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Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Completed in 1872, Demons is rivaled only by The Brothers Karamazov for the place of Dostoevsky's greatest work. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, whose acclaimed translations of The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, and Notes from Underground have become the standard versions in English, now give us a brilliant new rendering of this towering masterpiece, previously translated as The Possessed. Dostoevsky first conceived of the book as a "novel-pamphlet" in which he intended to "say everything" about the new Russian nihilists, the growing group of anti-czarist political terrorists. The present novel grew out of an actual event in the winter of 1869: Ivan Ivanov, a student at the Petrov Agricultural Academy in Moscow and a man of strong character, had broken with his fellow young revolutionaries and was subsequently murdered by a small group of them headed by Sergei Nechaev. Around this crime and the ensuing trial of the Nechaevists in the summer of 1871, Dostoevsky constructed this superbly nuanced work, inexhaustibly rich in character and circumstance, which he also intended as a broad condemnation of the legion of ideas, or "demons, " that had migrated from the West and were threatening the soul of the Russian nation. His magnificent achievement has proven to be one of the most powerfully prophetic statements about Russia's political destiny, not only in his own day but in ours as well. Like all of Dostoevsky's great novels, Demons is also a "philosophical tale." As it reveals its many faces - comic, satirical, symbolic, and tragic - it enacts the drama of the promethean revolt of modern humanity against the institutions and values of tradition, and offers a brilliantinvestigation into the workings of the human will and the nature of evil. With this glorious new version all the stunning idiosyncrasies of the Russian original are available to English readers for the first time.
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The Devils | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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A chilly 10 degrees snowy morning #snowday😁 I‘m a kid again. A big cup of hot coffee. Happy Tuesday!!!

Aimeesue Quite an appropriate passage for today! ☕️ 8mo
LatrelWhite @Aimeesue Yes, it is!✨ 8mo
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The Possessed | Fyodor Dostoyevsky

If I were less patient for slow starts, I might have put this down. But the set up is worth it. After developing the setting, the remaining pages were thrilling. It‘s a product of its time in some ways, but in others, there are discussions of real, modern problems. Some actions characters take are repulsive, but it‘s not dwelt on for longer than needed to portray what despair can drive people to do. Good for those who like lengthy reads.

The Devils | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Back to Devils.: Another‘s man‘s sins!

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The Devils | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Ok… couldn‘t wait Christmas decor up✔️
Coffee cup refilled✔️
Yummy croissant from my favorite French pastry shop✔️

The Devils | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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In 2024 I plan on reading a classic a month! Join in the fun by picking one classic of your choice each month.🖤🩶📚
✨Happy New Year!

The Devils | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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All I recalled about - Devils/Demons/The Possessed - is that it was the toughest Dostoevsky novel I had read, so when I came across it in my Audible membership, narrated by George Guidall no less, I figured it was time for a refresher.

It‘s still his toughest book; it was a struggle to stay focused. But what it lacks on the surface it makes up for in subtext. It‘s not Dostoevsky‘s greatest novel, but it might be his greatest philosophical work.

Demons | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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I rarely bail on a book. I want to give it a chance until the last page. But I‘m working to get over that ridiculousness. A major health scare helps! Why spend my precious time on the tagged book when I could be reading something so more fulfilling? Begone Demons!!!! 😂😂😂😂. I will go on to other Russian novelists I enjoy. Maybe I will try Brothers Karamozov one day. But I banish the Demons! #SundayFunday @ozma.of.oz

BookmarkTavern Banish those demons! ❤️ Thank you for sharing! 2y
AnnR Well said, SamAnne! There is no compelling reason to finish a book you aren't connecting with. Sometimes it is a matter of timing too. I've set aside a book and come back to it 10 years later and loved it. Different age and different circumstances, I suppose. 2y
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Demons | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. Tagged. I'm hardly religious, but Demons makes a compelling argument for the emptiness and degradation of a life not guided by some sincere belief. Though in Dostoevsky's case it was Christianity and its centrality to "Russianness" (in his view) the lesson applies equally well to any ethical/moral code.
2. In the States that usually means drinking a ton, and I'm simply too old to hack it anymore ??

TheSpineView I am with you on #2! Thanks for playing! 💚🍀🍺 3y
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Demons | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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slategreyskies 🤣🤣 3y
batsy 😂😂 3y
sharread 😬🎃🤣💀☠ 3y
Clwojick 😂🖤 3y
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Demons | Fyodor Dostoevsky

A cacophony of voices—I know, I know, polyphony!—but he wrote it like a pamphlet and that‘s how it reads. Left me totally cold. I love “novels of ideas,” and I know how FD is revered, but he‘s my least favorite of the Russians. And I‘m not a reader who insists on plot. His words lie dead on the page imho.

