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Eighth Grade Bites #1
Eighth Grade Bites #1: The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod | Heather Brewer
19 posts | 48 read | 18 to read
Vlad has to keep his vampire urges under control while dealing with the pressures of middle school. Thirteen-year-old Vladimir Tod really hates junior high. Bullies harass him, the principal is dogging him, and the girl he likes prefers his best friend. Oh, and Vlad has a secret: His mother was human, but his father was a vampire. With no idea of the extent of his powers, Vlad struggles daily with his blood cravings and his enlarged fangs. When a substitute teacher begins to question him a little too closely, Vlad worries that his cover is about to be blown. But then he faces a much bigger problem: Hes being hunted by a vampire killer. Watch a QuickTime trailer for this book.
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I assumed based on the cover that this would be a YA vampire story. However, it was much more juvenile than I expected. It's about a 13 year old half vampire / half human, but it seems written to more of a 10 year old audience. The story isn't terrible, but it's not all that original. I'd give it 2.5 stars.

Story +25 (starts at a Halloween party)
Post +1
Readathons + 260 (13x20)
Total=286 #TeamHarkness #scarathlon

Traci1 #screamathon @4thhouseontheleft , #trickortreadathon (fae), #gothicreadathon (blood sucker), #thrilloween (creepy cover), #anunfortunatereadathon (klaus), #trickortreatathon (trick - ugly), #sbooktober (meat pies), #bookishbingo (halloween), #nameintitle (female author), #whodunitathon (witness - stepchild), #october20in4, #outstandingoctober, #spookitupanotch (jack-o-lantern) 4y
alisiakae 🎃👻 4y
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#Smiles 🤗🤓😚😎🤪 #FebruaryFeels 🥰

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Wondering about this series...did you like them? 5y
JuliaTheBookNerd @Eggs I own them but I‘ve never gotten around to reading them 😬 at this point I‘m starting to think they will forever be on my TBR 5y
phantomx @Eggs I enjoyed reading the Vladimir Todd series, it was funny, serious, and the character dealt with issues encountered in each grade level 5y
Eggs Thanks 🙏🏻 @phantomx ! They keep popping up when I open Libby 5y
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How many synonyms for dead can you think of? This book contains a paragraph with 31 of them. Why? I dont know? The word count? Does this bother anyone else?

@TheReadingMermaid #scarathlon
+1 point for #TeamStoker

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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I thought that this was an okay start to the series. I felt like it just dove into everything without ANY intro to the characters or setting. Plus there was a whole paragraph devoted to synonyms of dead that really drove me crazy. But it features a teenage vampire with dead parents and a man out to get him. The end made me want to keep up and read the next, so I'll continue.

+3 points for #TeamStoker with @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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This was totally a #blameitonlitsy (or more like blame it on BFF @LokiDokey ) read.

I don‘t know why I‘ve never read this series before especially since there is a mysterious guy in a hoodie on the cover. I really enjoyed it. The book was lighthearted, even with the deaths of Vladimir‘s parents, and full of quirks and puns. Seriously, he‘s a vampire and was watching Buffy at one joint 😆. I will definitely be reading more of the series.

InkedBookworm13 Yea! I'm glad you liked it ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
Peddler410 First, these are so fun! Second, there is a companion series — The Slayer Chronicles. Third, the author is transgender and now goes by Zac Brewer. (edited) 5y
LibrarianJen @Peddler410 really?!?!?! All three of those things are so awesome! 5y
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First up for #YAWednesday I give you the Chronicles of Vladimir Todd. This series was amazingly popular when it came out.

I list this book for a very specific reason. The author is transgender. He gamed game for #parnormal and sci-fi series under his birth name Heather. Around five years ago he came out publicly as Zac Brewer. I only find one book written as Zac and it does not appear to be in the same genera as his previous books.

Todd 7th ⬆️

TheFunkyBookworm Interesting info about the author- this series sounds perfect for my kiddos... and for me too 🧛‍♀️ 🧛‍♂️ 6y
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Wowwwwwzers @MaleficentBookDragon you have totally out done yourself!!! Thank you soooo much!! The kids are going to love these towers of books so incredibly much!!! You have a huge huge huge #helpingheart!!! I appreciate your kindness so much!! It‘s people like you that truly make the world a better place!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘

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The first thing I thought of for today‘s #Smile! prompt was the vampire smiley faces on the covers of The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod series 😊🧛🏻‍♂️ #HopIntoSpring 🐇🌺

#BookNerd 💙📚

vkois88 😊😊😊 6y
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I tried doing a reread of this would be nice but ultimately it‘s just not holding my attention like I thought it would. So I‘m off to read a book I impulse bought based off the wide praise it‘s been getting on instagram, but now am considering returning it to go back and buy the shape of water novelization once it comes out later this month.

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This book came out while I was in middle school and was widely popular. I never got the chance to read it until now and I can understand why it was so popular. It reads how a middle grade student would and focuses on preteen worries. For people who aren't the target audience, this book might have been slightly frustrating. It was illogical and there wasn't a clear timeline, but the characters were relatable and the plot flowed well.

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I survived the 8the graders; now I just get quality time with the younger ones. #subbing

hermyknee Miss you! How are you doing? I know #SubLife can be rough. 7y
VanChocStrawberry @hermyknee thanks for checking on me! Life is crazy and I let Litsy slide for a bit, although it‘s my fave social media site! Subbing is great actually—I just take the jobs i think I can handle. ;). Two kids in high school + sports + clubs + my own life = me feeling like I can‘t stay on top of things. 7y
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This series is awesome🙌🙌✨✨

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CBHS is collecting donations of books for English classrooms. I chose to #giveascarybook to support #Litsy and #firstbook campaign! YAs are always looking for a scary book! #allhallowsread

SilversReviews Nice photo. (edited) 7y
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Read the whole book without a break. Really liked the writing style. Even I could already guess the ending, it was a fun to read till the last page. Just ordered the second book of chronicles. Can't wait to find out more about Vlad.
#vladimirtod #heatherbrewer #eighthgradebites #vlad


I read the series 5 years ago; rereading it because it's so fun. A teen half-vampire in high school. Multi-dimensional characters. Great start to the series. I'm in!