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Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe
Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe | Alex White
Firefly meets The Fast and the Furious in this science fiction adventure series that follows a crew of outcasts as they try to find a legendary ship that just might be the key to saving the universe.A washed-up treasure hunter, a hotshot racer, and a deadly secret society. They're all on a race against time to hunt down the greatest warship ever built. Some think the ship is lost forever, some think it's been destroyed, and some think it's only a legend, but one thing's for certain: whoever finds it will hold the fate of the universe in their hands. And treasure that valuable can never stay hidden for long.... Read the book that V. E. Schwab called "A clever fusion of magic and sci-fi. I was hooked from page one."
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The drama!
Alex White is proficient in telling a sci fi action story, and bringing it back to a human level, but where as I enjoyed the characters and the interplay between them seen in August Kitko and the Mechas from Space, the level of interpersonal tension and exterior agitators in this book was a bit too much for me. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? I get acquainting the reader with the galactic high stakes by the loss of life, but killing off my faves (Didier and Ranger), didn't endear me to the story, either. 4mo
Robotswithpersonality 3/? I did appreciate the mix of magic into the sci fi world, especially mechanists that can communicate/control tech with magic. That being said, it meant a steady level of world building, on top of the history and mystery the book was relaying.
I ended up needing to do a tandem read of physical book with double speed audio book to keep focused on the story, and I have to say the narrator didn't really work for me either. 🤷🏼‍♂️
Robotswithpersonality 4/4 It's evident this crew will have future adver, but I don't think I'll be along for the ride.
⚠️ Enslavement, gore, veteran trauma, body horror
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Smrloomis 😂😂😂 5mo
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Rainy April day means hot chocolate and curling up with a big book.

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Characters were okay but I just couldn't have a real connection with them.

There was action but I couldn't fully enjoy those scenes because I didn't care about characters' wellbeing enough.

The beginning was super intriguing and I was disappointed how fast that thrill was only a memory. I liked the ending too and I can't say I wouldn't have some enjoyable moments with this book.

#LitsySciFiBookClub #SeriesLove23 #20in4

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 12mo
TheSpineView I agree with you on this book. Great job 👏👍🤩📖📚 12mo
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Read and enjoyed for #litsyscifibookclub (hm, that looks wrong. Is it? If it is I'll fix it later.)
This space adventure with found family had a strong Firefly-ness to it, and I'm not sure it benefits from the comparison. There's also magic (space magic!) and racing and semi-immortal evil-doers and pretty much non-stop action! Easy enough for me to read 👍

julesG I think it's #LitsySciFiBookClub 13mo
Larkken @julesG 👍🏻 got it! 13mo
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Sorry #LitsySciFiBookClub but I just couldn't get into this one. I read like 100 pages and I couldn't bring myself to pick it up again. Hopefully I'll do better in September with Project Hail Mary

CSeydel I couldn‘t get into this one either! 13mo
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Time foe the open discussion on A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe.

A few questions to get us started:

1. Did you like the mix of magic and Sci-Fi?
2. What did you like best/least about this book?
3. Did you think the ending worked?

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @ravenlee
@Johanna414 @ozma.of.oz @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl @CSeydel @Roary47 @Books_et_al @Lizpixie @Ruthiella @PaperbackPirate @PageShifter @kwmg40

