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A Higher Loyalty
A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership | James Comey
136 posts | 126 read | 3 reading | 77 to read
In his forthcoming book, former FBI director James Comey shares his never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations of his career in the past two decades of American government, exploring what good, ethical leadership looks like, and how it drives sound decisions. His journey provides an unprecedented entry into the corridors of power, and a remarkable lesson in what makes an effective leader. Mr. Comey served as director of the FBI from 2013 to 2017, appointed to the post by President Barack Obama. He previously served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and the U.S. deputy attorney general in the administration of President George W. Bush. From prosecuting the Mafia and Martha Stewart to helping change the Bush administration's policies on torture and electronic surveillance, overseeing the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation as well as ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, Comey has been involved in some of the most consequential cases and policies of recent history.
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I really enjoyed this book. I didn't agree with everything he said, but I can respect it. The book is mostly about what he thinks it takes to be a good leader and how he strives to always stay loyal to his principles even in the face of corruption.

It was great hearing his side and why he made the decisions he made during all the high profile investigations he had to be apart of.

#AtoZ #BookA


Wow, engrossing my first audiobook! Such a great man smeared by such a small weak brute.

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Doing a little audio knitting today, trying to finish a pair of socks for a friend for Christmas. :)


Borrowed from a friend, I was glad to have read Comey‘s perspective on troubling events.


“Ethical leaders do not run from criticism, especially self-criticism, and they don‘t hide from uncomfortable questions. They welcome them.“ 🙏 🙏


Listening to a podcast (The Oath with Chuck Rosenberg). Absolutely fascinating to listen to Comey discuss the leadership qualities of W. and Obama vs Trump. He points out that Bush and Obama were both confident men who listened to their advisers and showed humility.

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I really expected to not much like this, or at least be bored by it at parts. But it was actually one of the most interesting books about Trump/2016 that I have read. He also talks about his dealings in earlier administrations. Comey manages to actually be politically neutral which you almost never see anymore. His neutrality and honestly was a breath of fresh air and I feel like I truly understand what happened so much better now.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It shows me that we need leaders who are ethical and thoughtful. As much as I disliked what he did prior to the election, it‘s what an ethical person was to do. #mountTBR

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3.15.19- likes it a lot. Would read it again in about a year from now

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Maida Heatter‘s Georgia Pecan Bread:

I appreciate how much The BFG likes my cooking. 😹

LeahBergen His eyes!! 😆😆😆 5y
LauraBeth @LeahBergen I went to the pet store and bought a collar (size Large) for him and it was too small 😹🤦‍♀️ 5y
LeahBergen Nooo! 😂😂 I wonder if he‘s going to grow into his huge head and be massive? How old is he? 5y
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athorne Eee! Gorgeous #gingerbrat! 5y
LauraBeth @LeahBergen 😹 He‘s one. The vet said his large head size is due to him not being neutered when he was younger. It‘s a typical “Tom Cat Head” as he put it. He was neutered the day before we got him. ✂️ 5y
Cathythoughts Dote X ♥️ 5y
saresmoore From the girl cats: 🎶 I like big heads and I cannot lie; You other kitties can‘t deny; When a tom slinks with an itty bitty waist and a round & giant face, you just pounce! 🎶 5y
8little_paws I fostered a big head cat like that. I loved him to bits and pieces and I was there when he got adopted from the shelter. It was such a happy day because he was a real piece of work and his new owner totally understood his behavior without frustration. 5y
LauraBeth @saresmoore 😹😹😹 the siren song of gray cat! 5y
LauraBeth @8little_paws I bet that‘s a wonderful thing to see when a cat you‘ve fostered gets a loving home ❤️ Not many people may recognize all of the work that fosters do with animals to help get them socialized for adoption. So here‘s my heartfelt thanks to you for all of the work you do. And here‘s to all of the big-headed Toms in shelters everywhere who need a family. 😻 5y
LauraBeth Thanks @Grimscythe 😻 Gingerbrats are sweethearts! 5y
Dragon 😻 5y
Bookzombie @saresmoore 😂😂 love the song! @LauraBeth He is so cute! 💕🐱 5y
rubyslippersreads Big Head Boy matches the batter! 😹 5y
LauraBeth @rubyslippersreads He does! 😹 I didn‘t notice! 5y
Suet624 I love how the color matches each item in the photo. 5y
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Well that was unexpectedly very well written. The moral code this man stands by gave me goose bumbs. His delicate way of talking about the 3 presidents he served was telling of his good character. Definitely adding this one to my at home library. Also he read the book for audio and did a great job.

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♡♡♡GOOD MORING from overcast and rainy WI♡♡♡

SilversReviews Rainy and chilly here too - Pittsburgh. 6y
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Wow! I could not put this book down! I normally am bored by non-fiction, but I was fascinated by the stories James Comey shared about his experiences. He seems like an honorable man trying to make the right choices and I learned a lot of the “real story” behind what you hear on the news. Oh the feels in here! I really enjoyed this one!

