March #bookspin
Ready for middle grade March! I don‘t know whether to be proud or alarmed that I easily had 20 mg titles on hand, on my tbr to read for March.
#wishesandblessings #secret
Oops… I switched up the prompts. I love Choldenko‘s Alcatraz series. Hope this one is just as good.
What an interesting book to read during a pandemic! The discussions of the role of competing financial interests and racial and class biases in crafting public health policy, distribution of treatment, and dissemination of information are very relevant, as is the issue of vaccine hesitancy. Aside from the timeliness, this is quite an enjoyable read about a young woman trying to find her way in the world. Another from Build Your Library, level 6.
Coffee and a book. I do this a lot, but it's rare that anyone takes a photo of me doing it. I'm really enjoying the book, by the way, which is nice because I have been in a bit of a reading rut. Also, I couldn't get the photo to upload until I put it in PicCollage. Weird.
#15factsaboutme Thanks for the tag @Centique
Would you like to share yours - @Tanisha_A @BiblioLitten @CarolynM 😘
#heartsandhardcovers #secrets
I'm a huge fan of Choldenko's Alcatraz series so thought I would give this one a try.
Got my match! And I've already been stalking yoooooouuuuu.... 😉
This is going to be fun!
#SecretSantaGoesPostal #WinterSolsticeBookExchange
A historical novel with a lot of information but the story itself felt a bit stilted at time and didn't always flow together or connect.
Started this one to come up with some questions for a program at my library. So far it isn't too bad, maybe a little slow but I'm excited to see where it goes.