What a beautiful book. 🥹😍 So glad a patron recommended it to me, and I can guarantee it‘s found a place on my Best Reads of 2024 list. 💖 #harrystrees #joncohen #librariesaremagic #librariancharacter #friendship #foundfamilies #grief #healing
What a beautiful book. 🥹😍 So glad a patron recommended it to me, and I can guarantee it‘s found a place on my Best Reads of 2024 list. 💖 #harrystrees #joncohen #librariesaremagic #librariancharacter #friendship #foundfamilies #grief #healing
Thank you so much Christine for the Christmas gift! I‘m excited to read this book! I can‘t wait to try to the tea, it sounds so good! I may have to buy a pencil sharpener to use the pencils 🤣.
The candy is already in my candy dish to snack on!
Thanks so much for everything! Happy holidays!
Read for book club and discussed yesterday. I was wishy washy on this, though it‘s incredibly readable and charming at times. After the book club discussion I came away with a deeper appreciation of this title and what the author attempted to do through this adult fairy tale. Humans assign meaning to the world which is mostly just out there doing it‘s own thing. Love and grief change how we humans see our world.
My oh my how I love a Friday evening 💕 📖
Especially this early fall weather! 🍃🌾
Surprisingly charming. Harry is mired in grief and guilt. But he becomes an inspiration for a town, a woman, and a little girl who all deeply need to believe in dreams again. Along the way, Harry himself starts living and believing in them too. Hopeful and sweet, this one sneaks up on you. It‘s about love, loss, freedom, redemption, libraries, librarians, a treehouse, trees, and the power of a book.
Harry‘s Trees is a lot like A Man Called Ove, but better imho! Read it and let me know if you agree! #letterh
Once upon a time, deep in the Endless Mountains, a completely enchanting and beautiful adult fairytale was brought to life. You‘ll find a wise and witchy librarian, a noble grum, a perceptive young heroine, a faithful knight, a complicated Wolf, a wingèd creature, and sacks of gold. This is the special kind of book that touches your soul and leaves you in awe of the actual magic of stories, adventure, redemption, and love. I adored it!
Tuesday morning read
Of all the glorious enchantments of this world- spring, snow, laughter, red roses, dogs, books- love is by far the best.”
“What else is a library, but a temple of truth? What other function do books have, the great ones, but to change the reader? Books to comfort. But most of all, books to disturb you forward.”
This book is actually pretty good. But what the HECK is this?
Coronavirus Lockdown Book 2. I started this today and already love it SO much! I‘ve heard @annebogel talk about it on her podcast and I‘m kicking myself for not picking it up sooner!
Small book haul! I‘m done trying rationalize things. You wouldn‘t believe me anyway. I‘m pretty sure I‘ve gotten more books this month than the number of days we‘ve actually had in the month and I accept that I am a lost cause.
A wonderful book + my favorite candle = happiness.
My final project is due this weekend & I FINALLY got to unsuspend all of my holds! I‘m so close to having time to read again!
Cue unintelligible squealing!
There‘s a crumbling rarely used library in this book. Near the end, one of the characters asks the (lone, now volunteer) librarian why she stopped storytime. She said it was because she lost her assistant and there were too many other things to do. It made me think of our local library. A few years back, they installed electronic checkout stations. Now my kids can walk in, check in their old books, collect and check out an armful of new books, ⬇️
You want a love story to books? This is it. Or more accurately, a love story to stories. And libraries. And most of all, to hope. It makes me sad that it only ranks 53%. This story is beautiful. It‘s not sentimentally written. It has a happy ending. What‘s wrong with happy endings, people? After an awful lot of so-so books, I finally found one that made me happy.
I only managed to read 1 1/2 books at the beach! Poor showing. Too much wave and people watching. #beachreading
I‘ve been quite into this audio recently. Have you read or listened to it?
Two grieving adults, one little girl who believes in fairy-tales, and a magical forest are the heart of this story. However, their story was predictable and played out like a cheesy Lifetime movie.
I did enjoy the local librarian. She was the bright spot of this book for me. And the descriptions of the trees were beautiful.
It wasn't bad, just not for me.
It was just me tonight for dinner, so I started this book that was suggested by a member of my bookclub at my local library. It's going to be a tear-jerker I think. So many sad moments already.
Wonderfully told adult fairy tale.
My first DNF of 2019. 130 pages in and I am bailing. I did not find the characters compelling enough to wade through the cliches. The female characters were written through a very male lens. This book was not for me.
I really am not a book snob. I'm not. BUT. I don't like books that are predictable or too light. This one started out promising but at about the halfway mark, the characters just were not developed enough and the plot became too predictable. And it had a happy ending. I don't really like books where everything works out perfectly in the end for EVERYONE. I wouldn't say this was a BAD book...I'd recommend it as a palette cleanser. ⭐⭐⭐.5/5
For Valentine's Day the hubs gave me his cold #sharingiscaring so im spending the day doing nothing but resting, reading and blowing my nose. 😷🤧😴 this cover is so pretty tho.
Such a beautiful book. It deals with grief so eloquently. Characters that I just loved and a few I absolutely loved to hate. I highly recommend it!
Grabbed lunch at Curry Up Now and enjoyed this incredibly beautiful book.
I really enjoyed this book. I feel like it is one that you need to allow yourself to take time with experience all of the imagery. I highly recommend it... go meet these characters, you won‘t regret it. I loved many of them, but I believe Olive, the librarian, was my favorite.
A little sappy 😉not a bad book but maybe better for a younger crowd or someone young at heart
Loved the magical realism and fairytale tie in and of course the library.
I expected to enjoy this title. It came highly recommended, it had a fantastic cover, and it was about trees. I had no idea I was about to read my favorite book of all time. This book came into my life in a magical way. It sparked an evening catching up with a dear friend. And the magic did not end there. A pure delight from beginning to end. #mmdbookclub
I loved this book! It‘s the January book for #modernmrsdarcybookclub, and also a book for both reading challenges I‘m doing this year:
#mmdchallenge - “a book you‘ve been meaning to read”
#Booked2019 - 6. New to You Author
This quote made me laugh out loud. I know people who have this gift! 😂 I made it to 62% today, and I‘m proud of that! It was a crazy busy day!
I‘m starting this one now! It‘s the January book club pick for the #modernmrsdarcybookclub, and it will be my “book you‘ve been meaning to read” for the #mmdchallenge.