So fun!!!!
Utterly bizarre and ridiculous, but the audiobook narration made this a delightful listen. Cantero spoofs all of the best classic noir tropes. The hard-boiled private investigators are twins who inhabit the same body (it‘s complicated), a femme fatale who is not who you expect, “the girl”, and mobsters. (If you picture me singing “these are a few of my favorite things” you‘d be right🤣)
🎧 Ya know, I just don‘t know what to make of this one! Twins occupy the same body and work as a detective in this spoof/parody of the Golden Age of Noir. There seemed to be “messages” all over the place and, at the same time no message in particular. Too weird for me but I can see how others would love the absurdity and novelty of the whole thing. The audiobook narrator, January LaVoy did great 👍
Weird book!! This is my #genrebusting for #Booked2019 #Summer and oh my, did it bust!! 😂😂😂
Part Detective Noir, part comedy farce, part crime drama, this book is weird but somehow manages to get into the action so fast you end up on the ride without noticing just how weird it is 😂. It‘s not going to be for everyone: Cantero likes classic rich noir level language mixed with his crazy but if you‘re after something different, try this!
I‘m enjoying adding emoji to pics a little to much but Cantero does rather lend himself to them.
Loving this book so far. It‘s my #Booked2019 #Summer #genrebusting read and working very well at that too! 😂😂😂
Yep. We‘re gonna get along just fine, this book and I.... 😂😂😂
I‘m back, back, back again.. on my BS. Let‘s see how long I last 😂🤷🏽♂️
Another good Cantero book, though it took a little for Squidapus to get into it. Cantero's prose is still vociferous and over-indulgent so it either works for you or it doesn't. He toes the line into grating when the pop culture references come on heavy but like his other works the core of the story and characters and descriptions are still great. Very interesting MCs too; essentially 100% emotion + 100% logic as two people in the same body.
Snekko, you're not making it easy to read like this.
Squidapus is excited to read this one because he absolutely loved Meddling Kids. He knows Cantero can be an acquired taste in regards to good prose but something's you just need ridiculous metaphors and silly characters and situations. And a random screenplay style change? Okay that one was weird.
A wild and zany romp! A really fun book that sometimes made me whisper “what?” quickly. The mystery was fun and unexpected (and suitable for squeamish me) and the characters really grew on me!
Made it 56% of the way through and I have no desire to pick it up so I‘m bailing on it for now. I may go back to it I may not. It‘s quirky and I enjoy how it takes the typical private investigator idea and turns it on it‘s head, but not really something I‘m meshing well with right now.
Well...we are snowed in...yet again. Going slightly stir crazy but I guess this means I get to read more? I don‘t have a way into town currently so @TheWordJar and @BookwormAHN I‘ll be delayed in sending things out to you even more than I anticipated. I promise I‘ll try to get something out soon though.
“Right at that point along the plot, in other offices in other novels, ... Police inspectors smoked, P.I.s drank and smoked. House, MD, balanced a ball on the end of his cane. In 1890s London, Sherlock Holmes lay interred on his own sofa under a toxic cloud of pipe tobacco and tried to pluck some music out of a twenty-ounce bottle of morphine after having shot his own violin up his cubital vein.”
Ah the awful Litsy picture crop, we meet again. Anyway. Made it a good chunk of the way through these this month...but only finished like 1 book 🙄 the slump is strong with this one. But I‘m still planning on continuing on with these, hopefully I‘ll finish them soon. #newyearwhodis @AmyG @monalyisha
It took me a couple chapters to really get the hang of the tone and the whole two-private-eye-siblings-sharing-one-body thing but once things clicked for me I was all in! Edgar Cantero has a great talent for genre-bending, and this was another enjoyable book from him (though Meddling Kids is still number one of his in my heart)
Staying warm inside on this icy day - I‘ve been alternating between stitching and reading this funny twist on the noir genre ❄️
Received *two* amazing #bookmail #litsymail packages yesterday!
My 🎅🏼-sized #sss #StuffedStockingSwap package arrived! 👏🏽👏🏽 Can't wait until 12/6 @Jennick2004 ! ❄️💙❄️
And the incredibly thoughtful @AmyG sent a generous and sweet and fun package just bc she's so lovely!! ♥️♥️♥️ Thank you -- I'm sooo excited for this book and to try the coffee, and I love the hand towel, mini-notebook, *&* card! Thank you!! 😘❄️💙♥️🥰
Chimeric siblings living in one body, working as a private eyes. This was very unconventional and funny, a good read if you want something goofy and light!
It took me a while to get into this book but about a third of the way into it I was hooked. A fun, crime noir featuring PIs, Zooey and Adrien Kimrean, who are two different people but share the same body. This book is crazy (in a good way)!
Well that‘s an interesting way to start a novel.
I‘m looking forward to this one! On a side note - I hope your day is going better than mine. Realized I left the stove burner on for 1.5 days and used lime instead of lemon juice cooking dinner (hopefully it turns out ok).
It is a miserable rainy Tuesday, and I am living my best life. Boozy Capri Suns and deeply weird noir books FTW
Aiden and Zooey Kimrean are twins who have always shared everything. They don't have much choice, though, because they're two completely different people who just happen to be trapped in the same body. This causes all sorts of problems as they each attempt to live their own lives. This book was funny, suspenseful, and slightly ridiculous (in the best possible way).
