Have you ever looked up the ending of a book series and regretted it and have had a hard time repicking up the book me currently with this one^
Have you ever looked up the ending of a book series and regretted it and have had a hard time repicking up the book me currently with this one^
I'm surprisingly really enjoying this trilogy. It's not super action-based like Divergent or The Maze Runner, but it's still interesting. This book was definitely just to bridge the first book and the third together, but there was still important new background information, and the descriptions were beautiful. I love how the characters have grown. I can't wait to read the final book and see how Ally Condie wraps Cassia and Ky's story up.
Little bit of crossed to pass the time on the elliptical? Yes please!
I liked this very much! I call books like this “candy books”; not much substance but lots of fun. Perfect for days like today when I‘m a bit sick.
The curse of the YA series. The first book is always so good and full of promise, then the second is a huge disappointment. I'm not sure I'll read the last one in the series, after reading this, I'm not sure I care what happens anymore.
So she must have realized that her series was predictable because she MADE XANDER DO SOMETHING HE WOULDN'T DO. Or she decided to further develop her characters because she didn't develop him in the first book.
Second book in the series. I enjoyed it but not as much as the original. Some interesting things going on though.
Cassia is trying to find the guy she loves. She follows him to the outer provinces and beyond. She wants to join the “The Rising” after the things she has learned about The Society.
These are my babies. Notice a trend in my animals? Statistics show black animals are less likely to get adopted so I make a point to adopt them. Not exactly book related but #catsoflitsy and #dogsoflitsy related.
Continuing this series next. Still working on The Vanishing Stair. It is easier to audiobook than sit and read when you are busy.
I get so busy sometimes that I forget to update when I‘ve finished a book or not, haha. I loved this book even more than the first. It just gives off a better vibe and is more fluid with how the story progresses. I‘m excited to see where the third book takes me to next. :)
Evening reads and lots of water to stay hydrated for this sickie 😭😷
September means it is now socially acceptable to spend Sunday afternoons in my room drinking tea, pretending it is cool outside, with a fall candle and a book... Right? #almostfall #bringontheblankets
Love this book! Just can't find enough time to read it since I only have it in eBook format.
I really hate when a series (especially one that continues right where the last one left off) doesn‘t give some kind of recap of the previous book. I was pretty lost for a good portion of it, but it did pick up for me about half way through. Even though I still didn‘t understand how the characters got to where they are now, at least I could just concentrate on what was happening “now”, in this part of the story. Cont in comments...
Following the first book Matched, I was excited to see that their was also his point of view and not just hers. But again, the main character lacked relatability and pretty much everything. She was just bland and very dry. Then reading his point of view, it was like reading a different author. His point of view I found looking forward to reading. His point of view is the only thing that saved this book from being terrible.
This is really somewhere between a Pan and a So-So. Story line was very slow-moving and dull. Basically 8 discs of nothing happening. I‘ve started book #3 because I happen to have it on audio already and I‘ve devoted this much time — I figure I might as well finish the series. So far book #3, only 2 discs in, has much more action than the entirety of this one.
Another nice evening for an #audiowalk. My neighborhood isn‘t very scenic, but I do live near a park. 😊
I struggled to get through this book. You might be wondering why. It‘s because it‘s pandemonium by Lauren Oliver. Sure it‘s dressed up differently but if you‘ve read the delirium trilogy, you know this book is book two of that series. I understand there‘s only so many ways you could right about “dystopian societies” but man oh man, Condie didn‘t even try. If you can get passed that, it‘s a good read.
I liked it, I loved the words she used to describe certain places and people. What I didn't like was how I was not connected to these characters. I was not so close to them in the first book but I felt even less in this one. This one I felt that Kasha was so OVER DRAMATIC! Like it was all about finding Ki, she finds him, she turns to him for everything to do. Get your own opinion! I like Ki better but he is so serious all the time.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to finish this and that'll take me to the 4th book completed for the #popsugarreadingchallenge. I am utilizing this one for #nextbookinseriesistarted .
I haven't posed on Litsy in ages! I've just been so caught up in my books 😂 This is the second book of this series and I'm not sure how I felt about it, it was okay but I was expecting more, not a lot actually happened in this one, but I've bought the 3rd book and fingers crossed it picks up a bit!
#allycondie #crossed #youngadult
My #bookstack of #azurecolouredbooks. Such a pretty color and such pretty books :)
@pri_bibliophile @mellisarock
Bk2. The main protagonist has made a decision in the love triangle and now ventures forth in some pretty unbelievable ways to find where her chosen has been taken. I always wonder why books never add when characters have to go to the bathroom or if they're eating in plot situations like this book. More action than the other but....
#slaythatseries #slaythatseriesreadathon
Eh:/ #thatsall
#SundaysAreForReading #SundayFunday #BookWorm #AllTheBooks #AlwaysReading #KindlePaperWhite #BooksBooksBooks #ReadingIsSexy #NerdyDirtyInkedAndCurvy #Reading #Read #BookHoarder #BooksBeforeBoys #Bookstagram #Instabooks #Bibliophile #BookNerd #Bookaholic #BookPhotography #BookLove #CurrentlyReading #ShadowHunters #BooksOfInstagram #BookArt