Samplergal We are listening to that in the car this week driving. Glad to know it‘s great. 6y
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I can‘t put this book down 📖

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If you need me I‘ll be right here by the fireplace with a new book🔥📖

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The story of James Comey. His life as a prosecutor, member of the Department of Justice and interactions with the current President. It is a concise history and brings up multiple concerns about this current administration. A good read for any one wondering how to be an effective leader.

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I found this book very interesting. I learned a lot about some of the decisions that were made. I loved the part where he is in line at the cafeteria and a guy didn‘t recognize him. “Dude, I‘m the director of the FBI, you work for me” “You look a lot different than your photo on line”. I love that his wife laughed and said that should be said to you everyday.

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Listened to this on audio and it surprisingly kept my attention. I was afraid my mind would wander because it usually does whenever politics comes up. Not because I‘m not interested, but because I‘ve become desensitized to the constant madness. I think it‘s a survival tactic - haha. I enjoyed the book albeit I had some questions about his thought process. But whether you‘re into politics or not, I thought it was interesting and would recommend

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He tells some great stories in this book. Fact is truly stranger than fiction.

mrozzz 🙌🏻 6y
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My #NEWTsreadathon2018 Muggle Studies 'E' levels called for a biography, so I figured I would give this one a go.
I find myself appreciating this more than I expected to. I tend to shy away from political books but the past few years gave forced me to pay more attention to them.

Eggbeater What you said. The last few years have forced me to become involved. I have social anxiety. I'd really rather not and I resent that I can't stay in the shadows and just vote. 6y
InLibrisVeritas @Eggbeater I have social anxiety too and any political conversation is liable to set it off, so I completely understand 6y
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I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. Comey sure likes to make himself out like a good person at every chance he gets, and though he may be, I still felt frustrated with the last minute email BS he pulled just before elections. I also think, as head of the FBI, he was pretty dumb in thinking this would not persuade the outcome of the elections. The bit on working with Trump was pretty comical and Karma‘s a bitch.

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DebbieGrillo Welcome to litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Eggs Welcome 👋🏻🌸 6y
SamAnne Welcome to Litsy! 5y
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I'm actually a little shocked at how much I liked it. I've been hot and cold on Comey, & even though I don't agree with all the decisions he's made I now understand why he's made them. And the thing I love best about him in this book is that he doesn't insist that he was always right. He admits that some decisions may have been wrong, or another decision may have worked out better. I really do highly recommend this book for everyone.


I found the book insightful and honest. Of course it will have been written with some bias, but overall, I feel Comey's intention was to be truthful.

A good, straightforward and easy read.

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Took me longer than I thought- I found myself re-reading the same page lot. It‘s hard to read and parent at the same time! 🤷🏻‍♀️ The library will be glad to have this book back . #bookly #booklyapp

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Cure for a rainy day? Midday coffee, Bookly going, and a book to finish. #booksandcoffee #snowglobe #coffeeandbooks

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#Chronicpain Test results continue to roll in. Positive ANA triggered a slew of specific antibody tests, and those results flooded my inbox this morning. I‘ve amateurishly googled everything and think I know where it is headed, so now I just wait for someone at the doctor to call me. I finished James Comey‘s audiobook last night. I cried in the car. I warned my husband he‘ll cry like a baby on the train.

Here‘s my puppy being a beach creeper.

Libby1 I hope you have some helpful results soon. 💕 6y
robinb Positive thoughts on your medical news. 🤞🙏 6y
obviateit I‘ve been seeking health answers too! I hope you find what you need! ❤️ 6y
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“Don‘t be the torture guy.”

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Comey's exploration of what makes a good leader is interesting and there are several passages in this book that I thought were very inspiring. The more biographical passages fitted well into the narrative when he was exposed to different leaders. In the end this is also his side of the story and justifying his actions. I thought it read very self righteous at times. Therefore just a middle of the road rating from me.

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This was a great listen! Coney really enlightened me on the role that the FBI should play in the law including many other aspects of his past and role as a civil servant. Thanks @Jess7 for this recommendation!

Jess7 You‘re welcome! Glad you liked it! 6y
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In which Comey pronounces “Nevada” correctly multiple times. #yaaas

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Found this as a “quick pick” while taking my boys to the library. I hope I can finish it before it comes due! For those who have read it- what did you think? #booksandcoffee

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy!! 📚🎉📚 @litsywelcomewagon 6y
TheBookbabeblog84 This was one easy read for me. I really liked it. Hope you enjoy it! 6y
RavenLovelyReads @TheBookbabeblog84 glad to hear it‘s an easy read! I‘ll start it tonight! 6y
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Due back at the library on Friday, so getting some lunchtime reading in.

Now that I‘m part of #jb, I‘ve really got to stop checking out too many books! I need to fit in writing time! Hoping to start this weekend.