PaperbackPirate I didn‘t get to read this book but I got the next one for sci fi club! 13mo
AuthorCjwhitcomb Sorry I just moved and been busy so I've not had a chance to read it 13mo
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TheSpineView My quick thoughts: The mix of magic and science just didn't work for me. World building was sorely lacking and I might have enjoyed the two together had the world building been better. The plot was weak. I felt that a bunch of action scenes just got strung together. In between the action would have been a good place to do some of that world building. I never connected with the characters. I can forgive a lot if the characters are done well. 13mo
TheSpineView @AuthorCjwhitcomb No worries. This book club is low key so you can participate or not at your discretion. Maybe you can make it next time. We are read Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Discussion will be at the end of October. 13mo
TheSpineView @PaperbackPirate Cool! Look forward to you joining in. 13mo
ravenlee The magic + science was really weird for me and I didn‘t like it much, but it did grow on me. It felt like it took a long time to settle into the actual story (like after Didier‘s death and Nilah and co. getting ambushed) and some of the backstory was still dangling for the whole book. As for the characters, it felt like he couldn‘t decide if there were two MCs and supporting cast, or one MC and a few secondaries, or if it was a full-cast story. 13mo
ravenlee I thought the ending worked well enough. Obviously there are more books (two, right?) so it wasn‘t going to be fully resolved. I‘m interested enough to continue reading but not enough to rearrange my other reads to do so. 13mo
TheSpineView I totally agree with you on the characters. The ending also felt right. One of the few things that worked for me. 13mo
TheSpineView @ravenlee Yes, two more. I have no desire to torture myself further. I think this is one of those books you either love or hate with very little middle ground. 13mo
wanderinglynn The magic/tech was an interesting mix. It would‘ve worked better had there been any decent world building. As it was, there wasn‘t enough world building to explain the magic or why there was even magic in a tech society. 13mo
wanderinglynn What I liked best/least: I liked the concept but sadly it failed in execution. 13mo
wanderinglynn By the time I got to the ending, I was fairly meh about the book. It worked okay although there‘s a pretty good time lag in between the main plot wrapping up and the last chapter. But the best part about the ending is he finished this story. No cliffhanger! 13mo
TheSpineView @wanderinglynn Amen to no cliffhangers! 13mo
TheSpineView @wanderinglynn I totally agree with you on the world building. Do you plan on reading the other books in the series? If so, I will be curious to know if the author will actually do some world building. 13mo
wanderinglynn @TheSpineView no, I doubt I‘ll ever read the rest. I didn‘t like this one enough and my TBR is too long. 13mo
Larkken I haven't finished yet but have to agree with some that the magic / tech mix was an interesting premise but isn't completely working for me. I keep feeling like there is too much Firefly-ness going on for it, maybe? And yeah, the world building relied too much on "feeling like" other found-family-in-space stories for me. (edited) 13mo
Larkken I thought Didier was an interesting character and was bummed when he left so soon. 13mo
CatLass007 @Larkken I completely agree with you on that count. 13mo
CatLass007 I enjoyed it very much. I listened to the audiobook and I didn‘t think the narrator did a particularly good job. I‘ve been listening to fantasy almost exclusively lately. I have no idea why. Maybe because so many series are quite lengthy. I‘m working really hard to bring my first love, science fiction, back into my life. I returned The Memory of Animals to Audible and used the returned credit to buy the second book in the series. This was (cont)⬇️ 13mo
Ruthiella I agree with everyone that the mix of magic and advanced technology was odd. But I did get used to it by the end. I thought it wrapped up well, but overall it was a little too much? Too many characters and too much plot. But generally fun once I digested it all. The dialogue was snappy at times and it was pretty exciting. (edited) 13mo
CatLass007 This was a good transition book for me to get back into SF mode. 13mo
julesG @ravenlee That's similar to what I thought. It wasn't clear how many MCs. The world-building was lacking, you're right @TheSpineView & @wanderinglynn. I was actually put off a bit by the magic, because it wasn't explained properly and felt like a lame plot device. 13mo
julesG I listened to the audiobook and at 2.0 speed it was a fast read. Maybe that's why it was a hand's breadth above 'meh' for me. I might even listen to the other two books, but I'm in no rush. 13mo
BookwormAHN I liked it, but the mix of sci fi snd magic was weird. The racing aspect kind of lost me for a while. Also I never understood why Nilah was so trusting with the rich idiots she knew. 13mo
Roary47 I agree with @ravenlee the sci-fi/ magic combo took me a while to get used to. I was reading a different book at the same time for another book club that had a similar premise which didn‘t help. I also agree with you and @wanderinglynn that it was a meh by the time we got to the end that I don‘t want to continue. I also did audio like @CatLass007 and @julesG I don‘t think it really took much away, but was getting lost w/ who was who. 13mo
Roary47 Nilah and the other chick she was in to was one person in my mind for a while which I blame on the audio, but also the other book I read (Malificant seven?) which also had various forms of magic and a heavy female load of characters. 13mo
ravenlee @julesG I feel like the magic bit was entirely crafted around needing Boots NOT to have it. 13mo
julesG @ravenlee It felt off and yes, I'm a purist, I want my SF without magic. 😁 13mo
kwmg40 It seems like I liked this novel better than most. I liked the character development and I thought the SF/magic system was interesting. I'd been reading a lot of fantasy lately from the Hugo and Aurora awards lists (they seemed heavy in fantasy this year) and it was honestly a treat to get some SF with the fantasy! 😄 13mo
BookmarkTavern Everyone mentioning how it just felt like so much is really how I felt. There were so many characters, so much conspiracy and intrigue, it felt like nothing got the time it needed. I did actually really like the fantasy and sci fi fusion, I thought it was quirky and fun. 13mo
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I wanted to like this book. It has all the parts for a great space opera. Sadly, it failed to execute well. I really had to push myself to keep reading it.