The Possessed | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Hmm, self-styled "revolutionaries" cynically plot to overthrow the prevailing order (supposedly for high-minded ideals, but really just a power-grab), resort to violence, and threaten to plunge a nation into a moral and political abyss. I wonder why this book resonates so much right now... ?

The_Penniless_Author @Milara I think Demons is the literal/best translation from Russian, but Constance Garnett translated it as The Possessed, and since her translations seem to be the most popular (or at least the most ubiquitous) it's managed to stick around all these years. 4y
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Demons | Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Fedor Dostoyevsky
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Demons and Devils are titles used for the same Dostoyevsky book (also The Possessed), and that was not the only confusion created by this book. Like so many other Russian novels, every character has double names and often quite similar ones, so it took me a lot of time to figure out who was who. The portrayal of manipulation was good though, and I especially liked the imagery used. But I didn't really connect with the characters.

The Possessed | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Well instead of a fictional horror this year I thought I would read this by Dostoyevsky who I think is one of the best authors ever. It is based on a true event and for me makes it more enjoyable.

Demons | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Ha, I can‘t believe I actually finished this book. It‘s been so long that I‘ve been reading it....

So now that I‘m done: it‘s my favorite Dostoevsky novel.

Really, a remarkable book!

I think it‘s because the novel is challenging, but also entertaining, so the perfect mix of the two. There‘s this edge to it that keeps me having to pay close attention, which I really like because it makes the payoff so satisfying.

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Demons | Fyodor Dostoevsky

Halfway through this, and I had to take to Litsy to exult. I don‘t know how this novel isn‘t one of Dostoevsky‘s more popular ones, but it definitely deserves more recognition.

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Demons | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Well worth the read. Conspiracy, betrayal, murders; tragedy ensues on multiple fronts.

The Possessed | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Dostoyevsky's, The Possessed, is about as droll as one could expect from Dostoyevsky; however, if you have a love of Russian history and philosophical narratives, then this is a great novel. Although it is obviously dated and far removed from what we relate to as far as political satire, it still plucks many a chord when speaking of the opposing ideologies of the time. A must read for whomever likes a challenge with classical literature.

Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
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My sister-in-law gave me this one for Christmas last year. This cover is really hard to find. It is one of the most meaningful gifts I have ever received. Love you @khedge ❤️ #LitsyAtoZ

khedge 7y
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The Devils | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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I‘m not superstitious or anything but someone else follow me please 😂😂

Tamra 😵 7y
vivastory 😈😈😂 7y
JenP @vivastory hahaha 7y
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MinDea I tried to help but I am already following you !! 😆😆😆😂 7y
JenP @MinDea 😂 It‘s the thought that counts 😁 7y
nightwitch Done! 😂 7y
JenP @nightwitch 😂thanks! I followed you back ! 7y
nightwitch @JenP yay, good karma! 😁😉 7y
tournevis 😘 7y
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Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
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I mean it as the highest compliment when I say that no one does #peoplearestrange like Dostoevsky 🙌

#Rocktober @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen

Cathythoughts Brilliant 👍👍👍 7y
Cinfhen I'm gonna take your word for it because I have no intention of reading Dostoevsky 😜 7y
Billypar It's weird, I've enjoyed everything I've read from Dostoevsky, yet The Idiot has sat unread on my shelf for years. I think this happens with me and classics sometimes- even if I know I'll enjoy them, a newer, more tempting book always seems to win out. 7y
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batsy Awww @Cinfhen noooo 7y
batsy @Billypar I can relate to that! Partly distracted by newer, shinier books but I also have this weird thing about "saving" a book I think I'm going to like?! Then years have passed and I haven't gotten around to reading the books I wanted to read. It's weird. #peoplearestrange 7y
Suet624 I "save" books too. It bugs me that I do that. ? 7y
Cinfhen Trust me, I know my limits !!!! 😘 7y
batsy @Suet624 At least we have some good reading ahead of us 😁 7y
erzascarletbookgasm I only have his Crime & Punishment and The Double to read. You know..saving them 7y
Moray_Reads Great cover 7y
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Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
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Apparently this is an exploration of materialism as demonology. I'm with you, Fyodor! #exorciseyourdemons #hallowreads

Natasha.C.Barnes Cool! I haven't read that one. 7y
RealBooks4ever @Natasha.C.Barnes I'm looking forward to reading it! 7y
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The Devils | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Oh man! I need to add something to my Goodreads TBR stat!!

rubyslippersreads 😈😈😂 7y
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The Possessed | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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So B&N classics were on sale...... bought a few I was missing. And some others 😬

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Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
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#Riotgrams Day 3: #OneWordTitle

As you might be able to tell, I just looked through my TBR shelf (which is in alphabetical order by author's last name) and pulled out one-word titles. I figured I had enough by the time I got to H.

