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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Be careful what stories you tell around the campfire... they just might come true. Fans of Scream and Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children will devour this chilling horror debut. While camping in a remote location, Maddie Davenport gathers around the fire with her friends and family to tell scary stories. Caleb, the handsome young guide, shares the local legend of the ferocious Mountain Men who hunt unsuspecting campers and leave their mark by carving grisly antlers into their victims' foreheads. The next day, the story comes true. Now Maddie and her family are lost in the deep woods--with no way out--being stalked by their worst nightmares. Because there were other, more horrifying stories told that night--and Maddie's about to find out just how they end...
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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July 2024 book #8

A group of friends and family members decided to camp and it seems that stories told around the 🔥came true next day. I recently read a book with a similar premise, very similar: The Telling by Alexandra Sirowy. But in Campfire, the stories are described in a graphic way, a slasher-ish story. The motive for the killings?...🤷🏽‍♀️2.8/3⭐️But I like the cover😳😂

DieAReader 🥳Great 3w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3w
Gissy #52bookclub24 prompt #22 plot similar to another book-The Telling by Alexandra Sirowy 3w
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Eggs Absolutely 💯 4mo
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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I‘m trying to get more active on Litsy again, and #CampLitsy24 sounds like just the ticket. Here are four books that are high on my list”want to read” list for summer!

Megabooks So glad you'll be joining us! Nice choices! 6mo
squirrelbrain Welcome to camp - great choices! 6mo
KateReadsYA Ooooo, 1666 is on my TBR 🤗 6mo
BarbaraBB Welcome to camp! We add you to our taglist! 6mo
Caroline2 Oh I‘ve added 1666 too 😮 👍 6mo
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Day 2 of #OminousOctober

Tagged book is from my TBR list - Campfire by Shawn Sarles

The other 3 are a PC game series that I've enjoyed playing:

Campfire Legends:
i) The Hookman
ii) The Babysitter
iii) The Final Act

#Scarathlon2022 #TeamSlaughter @clwojick

Clwojick Fun! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🖤🔥 2y
Eggs 🧡🔥🎃 2y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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This was a good first novel - I would read Sarles again - the concept is fabulous and the ending - did not see it coming, didn't even have it on my radar! Only a few minor issues: 1) the adults on the camping trip are obnoxious day one, I kept thinking why don't they just call the guides to come get them and leave! 2) Yes, Chelsea is Maddie's best friend, it does not have to be stated every time Chelsea's (my best friend) name is mentioned 🔽

bthegood and 3)the humor/joy after some seriously disturbing events - hard to believe (but it does fit with most B movies/books in the horror genre) 😉
Not the book I planned to finish for #SuperSeptember @EadieB @Andrew65 - but I did finish one book so far this week! Make a great day everyone -
EadieB Congrats on finishing book 2 for readathon! I love 💕 scary books! This one looks good! 3y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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#ITSFALLYALL @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

1. Anything that has apple or pumpkin flavor
2. candy corn
3. yes
4. nothing specific - just scary stories
5. big sweatshirts, blankets - things you need on a cool fall day
6. bookmarks and my glasses (can't read without them)

Make a great day everyone -

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great answers! Thanks for playing! 🖤🖤 3y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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#ThinkPositiveBePositive @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
thx for the tag @peanutnine

(From Erma Bombeck)

Tagging anyone who wants to play!

peanutnine Love this! 😂 3y
bthegood @peanutnine you make me 😃 3y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Decided to do a reset for the rest of this month - not bailing on original books - just back to the #TBR for another time when I'm in that kind of mood - looking forward to new #CurrentlyReading

The On Deck books are from Litsy authors - @llcoolnate @jeannasser @WJCintron - looking forward to reading those.

Make a great day everyone -


WJCintron This just made my day! 💞 Thank you so much! 😃 🤗 🙏 3y
jeannasser So grateful! 😊🥰Thank you!! I hope you enjoy it as much as we loved writing it 🏝 3y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Happy Saturday, #LittensDressedInBlood! Today's prompt is Campfire Tales, so I thought this book was perfect. I'm a little off my game due to lack of sleep, but thankfully, I had this picture in my cloud from a few years ago. The thing I love the most about working at an indie bookstore (even if it's mostly online for me these days) is staff picks and shelf talkers and finding the perfect book for a customer!

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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Family. Friends. Camping. Scary Stories. Mountain Men on the loose who carve antlers into their victim‘s foreheads. It is just your everyday fun filled camping story.....right?!?!

This book is a slow burn thriller, but once it heats up hold on for the ride because it doesn‘t slow down again.
Highly, highly recommend!!!!