But I took lots of notes for the #litsySciFibookclub discussion!

My full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5788746884

Also my first book finished for #rushathon. I have 6 other books started but this one kept me floundering. Hopefully I can get more finished by 30 Aug!

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 13mo
TheSpineView I struggled too. Great job for finishing! 13mo
julesG Would have struggled, but the #audiobook + chores pulled me through. 13mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 13mo
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I really enjoyed this selection for #LitsySciFiBookClub and can‘t wait for the discussion at the end of the month. I listened to the audio version and I didn‘t particularly care for the narrator. The captain was the only male character who didn‘t sound like a little girl, the only character at all, in my opinion. I‘m 61 and I still sound like a little girl, which is why I‘d make a lousy narrator. I didn‘t like Nilah at all in the (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 beginning. And her relationship with Orna seemed to come out of the blue. I think we ought to have been shown the budding relationship instead of being hit over the head with it. Boots‘s one night of sin with Didier was more predictable, but I really hated that his character was killed off. He exuded joy, which couldn‘t be said of any of the other characters. I believed the growth of the characters was well done, and look forward to (cont)⬇️ 14mo
CatLass007 forward to more adventures in the next two books. No more killing off the best characters, though. 14mo
julesG Kill your darlings. 😉 14mo
julesG Good review! 14mo
TheSpineView Excellent review!👍📖📚🚀 14mo
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I‘m behind on reviews! I finished this last week for #LitsySciFiBookClub and can‘t wait for the discussion! It took a while to get into, because I didn‘t like the racing aspect, but once it got going it was really good. I plan to read the rest…sometime (let‘s be honest, right? 😆).

julesG When the audiobook started with that first race I was like: did I get the wrong book? 😂 14mo
ravenlee @julesG yes, exactly! And then Nilah was such a pain about the stupid racing stuff for so long… 14mo
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I always enjoy a good space opera! This one was well-paced and had good character development, as well as an interesting magic system.

Looking forward to discussing this with the #LitsySciFiBookClub. @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Fantastic! 14mo
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#FirstLibeFridays @ShyBookOwl

"The straight opened before the two race cats: an oily river speckled yellow by the evening sun."

CSeydel I‘m having such a hard time getting into this book! Argh! I need to get into the right frame of mind before my library hold expires 14mo
TheSpineView @CSeydel Me too. I need to try harder 14mo
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What a ride! Action packed sci-fi fun. 4🌟


TheSpineView 👍🤩📖📘 1y
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This was a fun novel about Boots, a treasure hunter and Nilah, a race car driver, who end up on a voyage looking for a mysterious ship while trying to stay alive 🚀
#LitsySciFi @TheSpineView I'm looking forward to the discussion.
#WickedWords #Colonel @AsYouWish

TheSpineView 👍💙📖📘 1y
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The best group of people to hunt down a treasure is a dishonorably discharged vet, the crew she abandoned, & the murder suspect they kidnapped.

Once I got past my initial dislike of Nilla & Boots, I did not want to put this down. The blending of sci fi & fantasy was quirky, & the action was fast, with some interesting character development. I wish we could have had more of the 2ndary characters. But I‘ve put a hold on book 2 already! 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑

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#FirstLineFriday @ShyBookOwl

"The straight opened before the two race cars: an oily river, speckled yellow by the evening sun."

ShyBookOwl 💜 1y
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This is a perfect weekend for a readathon since it‘s going to be ridiculously hot with heat advisories. What better way to beat the heat than stay inside & read!

