God I love a Much Ado #retelling. Ben and Bee had the energy, and I love that the Hero/Claudio characters were sapphic! The "death" of Hana was a little weak, but given the setting update, it still worked. #yalit
God I love a Much Ado #retelling. Ben and Bee had the energy, and I love that the Hero/Claudio characters were sapphic! The "death" of Hana was a little weak, but given the setting update, it still worked. #yalit
This is a fun, lighthearted read. It‘s a retelling of Much Ado About Nothing. Bit of a slow start. Hana (Hero) and Claudia (Claudio) don‘t get together until about 100 pages in. BUT it‘s a spot-on depiction of summer camp life. Most of the more ridiculous plot points come from the original play. I really appreciate how Booth handled some of the more slut-shamey aspects of play.
Solid beach read.
I used to work with the leaders-in-training at my summer camp. This nails their experience. We used to tell them it was going to be “awesomely awkward.”
Just wrapped up a book. Before diving into anything new, I sometimes engage in what I call “Chapter One Day Fun Day”- in which I read the first chapter from a selection of books off my TBR shelf. #WildSaturdayNight
Much Ado About Nothing is one of my favorite plays, and I‘m a sucker for Shakespeare modernizations in general. This MAAN adaptation is set in a summer camp with all the main characters as camp counselors and lots of queer and POC representation, and it is just SO exactly up my alley.
#currentlyreading this Much Ado About Nothing retelling. Do you like Shakespeare retellings? #ya #retelling #nothinghappened #mollygbooth