I'll get to these... someday.

monkeygirlsmama Those look heavy. Not in actual weight necessarily, but that too, but in depth. 🙌🏻 (edited) 8y
Loretta @monkeygirlsmama Haha, yeah, funny how all the one-word titles mostly turned out to be incredibly long. 8y
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Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
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Everyone loves Dostoevsky but I just can't. It didn't help that I got halfway through the book not understanding the naming conventions and thinking that 2 people were like 5 different characters. I'm ok with Tolstoy or bulgakov but this guy's just not for me I guess. #dnf #readjanuary

beccaeve I haven't attempted Dostoevsky... (but I like the image you chose 😍) 8y
mom2bugnbee My 14yo fangirl daughter approves of this picture to accompany your title. 😉 8y
Texreader Perfect image for your post!!! 8y
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Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
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I received my copy of Demons from @BetterWorldBooks today and found a Borders receipt from almost exactly 20 years ago stashed inside. They also purchased NPR interviews, Linus & Lucy—with sampler, and Best Top 50 CD—White Christmas! 🤓

It looks like they never even read the book!

MrBook 😂👏🏻🙌🏻!!!! 👌🏻 8y
SharonGoforth I love finding ephemera in books😊 8y
vivastory @SharonGoforth Same here. Another advantage of print Vs digital 8y
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Ericmanciniwriter I love this 8y
saresmoore @SharonGoforth A+ word usage! @vivastory That's a great point. I'm particular about which books I read digitally. 8y
Zelma Memories! That was my absolutely favorite Borders. 8y
saresmoore @MrBook @Eamann I've already invented a back story for the original purchaser. 8y
8little_paws Wow that's wild. I remember that borders. 8y
saresmoore @Zelma So cool! I miss Borders. @8little_paws (edited) 8y
MrBook 😎👌🏻🙌🏻 8y
MrBook I sense a manuscript afoot. 8y
saresmoore @MrBook Isn't there always? This is @Litsy , after all! 📚📝🤓 8y
SharonGoforth @vivastory 👍😊 @saresmoore Thanks 😊 8y
Suzze That's funny. I've found old receipts of mine in books, but never anyone else's. 8y
saresmoore @Suzze It reinforces my theory that we humans are all connected by golden strands that transcend time & space. It also reinforces my theory that this book was a super nerdy choice! 8y
ApoptyGina69 I have this exact edition, also from Borders. I have not read it either! Soon. 8y
saresmoore @ApoptyGina69 Too fun! Maybe 2017 is the year to read it! 8y
LeahBergen I love finding things in books 👍🏼 8y
LauraBeth Oh this is neat 😀 8y
saresmoore @LeahBergen @LauraBeth It's a nice bonus to have a clue of a used book's life to date. It makes my nerd heart happy, indeed! 8y
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Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
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Sundays are my favourite days. Strong coffee, good books, and a whole day wide open.

Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
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Shameless pre-holiday book buying 🎄😍📚

Onioons Love the covers! 8y
chlobee @Onioons me too, that's what did me in! 😂 8y
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I demoni | Fdor Michajlovi? Dostoevskij
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L'uomo è infelice perché non sa di essere felice. Soltanto per questo. Questo è tutto, tutto! Chi lo comprende sarà subito felice, immediatamente, nello stesso istante.
I demoni -FD-

Demons | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
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In college, I took a course called "Tolstoy vs Dostoevsky" aka the Russian Lit Smackdown Hour. These books were the syllabus. #booksintranslation #SomethingForSept #SeptPhotoChallenge

LeahBergen That sounds like an amazing class! 8y
katedensen @LeahBergen It was--super super intense, but amazing. 8y
RanaElizabeth That's a page-heavy syllabus! 8y
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katedensen @RanaElizabeth That it was. I think my glasses prescription doubled that semester. 8y
Yournewfriendsams That's an intense semester! 8y
LauraBeth Who won ? 8y
katedensen @Yournewfriendsams It really was. @LauraBeth The students, obviously. 😊 8y
HedgeWhitney This class sounds amazing! 7y
katedensen @HedgeWhitney It really was! 7y
fleeting I wonder why Karamazov wasn't included! 😁 4y
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The Devils | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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