My goals:
🔖 finish the tagged for #LitsySciFiBookClub
💫finish Star Splitter
🌞 read Silent Sparks

#20in4 #readathon

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Trying to get going on this one but #DannyBoy has something to say about that. He had a front paw sticking out and as kiddo went by she shook his paw and said, “And a very good day to you, too, sir.” Made me laugh. #catsofLitsy #Litsyscifibookclub

dabbe Hello, Darling Danny! 🖤🐾🖤 1y
CatLass007 Danny, you are a sweetheart!😻 14mo
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3✨ I struggled a little bit with the audio of this book because of Nilah and Orna. Who sounded similar in the narrative and kept blending in my mind. Plus Boots perspective was going from past to present seemingly without any warning. There is space, new worlds, and even magic to wrap your mind around. Besides this and considering it was likely the audio that caused them, I think this was a great story line and I‘m interested in continuing.

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I‘m finally getting around to starting the July/August #LitsySciFiBookClub pick. Luckily no on else has it reserved, so I got an extension on my library hold.

3 chapters in and wow! A lot has happened. I‘m taking notes as I go since I‘ll have to return it before the end of August.

I‘m also curious about the dedication.

TheSpineView I need to get started on my reread a 1y
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Whoa! That was a good first chapter. Already super exciting! #LitsySciFiBookClub @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Fantastic!💙📖🚀 1y
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What a wild ride! Enjoyed it so much, I had to finish it today.

Fast paced, action packed, interesting crew, lovely AI.

Will have to find the second book in the series now.

Looking forward to our discussion in August. #LitsySciFiBookClub

#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView Fantastic!❤️🚀 1y
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 1y
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The straight opened before the two race cars: an oily river, speckled yellow by the evening sun.

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

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Met a friend at the local university of applied sciences and took the #audiobook along for the tram ride and #audiowalk around the campus (before meeting my friend).

Enjoying the book so far. Definitely not slow paced. 😁

Thanks #LitsySciFiBookClub for picking this book. It had been on #MountTBR for quite some time.


#SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65

TheSpineView I need to get started on my reread soon. I have forgotten so much. 1y
Andrew65 Love a good audiobook when travelling. 1y
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It‘s #20in4 readathon time! (Seriously, how is it the end of the month already?!? Where has this month gone?)

I plan to finish Star Splitter and then hopefully start the tagged for the Litsy SciFi Book Club.

Andrew65 I know what you mean about June! 1y
Andrew65 Hope you have a great Readathon, good luck 😁 1y
RamsFan1963 How are you planning on reading A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe? Since the #LitsySciFiBookClub isn't going to be discussing it until the end of August, I was planning on stretching it out, reading a chapter a day. What about you? Taking it slow or reading it asap? 1y
wanderinglynn @RamsFan1963 It‘a a library loan, so I can try to keep it but no guarantees. So I was going to take notes. 1y
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Yah!! My copy came today from ebay. It's in really good condition, considering I only paid $4.00 for it. I'm looking forward to the book club reading for July/August.
#bookmail #LitsySciFiBookClub

Lizpixie Score!🙌 1y
julesG 🎉🎉🎉 I was all for buying a copy while in the UK but the only bookshop that had Alex White books had the third book in the series only. 1y
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repost for @TheSpineView:

The votes are in and July's selection is A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White. Since this book is 480 pages it will cover two months (July and August) to allow everyone time to finish.

If anyone is having trouble getting their hands on a copy please let me know. I will assist any way I can. Discussions will start after August 31st.

Happy Reading everyone!💙🚀🛸 #LitsySciFiBookClub


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I couldn't find a copy at my local library, the used book store or Books-a-Million, but I was very fortunate to find one on ebay for a very low price ($4.00). Should arrive by the beginning of July, so I'll be ready for the #LitsySciFiBookClub. @TheSpineView

TheSpineView That a great price! Score! 💙📖🚀 1y
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The votes are in and July's selection is A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White. Since this book is 480 pages it will cover two months (July and August) to allow everyone time to finish.

If anyone is having trouble getting their hands on a copy please let me know. I will assist any way I can. Discussions will start after August 31st.

