Clever, thoughtful, funny & quirky. If you want a PI novel written from a very different angle then this nad the other two Claire DeWitt novels are for you.
Clever, thoughtful, funny & quirky. If you want a PI novel written from a very different angle then this nad the other two Claire DeWitt novels are for you.
I bought little bags of cocaine and heroin and snorted them or jumped in the cold ocean or got tattoos or got in fights or slept with strangers to see if I was real. I still wasn't sure.
Three strands of story - intertwine to get to a solution to creates more questions than answers - not your standard mystery! The self claimed best detective in the world is charming, broken and no stranger to hard living. Eccentric plotting, some weird old fashioned language, and some very bizarre scenarios - it was both hard boiled mystery and Victorian Sherlock Homes inspired drama. Never read anything like it!
So for the next 100 pages I‘ve got some book flipping to do! Seems like someone needs to go back to printing school! 🤣
When your bookcover matches the 2 cats sleeping on your lap! #catsoflitsy #perfectsaturday
#CoverCrush #7Covers7Days
Would you like to show us some of your favorite book covers @MrT ? No explanation needed. Post a photo of that moving cover art and tag one Litten each day for the week. Can‘t wait to see what you got! Have fun!!💕
Day Seven:
The Infinite Blacktop by Sara Gran
Cover Design by Alex Merto
"In my mind's eye the rest of my life poured out ahead of me: black tar on an endless road, dark and alone. It would be a long series of empty moments that took me down an infinite highway to nowhere in particular. Happiness would always be around the next corner-- but never here, never now, never on this road."
Starting the third book in the Claire DeWitt detective series today. #porchreading #dogsoflitsy #charliewaffles
I solved every mystery I came across. Except my own.
1. Across the bayou and down the road a ways, my nearest neighbors have chickens. I find them so beautiful...and they‘re actually sweet. They come right up to your hand.
2. In a word, no. I love my house, but hate my city.
3. I would recommend anything by Sara Gran (I just finished the tagged novel).
4. Late night—after 9 pm, usually.
5. I‘m a day late, of course, but last night (while reading), I had wine, cheese & tomolives...yum!
Can I give this book 5 million stars? I don‘t even know where to start with this, and it has a lot to do with me personally. I loved this book so much—sometimes I laughed out loud, once I actually caught myself crying—that I will read anything Sara Gran ever writes. This character, Claire DeWitt, is so authentic, so real...and she can be quite dark at times, but she is so powerful on the page that I daresay anyone, especially women, will be ⬇️
In this third entry in the series, Claire DeWitt faces down a dangerous opponent in the present while we learn more about her past. Claire is brutal and ruthless in her pursuit of the truth, yet I spent much of the book deeply afraid for her. This series is so crazy and dark, a never-ending detective story where the ultimate mystery is identity itself. If existential noir were a genre, it would the perfect example.
@Suzze you have got to get yourself some snickerdoodle hot cocoa - so good!!
@ basically everyone - if you have not read Sara Grans‘s Claire DeWitt series, do yourself a favor and please do. She is firmly one of my favorite writers and as I (sadly - why is this not longer!?) get close to the end of book 3, I‘m just in awe of her writing and her weird beautiful melancholy yet hopeful mysteries. ❤️
It‘s release day for the latest installment of the Claire DeWitt mysteries!!!!!!!
I wasn't really sure on this one since it is a third in a series and I'm not really one for detective novels, but I was hooked! I didn't even feel like I was missing much for not reading the previous books. I'll be keeping an eye out for more. Also...I'm pretty sure Claire DeWitt is my spirit animal.....minus the drug addiction 😄
#NetGalleyReads #5StarReads
This was my first Sara Gran. I love a funny mystery series and this has it all: noir; funny; smart. I read this as a stand alone but read a review that said the this book answered questions from an earlier book. Adding the two previous Claire DeWitt books to my TBR!!
AHHHHHH A NEW SARA GRAN!!! This is the best surprise ever! Cancel all my plans, I‘m reading this RIGHT NOW. 🖤