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Campfire | Shawn Sarles

So-so nearing pan, 2.5 stars, slow and semi-predictable

LibrarianRyan I completely agree. Just another so-so from James Patterson Presents. 5y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Wow. Such a great October read!! #scarathlon @Clwojick #TeamSlaughter

Clwojick ☠ ☠ 5y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Part 1 of my #scarathlon pile #TeamSlaughter #OctoberReads Currently halfway done with Campfire and audiobooking Lock Every Door

Gissy There are some books that seem very spooky😱 5y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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2.5 🌟
This book has a cover that is reminiscent of the Blair Witch Project, but a storyline reminiscent of a Blair Witch Snooze fest. I‘m sorry to say this was just boring. It is supposed to be a YA horror novel, but I find it way more terrifying that James Patterson says to read this. But then again Patterson is so forumalic that in and of itself is horrifying.

Read the full review on GR and LT

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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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1. Wasn't sure I was going to participate but I guess I am. As for goals? How about get caught up on my august goal of 31 GN.
2. Black Canary GN
3. something salty. Wavy lays are at the top of my crave list.
4. comfortable seat
4. yes. usually
6. @bookzombie, thanks for the tag. Everyone else feel free to play along.

cathysaid 4. Comfortable seat. Yes yes yes. As I “mature” (get old) that matters so much more. 👵🏻 5y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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I know my copy is a galley but I hope to heck they fixed this.

He head... it should be His Head...

JanuarieTimewalker13 Yes, this happens a lot!! I‘ve found typos in finished copies too! 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Maybe you can contact someone? 5y
LibrarianRyan @JanuarieTimewalker13 This book has been out for a year. I got my galley last (2018) summer. I'm just now getting to it. Normally i do point these out if I get it read before it publishes. 5y
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JanuarieTimewalker13 Oh, ok, but can they fix it for the paper back? I‘ve always wondered about that. 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Unless I guess it goes straight to paperback. I‘ve always wondered about how long it takes for a book to go from hardback to paperback. 5y
LibrarianRyan @JanuarieTimewalker13 no idea. But tell you what. I‘ll check the hard cover when I go to the bookstore and see if it‘s in there. I have a galley (arc) copy. 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 That‘s cool! Thanks!‘ 5y
yeahnonotagain I laughed, not gonna lie lol! 5y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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#kindledeal on this horror novel!

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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Not a work of a literary genius but Campfire was a fun, crazy, horror read.

A group of family and friends go camping in the middle of nowhere with a guide. At night, the group begins telling scary stories around the campfire, including the guide. The guide‘s story deals with creepy mountain men who leave marks on their victims. The next day, it appears that the guide‘s story is coming true.

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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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This is a fun ya book reminiscent of RL Stine. Maddie and her family and friends go camping for a week in Colorado and the scary stories they tell around the fire start to come true. Pretty high body count and a few surprises along the way.
Thanks so much for sending this one to me Tabitha! ❤️

Lovesbooks87 I enjoyed this one as well! 6y
Craftylikefox Oh yay!!! I definitely felt the RL Stine vibes too 😊 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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When I saw this book yesterday at Target and one of the reviews said it was perfect for fans of Are You Afraid of the Dark? I just knew I had to get it. Maddie and her family are camping and they tell stories around the campfire. But what do they do when the stories start coming true and people start turning up died? This book kept me on the edge of my seat and I didn't see the ending coming at all!

Lovesbooks87 This was my 4th completed book in the #24b4monday readathon. This was my first time trying to read 24 hours in this amount of time. I only got half way there but I look forward to doing this again and beating my time. 6y
Andrew65 Well done! 👏👏👏 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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I couldn‘t wait for the #screamathon in October and stayed up way past my bedtime finishing this one last night. I didn‘t find it scary, but it was fun. 🎃

alisiakae That‘s a creepy cover! 👀 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Finished Campfire this morning. It‘s a debut from Shawn Sarles. I feel like it is a cross between a James Paterson and R L Stine (fear street) a fast paced story with a couple of short campfire stories tucked in. A family goes camping in the middle of the woods and tell campfire stories under a full moon. The stories eventually start becoming real. A fun read overall. Next up The Last Time I Lied. A camping theme. I didn‘t do any camping this year

kamoorephoto These are two awesome picks!!! 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Quiet Sunday morning. My reading has slowed down since my classes have started up. I am reading the tagged book on the right, when I should probably be getting ahead on my reading with the book on the left.

