I enjoyed reading this book. I find this time period interesting. This is the second book book completed for #JoyousJanuary readathon hosted by @Andrew65. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars.
I enjoyed reading this book. I find this time period interesting. This is the second book book completed for #JoyousJanuary readathon hosted by @Andrew65. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars.
However these boys died, it happened almost 540 years ago, and even if they'd lived they and their children and their children's children would be long-dead by now, but that didn't stop me from snarling “YOU MONSTER“ at Richard III this morning.
I just couldn‘t bring myself to finish this book. This isn‘t even real history. She‘s clearly confused fact and fiction. She didn‘t do her research on this. She‘s claiming things written half a century after Richard‘s death are contemporary to Richard killing his nephews. She can‘t seem to commit to his nephews being alive or dead at any one time.
There is literally no more evidence for her own theories than this one. This entire book is conjecture, and it‘s getting tiring.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower #exhausting
He speaks with authority, so it‘s reasonable to say he‘s trustworthy. WHAT?! That is not how it works. He was a man of caution, so we can trust him. REALLY? We could describe Henry VI was “cautious” but I wouldn‘t trust him with my pet rock. Does this woman know how logic works? She was a history teacher? I‘m terrified of what she taught her students.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower #FaultyLogic #WhatIsHappeningHere
Can I get some proof of this? I mean logical proof. I don‘t think Alison Weir has ever been catholic. Being alive is a reason for guilt, along with eating too much, wanting to have sex with your spouse, thinking you look good in a particular color… I could go on. There is literally NO PROOF for any of this.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower #ShadyAcademia #clueless
Why would it be plausible that he would write down his orders to kill his nephews? That makes exactly ZERO sense. This book is getting less and less plausible.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower #wtf
So pretty much everyone (but the Wydvilles of course) saw that it was better for EdV to be with Richard (and also his brother Richard)…but Uncle Richard is the bad guy? To the Wydvilles, obviously. This might be one of the greatest smear campaigns in history.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower
I get that you‘d go through the motions at this stage if you had ideas of promotion and wait to kill your nephew when there were fewer witnesses, but I‘m supposed to believe that NO ONE picked up on anything? The whole bloody country was full of idiots? The only people who say Richard had plans are the bloody Wydvilles (and now my phone knows how to spell that… great).
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower
The Wydvilles are the real villains here. How are you not going to tell somebody their brother died? Oh yeah, because you‘re being shady. There is record that EdIV wanted Richard to oversee/advise EdV until he was older. Sadly, the documents no longer remain, but mention of them does. I‘m seeing a lot of shady behaviour here, but none of it is Richard‘s.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower
So no one, at the time, found anything odd about Richard‘s behaviour. So much of this story is total propaganda being passed off as history.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower
It‘s coming across to me that the real power hungry persons in this situation are the Wydvilles, not Richard. Richard is the royal. His family (immediate and extended) are the ones with the real power. It doesn‘t seem to me that Richard would have had to take Edward and Richard from their mother had the Wydvilles not being power grabbing.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower
For someone who is allegedly anti-Richard, she sure is defending him, at least at the moment.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower
This is a good, concise, piece of info that certainly helps in understanding R3 as a character. It doesn‘t excuse his behaviour, but it does explain it (at least partly).
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower #Shakespeare #RichardIII #shakespearereadalong
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower
This is certainly an interesting take on the Wars of the Roses.
Love how this book and R3 just collided… right off the bat. If you‘ve already read Act II, this specifically gets mentioned.
#Shakespeare #RichardIII #shakespearereadalong #AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower
I decided this was a good time to read this as they play a role in Richard III.
#AlisonWeir #ThePrincesInTheTower
I think if you‘re looking for a lot of historic references this is great; I do like facts but I‘m missing a bit of dramatic flair that you get with philippa gregory .. this is still a great book tho especially if that‘s what you‘re looking for
Snug as a bug reading this!!! The weather outside is freezing so great opportunity to catch up on my book!! Hope all is staying warm today!!
I received 2 new books yesterday, I am waiting The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn which is to be delivered today and can‘t decide which to start with... of course the one of Marie Antoinette will have to wait... I‘m enjoying my Tudor obsession 😁
This was a dense read. I think it‘s from an era when historians picked at each other for fun and reviews and that was interesting, but a lot of that could have been cut out. I learned a lot about this time period and I really enjoyed learning about how the war of the roses finally came to an end through the murder of the these two boys
I‘m so glad that I finally broke into my Weir shelves! I actually really enjoyed this book; it was heavy but didn‘t feel like a textbook. Weir has a way of writing history, that draws you in and keeps you interested. Whether you agree with her final determination or not (I tend to agree); it was a stellar book for such a tragic mystery.
Sometimes old portraits are pretty stellar, but I think this is the greatest ‘resting b***ch face‘ that I have ever seen 😳 #currentlyreading
It‘s a Pride and Prejudice cross-over!! ❤️❤️❤️ I ‘squeeeed‘ a little when I saw this! 😂😂 #currentlyreading
I did a lot of work tonight, so it‘s time to relax. Popcorn, wine and a good book. Perfect evening. #currentlyreading
I don‘t know that he definitely killed them, but I know this author thinks so. (True crime for #readharder, 8/100 for the year.)
My husband is working on some research related to this period, and I stole this out of his pile for a lazy Tudor true-crime read on a holiday afternoon. As you do. My true crime pick for #readharder
Those poor boys.
Okay, Ms Weir, I'm ready to be entertained, informed & convinced!🤓
My #history shelf is a mixture of #usedbooks and new, for today's #augustphotochallenge #augustofpages! Mostly Alison Weir's War of the Roses and Tudors series, I'm slowly building it up before I apparently read any of it! This is all part of my #TBR pile! #shelfie
I'm so excited to add this version of The Princes in the Tower to my Alison Weir collection. Such an amazingly gorgeous cover. A wicked find at Attic Books in London, ON.