
Bookgoil Is your cat trying to steal your goodies?? Lol! Everything looks so perfect! ❤️ 4y
Pageturner1 your cat is gorgeous 😻 4y
Cyndij82 @Okayaprilmae I'm so glad you like it. Enjoy!! 4y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Half-day at work gives way to the PERFECT afternoon for porch-reading! 😍 #trulymadlyguilty #lianemoriarty

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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forgot to post. #3 Truly Madly Guilty


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I LOVE ❤️ this author. I have listened to two of her audiobooks and I love her writing. I love the narrator‘s work as well.
This was a great read.

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Have you ever been reading a book and you are just dying to find out what has happened? I am loving listening to this book but I am on needles to find out what happened at the BBQ.

erzascarletbookgasm I remember you have to be patient with this..almost towards the end you‘ll know😁 4y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Overall this was a good book I‘ve said before that I LOVE Liane Moriarty‘s writing style, domestic fiction is probably my fav genre right now. Buuuuuuuut even though this was a “pick” ,this book frustrated me because of the huge build up for one major event and smaller build ups for side plots that were somewhat of a let down, by the last page I was left with a feeling of “that‘s it?”However, I will still say it‘s worth a read 🤓

MyNamesParadise I felt the same way. I‘ve read four of her books this year alone! I really enjoy her writing style and she has a way of sucking you in. I still need to read Nine Perfect Strangers and The Hypnotist‘s Love Story by her. I may re-read Big Little Lies and What Alice Forgot. I hope she has a new one coming out soon! 4y
Koffeejazzandbooks @MyNamesParadise yes her books do suck you in, I have all her books I haven‘t read on my tbr...The Husband‘s Secret and Big Little Lies are still my favorites, I don‘t know which one i love the best 🙂 4y
MyNamesParadise @Koffeejazzandbooks I read The Husband‘s Secret in a couple days and I could re-read it. Nine Perfect Strangers is taking a little longer to suck me in. I just finished Three Wishes by her and I really enjoyed it. 4y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty

A little slow, but I still enjoyed it

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I'm a big fan of "slow burn" novels that take awhile to build to the climax and have little elements of mystery sprinkled throughout. However, this one took just a little too long to get to the big reveal. Once that part was out of the way, the rest of the story was significantly more interesting as it was suddenly clear why the various characters were behaving certain ways. Overall, this was a great read and I highly recommend it.

Danielthewriter This book totally surprised me. I never thought i could love a suburban thriller, but Moriarty's character were really intriguing. Liked that the twist wasn't actually much of twist, so much as a frightening and embarassing accident. 4y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I enjoy Moriarty‘s writing very much! It took longer 4 me 2 adjust 2 the characters & once they got 2 what happened @ the BBQ I thought “that‘s it?” but Moriarty handles the material well & manages 2 throw in some surprises @ the end. Her work is so readable & that‘s why this was a pick 4 me! I own all of her books after my trip 2 Barnes & Noble 2day! It may not be Big Little Lies, but if you‘ve enjoyed her previous books you will enjoy this one!

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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Finished this page turner in a few days! It was exactly what I wanted right now. A book I could get lost in and didn‘t want to put down. I especially liked the Type A characters 😂 I felt satisfied with the ending too which felt nice right now.

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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I‘ve decided to bail on my April #bookspin book. I gave it a few chapters to try and hook me, but I was never able to work up any enthusiasm for it. Just from the background of this picture you can probably deduce that I have way too many books to spend much time on one that‘s not clicking for me. I think since this one didn‘t work out, I‘ll give the #doublespin pick a try this month!

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't the right fit!! Hopefully the #doublespin strikes a chord! 4y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Here‘s this month‘s #bookspin pick. I feel, perhaps unfairly (?), unenthused. Anybody read this one?

LiteraryinPA I actually liked this a lot! But I tend to love this author. 5y
LapReader Not her best. 5y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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I usually like her books but did not care for this one!! #disappointing #marchmadness @Eggs

Eggs Great response! 5y
Reagan This book fell so flat for me. Everyone in it was an Olympic level overreactor (not a word 😬) 5y
Linsy I liked this one! But not my fav of hers 5y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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The house was so big they could never find each other. “You need a map to get around this place,” Dakota‘s auntie said every single time she came over, even though she‘d been here a #million times and did not need a map at all. She even knew exactly where everything #QuotsyJan20

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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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#libraryhaul Another great trip to to the 50 cent section of the library!

LeeRHarry Cutting for stone was so good 😊 5y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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This is the third Moriarty I have had a chance to read. Another page turner. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

CafeMom I love Moriarty. 5y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Why does Moriarty write books that I don‘t want to read but also can‘t put down? She gives me anxiety! 😅😂 I actually feel guilty, I had things I had to get done, and yet I couldn‘t put this book down! Seriously I tell myself don‘t pick up her books, they stress you out, and here I am again! 😬🤪

ljuliel I haven‘t read this one yet. How‘s it compare to The Husband‘s Secret and Big Little Lies ? 5y
Ash.on.the.line @ljuliel I may not be the best judge, but it definitely has the same qualities of both, that suspense and a story that connects everyone. All are pretty equal to me. (: 5y
ljuliel Thanks 👍🏼 5y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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No better way to spend a Friday night.

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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Next read from one of my favorite authors!

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Fun easy read. Like sitting on your back porch reading in the summer with giant sunglasses on. Very long, but the bouncing between timelines worked. Loved that you didn‘t know what happened at the BBQ until near the end.

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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty

Loved it.

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty

I enjoyed this, however, the ending wasn't as good as I'd haved liked.

Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty

“It was a look around the eyes like fruit that had gone soft and is close to rotting.”