CoffeeNBooks Glad you joined the #jb group! 😊 6y
VeganCleopatra ❤️ the elephant notebook(?)! 6y
CouronneDhiver Oh that‘s exciting news! I hadn‘t checked out the new additions to our group list yet 6y
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On this? He‘s not wrong.

CoffeeK8 I can away from this books still sort of annoyed at him, but I do think he‘d make a really good boss. Great quote! (edited) 6y
eri.reads Yes definitely agree with his thought here. 6y
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“Evil has an ordinary face. It laughs, it cries, it deflects, it rationalizes, it makes great pasta.”

VeganCleopatra Makes great pasta seems awfully specific...I wonder who he's talking about? 🤔 6y
VeganCleopatra Oh, duh. I was so focused on Cheetolini and friends that I forgot he dealt with the mafia. 🤦‍♀️ 6y
dariazeoli @VeganCleopatra Now I‘m picturing Supreme Cheeto cooking spaghetti for Comey. “I make the best spaghetti!” 6y
VeganCleopatra 😆 (But, ugh, he's surely never made a meal in his life.) 6y
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5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars. I finished this #audiobook in two days. It is well written and narrated by the articulate author. Having disagreed with his decision to announce reopening the Clinton investigation days before the election, I wasn‘t sure if I wanted to read his book. Having finished reading it, I still disagree with that decision, but I am impressed by his character and respect for the rule of law. I highly recommend this book. #jpbookreview

Jess7 For those of you on the fence about this reading this book. READ IT. It isn‘t overly political. The first half describes his life before politics, including the experiences he has had that have shaped his character. Then it goes into his time as a prosecutor against the mob. Mid way it reaches his time in the justice department under Bush, followed by his time as FBI director under Obama. The last two chpts cover his time under Trump. #bookreview (edited) 6y
Samplergal I have it sitting on my shelf still fuming on his decisions. But I do want to read it. We go camping next week for a week, so it may be read by campfire aloud. 6y
Kaye Good review ! 6y
lute I was upset with him too regarding those @$!#:& emails, but I still think he has morals and integrity, and I am interested in reading this. 6y
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I didn‘t know what to expect when I started this audiobook. However I am pleasantly surprised so far. I love that he admires Obama as much as I do. I haven‘t gotten to the chapters on the 2016 election yet, but so far I appreciate his thoughts and approach to leadership. I am on part 6 of 10 (chapter 9) and so far I would highly recommend it. (**Picture is borrowed**)

#currentlyreading #audiobook #ahigherloyalty #politics

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I am so glad I finally read this. I think James Comey is a coward. End of review.

readordierachel Excellent review 😆 6y
ladym30 🤙🏻 6y
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Well it‘s only my second day back at work and I already want a day off. On the way to work this morning I noticed I have a flat tire. 😞 On the bright side, at least it happened today when places are open to get it fixed this afternoon. Looking forward to having the day off tomorrow to read and relax. In the interim, I started this #audiobook. Have any of you read this one?

#AHigherLoyalty #JamesComey #librarybooks #overdrive #politics

DivineDiana Happy you were able to look on the bright side! 😀 6y
Tomigirl44 I enjoyed this as an audiobook also. 6y
tracey38 I just had the flat tire thing happen to me one evening after work a couple weeks ago. ☹ 6y
Deborah42 Someone gave me a copy of the audiobook, but I can‘t bring myself to listen to it. I still have some very mixed feelings about that guy. Plus, I‘m reading mostly women this year, so very few male authors are making the cut. 🤷🏻‍♀️😀 6y
Jess7 It‘s REALLY good so far. I‘m pleasantly surprised. I‘m at chapter 7 and so far it‘s gotten to his time in the Bush administration. At this point (assuming it doesn‘t take a big down turn, I highly recommend it) @Deborah42 6y
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Created this table yesterday for #julyfourth. Pretty happy with it.
#resist #maga

LoverofLit ❤❤❤🇺🇸 6y
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Finally.....I am able to read this....I have seen mostly good blurbs and reviews, which makes it all the more intriguing.

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Even with its flaws (and his flaws), I thought this was an excellent read and would love it if he kept writing.

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Finished this one today as well. At times I felt like I struggled to get through portions and it definitely has the ring of self aggrandizement. Yet I still found myself interested enough to read his side of things.

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I knew parts of this book would make me angry, but...whew boy. Some of the background and context was interesting (in an obvious BS sort of way) but I can‘t handle how Comey single-handedly made the decisions that helped put Trump in office, and though he doesn‘t seem to like Trump much, he also takes no responsibility for his actions. Is it still too soon to read this? Maybe!

riversong153 When I heard that he used a gmail account to conduct FBI business.... 🤦🏾‍♀️ 😩😩😩😩 6y
Notafraidofwords I can‘t take him seriously 6y
AlizaApp @riversong153 I know 🤯 6y
AlizaApp @Notafraidofwords yeah I read this book with a healthy dose of skepticism, which I think was the only way to do it 6y
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I recommend this to everyone, especially if you‘re tired of partisan perspectives.