Happy Reading everyone!💙🚀🛸 #LitsySciFiBookClub

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @ravenlee

AuthorCjwhitcomb Fantastic I was hoping for this one 1y
Deblovestoread Great! Thanks for hosting! 1y
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BookmarkTavern Oh! I think I have a copy of this one on Audible! ❤️ 1y
majkia I've already read this one, but I'll follow along on the conversation when it starts. I gave it 4 stars, a high rating for me. 1y
Roary47 Excited! 1y
Ruthiella Like @majkia I‘ve also already read this, but it was only last year so I will also follow the conversation. 👍 1y
TheSpineView @AuthorCjwhitcomb 👍🚀📘📖 1y
TheSpineView @Deblovestoread You're welcome! 1y
TheSpineView @ozma.of.oz Great!💙🚀📗📖🎧 1y
TheSpineView @majkia It is a reread for myself also. Look forward to your thoughts. 1y
TheSpineView @Roary47 🤩📖📗🚀📘 1y
TheSpineView @Ruthiella Great! Looking forward to rereading this book. 1y
Larkken Looks fun! See y‘all there 🔬🚀 1y
RamsFan1963 I haven't heard anything about this one, but I like the premise and I'm excited about our first selection. 1y
sebrittainclark Oh, I really liked August Kitko and the Mechas from Space. Excited to read another of his books. 1y
BookwormAHN I'd like to join in 😺 1y
julesG Yay!!! 1y
julesG @sebrittainclark I have it on my TBR. Will bump it up. 1y
bnp Afraid I won't be participating in this one, but please keep me posted as we select the next. I'll follow the discussion also. 1y
TheSpineView @BookwormAHN Great! Do you want to be added to the tag list? 1y
TheSpineView @bnp No worries 1y
TheSpineView @julesG @Larkken @RamsFan1963 @sebrittainclark Glad to have you join in! 💙📖📘🚀 1y
ravenlee Looking forward to it! 1y
BookwormAHN Yes and my library has a copy. 1y
PageShifter I have to see if I can find this one - my library didn't have it! 1y
kwmg40 Looking forward to reading this book! 1y
TheSpineView @ravenlee @kwmg40 👍💙📖🚀 1y
Lizpixie Awesome! I have this whole trilogy in my library, it‘s about time for a reread.🙌 1y
TheSpineView @Lizpixie 👍📖📚 1y
TheSpineView @PageShifter Were you able to find a copy? 1y
PageShifter Nope, I checked from three libraries and two bookstores 😑 1y
TheSpineView @PageShifter I found a used copy online cheap. If you want, I can send that copy to you and replace mine. 1y
PageShifter Oh! I would love it but only if it's not too much bother to you. 1y
TheSpineView @PageShifter Glad to do it. Just email me the address you want me to send to. My email is lisa@thespineview.com 1y
PageShifter Annnd done! 1y
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I liked the plot for the most part and some of the characters. But there were so many characters and several of them seemed kind of interchangeable to the point where I was starting to wonder if they were same character just going by a nickname or something.

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This was a fun Sci-Fi romp through space. Nilah is a race car driver, who accidentally gets involved in a plot to destroy the universe by a secret society. She is kidnapped/joins up with a treasure hunter, Boots, and her ex-crew to find a lost treasure. Everyone on this crew, except Boots, has some sort of magical talent that are pretty cool.

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Really testing out the limits on my resolve not to borrow from work by shelving all the fiction today. It‘s my first weekend at a branch that isn‘t my “home location” after almost 2 years of libraries either not being open or working in staffing bubbles (home location only) and it‘s been an interesting experience.

Kenyazero This one is a good temptation! It was a fun read. I think I'd always leave the library with books if I worked directly with the books! (As it is I regularly leave my library every few weeks with a stack of graphic novels and manga) 2y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Kenyazero, I stayed strong! Took photos of the most tempting ones and will have a look at my local library later. 2y
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I Absolutely loved this book (and I don‘t always love #sciFi)! When former treasure hunter Boots sells fake maps about a legendary lost warship to the wrong people, it sets off a chain reaction that pulls her in, along with her old crew and a competitive racer. I loved the integration of magic with technology, and I really enjoyed the characters throughout. Also always delighted to find #LGBTQ rep or books by #QueerAuthors (and this is both!)

Kenyazero This was also one of my March #Roll100 reads! 3y
PuddleJumper Wahoo! 3y
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 A ragtag bunch of battle damaged soldiers and technicians on an old troop carrier cross paths with a superstar racing driver in a universe where science and technology blend with magical abilities. There‘s a conspiracy, a treasure hunt and a race against time. Kind of like Firefly crossed with The Bourne Supremacy (the urgency and assassins rather than the mysterious origin story) OR a higher adrenaline Becky Chambers. ⬇️

Centique There is a cool robot and an AI but no competition to Murderbot so I can stay true to my first love 😂😂 More adventure than relationship building here compared to Becky Chambers - but there is some - and many characters who leave gender norms in the dust. 4y
LeeRHarry Have this on my shelf as I‘m a big Becky Chambers fan, must get to it soon 😊 4y
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July round up. Some really great reads this month.

