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Amy Falls Down
Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
12 posts | 14 read | 39 to read
Suffering a head injury after decades of isolation, Amy Gallup participates in a newspaper interview by a journalist who perceives her post-injury confusion for the rambling of a genius, a mistake that catapults her to fame and rekindles her literary ambitions.
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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I‘d call this 4.5 stars if GR let me- almost 5...

Amy is a wonderful complex character. I love all of her subtleties. I love her for her memories, her insecurities, and her little fears. I love her honesty. And I love her dog, Alphonse.

I wasn‘t aware when I started this that it‘s the second in a series, and now I plan to look for the first.

This is a really cool book, more people should read it!
(I heard of it from Dear Fahrenheit 451)

Leftcoastzen Love kitties wrinkles! 😻 6y
cherinium This is a great pic revealing the intense curiosity cats are so known for. 💕 6y
Mimi28 Aaawwww!!! 😻😻❤️❤️ 6y
Tamra Stacked! 6y
Soubhiville Used this book for #LitsyAtoZ letter A- title, and #LittenLoveBingo- book featuring a reader or writer. @BookishMarginalia 6y
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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Who has read this? I just woke my husband up laughing about Amy outwitting the obnoxious radio show host- absolutely brilliant! I‘m loving this one, I‘d highly recommend it to anyone who loves character driven fiction- there‘s not a lot of plot, but Amy is a riot and I‘m enjoying her journey!

Cinfhen I‘ve seen I‘ve already stacked this book but your blurb makes me want to read it right away 😊 6y
LiteraryinPA I read this a couple years ago and loved it!! I always recommend it to people. 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz I lurve stories like that! Stacking! 😊 6y
MaleficentBookDragon I see it is second in a series. Did you read the first? 6y
Soubhiville @MaleficentBookDragon no I didn‘t know that! I‘ll have to look for the first through the library! This one does allude quite a bit to something that happened in the past, and another book completely explains that! I actually bought this one after hearing about it in Dear Fahrenheit 451. 6y
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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A bit of cute this morning with my new current read. It‘s my title letter A for #LitsyAtoZ2019. It‘s really good so far! (It feels good to be pulling down and reading some books that have lived in my TBR shelf for over a year!)

Still snoozing cuteness brought to you by #Froedrick, #Igor, and #Sietje. 🐱🐱🐶

AmyG They are so cute. ❤️ 6y
LauraBeth This is adorable 😍 6y
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TheLibrarian How stinkin cute!! 💕 6y
Mdargusch Oh my goodness, so adorable! I love how hairless cats just love to snuggle! 6y
bookish_wookish So cute! 🐾 And the title of the book is literally the story of my life! 6y
tracey38 So cite alll cuddled up! 6y
Suet624 It feels so good to read something from a TBR pile. 6y
EyesOnly34 Thank you for the follow! 6y
Mimi28 Aaaawww!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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Happy birthday, @TheWordJar 💜!

The tagged book is a story about a sassy aging author who hits her head and then becomes this famous figure based on an interview she gave while concussed. It‘s funny and clever. It really made me want to pursue my own creative goals like writing a book someday. My advice to my 40 year old self (and my current 34 year old self) is to not set limits on what you can do or put off your dreams. #thebig40giveaway

TheWordJar I love your advice! I feel as I‘ve gotten older, it‘s harder to remember what those dreams may have been. I definitely need to take some time to figure that out. And it‘s so easy to just stay within your defined roles in your everyday routine. Perhaps it‘s time to consciously re-examine them. And your book rec sounds great! Stacked! 7y
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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What a surprisingly lovely read! This book was referenced in one of the love letters in Dear Fahrenheit 451, and I saw other Littens had recently read it. I‘m so glad I picked it up! I loved Jincy Willett‘s word choices and writing style. The story was funny, touching, at times profound, and authentic. More than anything else I‘ve read lately, this book made me want to write!

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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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@wanderer15 and I were practically falling down too while carrying our stack of fun used books from Brookline Booksmith! ☺️ Having a fun time during our brief visit to Boston. Of course we had to spend some time in my favorite bookstore from when I used to live here (10 years ago)!

See any ones you‘ve read and liked?

Notafraidofwords One of the boys !!! Is amazing. 7y
JoeStalksBeck I need Moriarty 7y
Bloomingjen Amy Falls Down is good. Her books are fun. 7y
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MamaGina Moriarty is genius!🤓 7y
raeintheworld Moriarty was good, and Brooklyn Follies is one of the great Paul Austers. 7y
minkyb Love that bookstore! 7y
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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This book was mentioned in Dear Fahrenheit 451 so I pulled it off my shelf today day and it turns out ... IT IS A.M.A.Z.I.N.G

coffeenebula Yes! I love Jincy Willett. (edited) 7y
readinginthedark Looks like this is a sequel. Does it work as a stand-alone? 7y
JoeStalksBeck @readinginthedark There‘s no mention of a previous one. What‘s it called? 7y
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readinginthedark The Writing Class. I didn‘t see it mentioned in the synopsis, just some reviews. I wasn‘t sure if they had to be read in order, but that one takes place before with the same character. 7y
JoeStalksBeck @readinginthedark ahhh yeah I saw that book but made no connection. As far as I can tell this is a stand alone 7y
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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For #riotgram challenge day 23, #funnybooks, I recommend this pair of books by Jincy Willett. I love the smart, snarky humor. While each book can be read as a stand-alone story, the main character is the common thread in both. So reading The Writing Class first is probably good. It's laugh out loud humor that gives way to some more introspective moments. @bookriot

KateFulfordAuthor @HeatherBookNerd If you like snarky humour, may I recommend my debut to you? Check the link in my bio for all the info you need 6y
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett

This was picked for a book club. I had never heard of it, or the author. But I just loved it. Quirky characters and fantastic writing. The story: Amy Gallup is a writer who showed great promise in her early career. In the decades that followed, she never matched that success and has become a hermit. Then one day, Amy falls down, and this accident sets her life in motion again. #under-hypedbooks #augustphotochallenge @TheSpinecrackersBookClub

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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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This is beautiful. "They go on leaving forever.." So true.

Tav Gorgeous. Are you reading this because your name is in the title? 8y
Runamyswim Haha, it was a gift, but for that reason! 8y
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Amy Falls Down: A Novel | Jincy Willett
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"Monistat," corrected Amy. "Her name was Monistat." Amy knew this only because the old crone once told her that she hadn't kept "that bastard's name."