I love how Edgar Cantero takes tropes we are familiar with and turns them on their head. In this case a hard boiled detective thriller with so much comedy and heart. Zoe and Adrian are chimeric twins, they are two complete people sharing the same body, and they are private detectives. They fight like the brother and sister they are. They have been asked to help the police solve the murder of a monster‘s son and they do it in a very unique fashion.
This book is brilliant. It's noir with a delightful twist - funny and zany and creative and empathetic and diverse and wonderful. Most fun I've had in ages. The audio book is incredibly well done.
Took me a couple of chapters to get into this, but once I was in I read it in one sitting. A fast read for a slow reader like me. I will be reading the rest of Edgar‘s books.
1. I usually plan out my weekend but this weekend due to my trip I didn‘t so, outside of a lunch cookout at my sisters I have no set in stone plans.
2. Suck a great book, will be one of my favorites of the year.
3. Not liking food was never my problem.
4. Not much of an athlete but I did wrestle in junior high and high school until I injured my knee.
5. That‘s my plan. It‘s back to work on Monday for 11 straight days.
Starting this one today. Zelda was not quite sure she was okay with the book. 🐶❤️🐶#schnauzersoflitsy #nodogswereharmedinthispicture #spoileddog
Nothing super profound here, but extremely entertaining and the dialogue is just great! It took some getting used to Zooey and Adrian being the same person, but it absolutely worked 😂
Also, love that the cover colors are similar to Cantero's other book, Meddling Kids, which I'd recommend too. Guess I really need to read The Supernatural Enhancements now!
So, I only got like 12 hours in on #24in48 but I still won one of the challenges. Tor sent me Deep Roots. Nice surprise (I haven't read Winter Tide yet, but I expect I'll like it so i'm ok having the second book first)!
I've been in such a huge reading/life slump. The last couple weeks have been exhausting. But anyway, Cantero's new book is pretty great. I'm a little over halfway through. It's taking way longer than I'd want though. 🤷♀️
New book Monday! Starting up this noir detective spoof by Edgar Cantero. Hard boiled detective twins...only catch is they share the same body 👥
I found this on my doorstep today. What a delight it is to win a book you really want!
I absolutely adored this book. It was twisted and obscene in all the ways I love. it‘s like the put Phillip K Dick and Phillip Marlowe in a blender, mixed them together on high speed and baked them in a cupcake tray. The uniquely bizarre premise and style didn‘t detract from a solidly plotted mystery. January LaVoy handled the gender fluidity of the novel perfectly and pushed the narrative with a kinetic pace.
Took two books backs to the library and picked up one on hold, then swung by B&N before heading home. Very proud of myself for just buying one book. I had four others in my hands but wandered almost the entire store until I had talked myself out of them. But can I just say, I really hate these mini-hardbacks. It‘s going to look weird on my shelf next to Meddling Kids.
Went to an Edgar Cantero signing and it was really fun. January LaVoy, the narrator of the audiobook, was with him and they read a scene together. Plus, he referenced Who Framed Roger Rabbit which made me irrationally happy. If anyone is thinking about getting the audiobook, LaVoy did a great job tonight without any rehearsing so I bet her narration is great.
I‘m loving January LaVoy‘s performance in THIS BODY‘S NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US But I need to get my hands on a print copy. This book is full of the most creatively filthy string of expletives that warrant more careful examination. It‘s like he turns swearing into poetry. #audiobook #fridaylistens #fridayreads
This - THIS 👆🏻 - is why I love Edgar Cantero. There is no reason intrinsic to the book to name a fly - it‘s not like there‘s a ghost Jennifer haunting the story & maybe she has possessed the fly 👻. He just names a random fly Jennifer in the midst of the story 🤣 Maybe it will be important later - maybe it won‘t. But right now it‘s got me dying 🤣🤣🤣
Edgar Cantero reading a hilarious scene from his latest novel, a noir parody.
With Edgar Cantero at Interabang Books!
When you get a retweet by one of your favorites 😍❤️🙌🏻
This is a quick look at part of my August #audiobook To Be Listened To pile. August may be difficult because I have a “vacation” at the end of the month that involves me driving my mom from Tempe Az to Philly and I won‘t be able to listen to books along the way. I think there‘s a good mix of sci-fi, horror and thrillers here a few old but mostly new and upcoming, although this doesn‘t include potential Audible purchases and library listens.
On the right is my #makemereadit stack. I‘m starting at the top & working down.
On the left are commitments such as book club, buddy read, and a couple challenges .
But up first, cos I‘ve been waiting since I closed Meddling Kids, is my #bookmail from today 🙂. I ❤️❤️❤️ Edgar Cantero!😍
You guys... the cover feels as soft as this blanket 😍😍😍. It not only looks awesome, it feels it, too 😍. How‘d they do that? 🤔
I enjoyed this noir-ish mash-up so much more than I expected to! Cantero is an author who breaks all the #Rules and it results in a fun & original read that moves along at breakneck speed!! #CoolBooks @Linsy
I don‘t think I‘ve ever laughed out loud twice in the first paragraph of a book before but the early profanity and the “interbreast sweat” had me dying last night! ARC from @DoubledayBooks
Halfway through Edgar Cantero's upcoming release and I LOVE it!!! Meddling Kids was good but this is great 👍