SamanthaMarie The pickled bats candle is SO cool! What does it smell like? 😂 6y
Kelican17 @Wife the candle 6y
Craftylikefox @SamanthaMarie that‘s my candy jar. I snuck it on the table because it fits in. I wish I could find a candle like that 6y
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SamanthaMarie Still super rad!! But yes, that would be an amazing candle. 6y
JoScho How are you liking Campfire? 6y
Craftylikefox @JoScho it has the pacing of a James Patterson novel, so it jumps in quick and it keeps going. It‘s a fun read :) 6y
JoScho Good to know! Thanks 🖤 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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SO has headed into work and now it‘s just Nigel and me time. I wanted to share that I had won Campfire from a Book Riot giveaway! It showed up pretty quickly and looks like it should be a fun spooky read. My head has been to busy for me to focus on reading. Tonight I am working on a project and have some true crime TV on. I hope everyone has a lovely evening, almost halfway through the week 😊

Texreader Great photo 6y
JoScho Yay! I am curious to see what you think about this one. I have seen mixed reviews. 6y
TorieStorieS I just saw this cover and was curious... looking forward to seeing what you think!!! 6y
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Craftylikefox @texreader thanks 😊 6y
Craftylikefox @JoScho @TorieStorieS this is around the perfect time to read it 🎃🔥I will definitely share my thoughts when I finish 😊 6y
TorieStorieS Looking forward to it!! 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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New book with the summer sun.

Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Impulse buy this morning. It‘s gotten very mixed reviews, but I think I‘ll give it a try while I take a break from my Karen Slaughter binge for a couple of days.

JoScho I want to read this one so bad! Can‘t wait to see what you think 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Whoops another impulse buy😅 BUTTT this sounds just like a fun spooky and scary read that I‘ve been looking for! 🏕👻 #scarystories #tbr

RadicalReader @Cailey_Mac be sure to check out The Cellar by Natasha Preston and The Girl Before by JP Delaney 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Campfire arrived in my mailbox today so that‘s what I‘m starting with for #24in48. I‘m behind in my 2018 horror releases so this will be one I can check off. I hope everyone has an awesome readathon weekend!

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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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A decent YA Horror. More a 3.5, but I'm bumping it up because of the high body count.

The book works best when the campfire horror tales are told. I was expecting a rehash of all the scary tales we know so well, but Sarles surprises with 3 orginal tales that were scary and vivid (I really hope to avoid any bells and blue coolera the rest of the summer).

Recommending this to take with you on your next camping trip - especially with your family!

BekahB I‘m excited to give this one a try! 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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This makes me REALLY sad because I was so excited when I got this is in the mail. But *whispers* this is probably a one-star read.

The concept is there: scary stories told around a campfire come to life. But the execution just wasn‘t done well. Sarles definitely has potential, i‘ll interested to see what he does next.

Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Diving into this audiobook, ready for a little summer scare!

vkois88 I have to say, I'm stockpiling my thrillers for closer to the end of month so I can really kick Autumn off with a bang 😁 I can't wait to read them! 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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It has been so hot in NE Ohio this week! The weather finally broke today, and it feels wonderful. It was actually breezy and even a little chilly in the shade today. I was able to sit outside and read in comfort. Tonight, it is even cool enough to have a fire. I have a dilemma though...it‘s getting too dark to read, but I love the fire 🔥 🔥

TheFunkyBookworm U need one of those clip on book lights! 6y
Booknerd2 Exactly the same here in Davenport, Iowa. I‘m on my patio reading and thinking about starting a fire when it‘s dark. 6y
Melkyl @TheFunkyBookworm Great idea! 6y
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Melkyl @Booknerd2 It‘s very nice to have that option in July 😊 6y
Booknerd2 @Melwilk Definitely!!! 😎 6y
CouronneDhiver Right?! Same situation in Ontario. Waaaay better today 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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I got to meet this author at Book Expo and not only was he smart (presigned all the book) he was a hoot to talk to.

#coverlove #YAedition

July 17

JoScho I am really looking forward to this one. 6y
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Packing for two week trip to cabin. Doesn't leave much time for reading, since I have to take everything for cabin

Samplergal But two weeks to read... 6y
Crazeedi @Samplergal EXACTLY!!!😉 I have my books packed and ebooks downloaded!!!! 6y
Samplergal @Crazeedi We are campers and I love my camping reading. I have read more camping than anywhere. So peaceful. Enjoy that cabin and your peaceful reading. 6y
Crazeedi @Samplergal TY!!! I am looking forward to the peace and silence. This pic is the view outside the cabin we rent. And the weather is looking pretty nice too!! Will share my memories and books I read! 6y
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