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Next on the top of the TBR pile. Third, and final, book in the trilogy set to be release next week.

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With the 3rd book of the Salvagers trilogy coming out the end of July I figured it was time to start book 1!

Suuuuper enjoying it so far. A great blend of magic/sci-fi and I'm finding that it's just alot of fun to read.

What's not fun is how friggen hot it's been here lately. I am so not a summer person and it's making me miserable whenever I step outside. Fall and winter for this guy. I'm seriously counting down to snow time already.

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3 stars
I genuinely enjoyed this one! It was a really interesting ride filled with unexpected magic and a pretty intriguing mystery. I will say that I wasn't thrilled with the use of cliches and tropes which made areas very predictable, but it also had some really cool ideas that were very unexpected.
I am excited about the ideas but less so on the actual execution, so I am unsure if I will pick up book 2.

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This book is definitely not what I was expecting...I love the addition of a magic system and how it works with the things we normally view of science fiction staples like space ships. I do feel it hits a lot of cliches and tropes though.

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Restarted this one today! Hopefully I can finally get into it, I had issues with it before but considering everything that was going on I don't think it was the book's fault.

I don't want to rush things but maybe once I get back into the habit of reading regularly I can restart #BBBBC I have missed it lately.

wordslinger42 Whenever you're ready! 😊 I hope you enjoy reading! 4y
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The book and I got off on the wrong foot. It started with a car race (not my thing), the main characters showing off their bad side, and there's a lot of action scenes. A bad combination for me. Then, at about a third or half in, I realized I cared about the characters, and didn't want to stop reading. The second half made it a pick.


I stayed up to finish this last night - it left me with about 4.5 hours until my alarm went off - “But what a grand way to die” right?

Anyway, read this book. It has magic in space. Gods. A ship‘s crew that‘s outgunned and out-magicked, but not outsmarted. A galactic conspiracy. A smidge of piracy and more than a touch of rebellion. Some pretty big damn heroes in the end.

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There are some truly heartbreaking moments in this book. 😢


Holy biscuits! I‘ve started this one and there‘s magic from page one. I have to stop so I can go get some proper snacks. If it keeps being awesome, I‘ll likely finish tonight.

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Finished my first book of 2020! Read about half of this last year and finished this year!

This book was a great space adventure. It‘s about a crew who is on the run searching for a mystery ship from the war years. And their journey is not what they are expecting. This book has firefly feels with magic. I like the world and magic system in this book. Such a great book!

Decided to use for my #Covercrush prompt for #Booked2020

LoverOfLearning Love the cover! 5y
Cinfhen ❤️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥰 5y
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Well didn‘t have a chance to actually read today, but I was trying to finish this book before the end of the year. I almost got halfway at 200 pages with a total of 440 pages. Oh well!

Happy New Year!

#TeamElectricSex #WinterGames +11pts

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#LitsyPSA: the first book in the trilogy is $1.99 as a Kindle ebook. The final book is out in June or July of next year so it‘s a good time to start reading the series!

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#WinterGames @rather_be_reading @StayCurious @Clwojick #TheFilthyAnimals

This was just Ok. While the plot was good, I didn't care for the characters. The problem was, they were one dimensional. I also didn't care for the mixing of magic with science fiction. 3⭐

rather_be_reading 11pts💚❤ 5y
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My copy of the #BBBBC pick came in.

Has anyone started it yet?

Life continues to be hectic on my end, and I really apologize for not being as active as I used to be. I find I have very little energy to do much other than draw and play the occasional video game.

DuckOfDoom This has been waiting a couple of months on my shelf. I really look forward to reading it, the blurbs on the back were cool and I read the first couple of pages before I bought it. 5y
InLibrisVeritas @DuckOfDoom I hope you enjoy it when you pick it up! I am excited to dig in, I just need to find a bit of time 5y
wordslinger42 @InLibrisVeritas Hey there! I just noticed that there had been no fantasy pick for the book club and just wanted to say I hope all is well on your end 💜 5y
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