I love the look of this graphic novel!
“With each mega-project she describes, I feel myself shrink smaller and smaller.”
Masculinity sure is fragile.
I LOVE this cover. The book is pretty great too. Peter Heller writes these literary thrillers that are set outdoors. He is able to write nature in a way that is beautiful but doesn‘t remove its potential threat. This is a tale of survival, 2 friends set out to canoe in Canada and their trip does not go as planned.
I solved every mystery I came across. Except my own.
Why hasn‘t this been adapted into a romcom film yet? It‘s funny, sweet, and sexy.
My sister and I got the chance to see Tamora Pierce speak. What a legend! Her books meant a lot to me growing up. Can‘t wait to read this new one!!
Someone is truly evil. Why does ya do this? I‘m fine with cliffhangers, but this is so infuriating. I really enjoyed this mystery set at a fancy boarding school, but this made me want to throw the book across the room.
So many feelings! A smart female character who is unapologetic and ruthless. A hate/love relationship. Relationships between female characters that are treated as complicated and important. This hit me hard.
Porter Roth. Beautiful body. Head full of curls. My archnemesis.
What a great and surprising book to start off the new year. Closest to Firefly in book form featuring a space crew that you will grow to love, adventure, romance and humor. This is the kind of book that you'll want to live in for a while.
Blisteringly good. Reminds me of Tana French books where the characters matter as much as the mystery they're trying to solve. Marchetta strikes that balance of making you laugh and cry. I also found it refreshing that the children in the book were just as important to the story as the adults. For some reason that's rare in thriller or mystery fiction. Read this book , then read her YA.
But the Count hadn't the temperament for revenge; he hadn't the imagination for epics; and he certainly hadn't the fanciful ego to dream of empires restored.
How could I resist this punny title? The premise- A twist on the Arthurian legend told from the pov of his super efficient butler is great. I love stories about people who are competent at their jobs (one of the reasons I watch Madame Secretary), but this one wasn't for me. It's an action heavy book and the scenes are written cinematically at the cost of the characters.
Love this series so much so far! Lee and her friends have made it to California, but the man who murdered her parents made it there too. Now that Lee has so much to lose, she will have to confront her past in order to have a future. This series has a large cast of characters and I love how the author depicts many different kinds of kickass female characters.
Lee runs away when her parents are murdered, headed West to California in search of gold and a new start. The crossing is dangerous, especially for a girl disguised as a boy and especially for someone who can sense gold. Lee is tough as nails and her journey is an exciting one. Read when you're feeling like embarking on an adventure.
This is the 3rd in this series and I don't know how Walton makes it work (but she does). It all begins when Athena decides to do an experiment : make Plato's republic real and Apollo decides to live there-as a human. There are so many nerds I want to recommend this series to-whatcha waiting for?
First BBF purchase! Crime fiction panel was excellent!!
Got my books hat on and ready to hang with fellow book nerds at the Boston Book Fest! Excited!
Mele is a single mom dealing with heartbreak, finding her parent friend group and all the fun and unglamorous moments that come with being a parent. As with most of her books funny and sad, all of the bittersweet feels! Also recommend her YA book Juniors, about a girl living in Hawaii. Simple but lovely.
Interesting story about a girl dealing with the aftermath of a sexting scandal. It jumps back and forth from when the events are unfolding to the consequences. I found the story most compelling when the main character is trying to work out how to deal with a situation that she is partly responsible for, but where the consequences far outweigh her original actions. I wanted more of that exploration, in some ways this story stuck with the surface.
"Holly? What do you want? A lentil and hummus wedge, or something?"
"Actually, I think a soft serve twist. It's a special occasion."
"Oh, I thought you only did healthy."
I'm not a fan so far on how the relationship between Holly and Lucy is portrayed. They're competitive and catty and this is a problem when you consider that there aren't any positive female relationships shown in the book. Hoping their relationship evolves.
I forgot what an awesome cover this is. Definitely recommend for the Fall.
Yup, I'm an adult. But sometimes cuddle time during a rainy afternoon makes all the difference. I've had Tigger since I was eight.
Random thought, this is a rare series where a young magical person has parents who are alive. Not an orphan!
I read the book, I eat the dinner! Jackaby is like an American Dr. Who. And it's narrated by a kick-ass female character Abigail Rook. Love, love, love!
Kevin Brooks is one of those authors who I will read anything that he writes. Even Iboy which was about a boy who has an iPhone merge with his brain in a freak accident resulting in abilities. He's so good that he almost pulled that one off. This one is about the punk rock scene during the 70s.
I love finding random bookmarks tucked into library books. What's the coolest thing you've found in a book?
Already on the second one! This YA series reminds me of Harry Potter, if it was in the horror rather than the fantasy genre. Supernatural investigations by a trio of young agents in a fascinating world where since the Problem started ghosts have been haunting and killing,
Eeeeee! First goodreads giveaway. Loved Rules of Civility. Can't wait to try this one!
A little evening reading.
Laugh-out-loud funny and sexy. Mike is 16 and figuring out his sexuality. It's great to read a comedy versus a drama about a guy coming out in high school. #funfridayphoto
Some laundry reading. So many thoughts and feelings about this book. Beautiful writing and almost a mesmerizing way she goes back to events in the main character's life over and over again. Makes you pause for a moment to consider things when it's easy to swept away by tasks or projects.
Teenagers spontaneously combust! Do I need to say more?
Oh you delightful, curmudgeon. Haven't read much Hemingway, but this one is a treat.
This book is making me cackle! My mate is side-eying me. The description of the Coolidge effect.