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All the Right Stuff
All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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New York Times bestselling author Walter Dean Myers tackles the social contract from a teens perspective in his novel All the Right Stuff. In one of his most thought-provoking novels to date, Myers weaves together political philosophy, basketball, and making soup in Harlem, with the depth that defines his writing career. After his father is shot and killed, Paul Dupree finds a summer job at a Harlem soup kitchen. Elijah, the soup man, questions Paul about tough life choices, even though Paul would rather be playing basketball. Over the summer, Paul begins to understand the importance of taking control of your life. All the Right Stuff includes a Q&A between Walter Dean Myers and Ross Workman, coauthor of Kick.
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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A big THANK YOU to everyone who entered my #AllTheRightStuffGiveaway!!! I received so many wonderful responses recommending the books that are extra special to each of you...my TBR is overflowing with the warm fuzzies! 😊❤️❤️❤️😘

Without further ado...OUR RANDOM DRAWING WINNER IS... @LeahBergen !!! 🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈

Leah, please email your address to me at robinb.Litsy@gmail.com at your convenience.

Thanks again all and enjoy your weekend!

Christine11 Congratulations @LeahBergen ! 😊🎉🎈 7y
rubyslippersreads 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 @LeahBergen 😄 7y
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AmyG @LeahBergen Yay🎉🎉🎉 7y
LeahBergen What??? Yayyyy!!!! 🎉👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉👏🏻 Thank you so much, @robinb , you‘re a doll! 😘😘😘 7y
LeahBergen @Christine11 @rubyslippersreads @RebelReader @AmyG Thanks, all! I‘M SO EXCITED! 😍😍 7y
LeahBergen I‘m off to email you now! 💕💕💕💕 7y
robinb @LeahBergen thank you and you‘re most welcome...congratulations! 7y
Kaye Congrats , Leah ♥️ 7y
eanderson Congrats, @LeahBergen 🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Congratulations Leah!!! 🙌🏻👏🏻💗 @LeahBergen 7y
mjdowens @LeahBergen 👏👏👏👏 7y
Bklover Congratulations @LeahBergen ! Woohoo!!🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
tpixie @robinb how sweet of you!! Congrats @LeahBergen !!! 7y
callielafleur Congrats @LeahBergen!!! 💜 7y
Mdargusch Woohoo! 🎉🎉🎉 @LeahBergen (edited) 7y
erzascarletbookgasm 👏yay! Congrats @LeahBergen ! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Congratulations!!! 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Congrats @robinb on your milestone!! Here are the three books that have all the right stuff for me!

robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! And thanks for the great recs! 😊❤️ I have read only one of these. (edited) 7y
Tianarose Loved the shadow of the wind! I found another one by the same author called “the angle‘s game”. It‘s currently sitting on my TBR pile. Really looking forward to it! (edited) 7y
amyrohn @Tianarose the shadow of the wind is my favorite book of all time 😊 7y
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Tianarose I would really love to find out if the cemetery of forgotten books is a real place, it would so neat to go somewhere like that. And correction above “the angel‘s game” 7y
amyrohn @Tianarose Angel's Game is actually a prequel to SOTW, and Prisoner of Heaven is a sequel as well! I also love that the book includes a walking tour of Barcelona 7y
Tianarose Good to know! I just googled it, and there are a total of 5 books in the series 😁 need to track them all down now!! 7y
Tianarose Oops 4 7y
amyrohn @Tianarose what's the fourth one? I thought it was just the 3 7y
Tianarose Prisoner of heaven and labyrinth on spirits 7y
amyrohn @Tianarose Gotcha! Now I've got something to add to my TBR list! 7y
Tianarose Yay! Me too! 7y
tpixie The Eyre Affair!!! ♥️♥️♥️ oh and Barcelona- which one?? I‘ll have to try it!! 7y
amyrohn @tpixie The Shadow of the Wind! 7y
tpixie @amyrohn thx!! 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Congrats @robinb on your milestone and thanks for hosting #alltherightstuffgiveaway. Here are my top 3 books with all the feels.

robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! Great choices! I plan to read Bear Town very soon and hopefully THIF as well. The tagged book sounds heart-wrenching! Thanks for the recs! 7y
JennyM Loved all these...great choices!!! X 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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My favorite three fiction books:
The Mists of Avalon, American Gods, Outlander
#alltherightstuffgiveaway @robinb
In a separate post, list the top 3 fiction books you‘ve read that had ALL THE RIGHT STUFF...those that left you with the warm fuzzies! Tag her! She‘ll draw a prize Friday the 16th at 5 pm CST.

robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! These are wonderful choices! 👍 Thanks for the recs! 😊❤️ 7y
Nessavamusic No problem congrats! 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Congratulations @robinb (aka my #StoneSister) on your #LitsyMilestone!!!!

3 fiction books that gave me all the feels were
1. The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne
2. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
3. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See

#Congratulations #AwesomeLitten #alltherightstuffgiveaway

MinDea @robinb i love this question! I have at least 10 more books I could have mentioned but these were the first 3 that came to mind! 7y
robinb Thanks for entering/sharing, Mindy (aka #StoneSister)! 😉 These sound really interesting (stacked!), and THIF has been on my TBR for awhile now. 👍 Thanks for the recs! 😊❤️ (edited) 7y
robinb @MinDea I know it‘s rather a broad question (open to interpretation), but I‘m happy and excited with the range of responses that I‘m getting! 😊 7y
MinDea @robinb I'll have to look at the hashtag to see all the recs! Such a fun idea to get recommendations! 7y
robinb @MinDea My TBR is exploding!! 🤯😩🤣 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Congrats @robinb on your 20k #alltherightstuffgiveaway

The 3 books that give me warm fuzzies are
⚀ The Keeper of Lost Things
⚁ End of Watch
⚂ The Lorax

Follow @robinb for details of her brilliant giveaway!

CSeydel I just put a hold on Keeper of Lost Things at the library! 3 holds on one copy. I may not get to it in April, but I will read it! #freakyfriday 7y
robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! I‘ve just added Keeper of Lost Things to my TBR...it sounds wonderful! I‘ll have to see if my daughter has read the King book...she‘s a huge fan! Thanks for the recs! 😊❤️ 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Congrats on the well-deserved milestone @robinb 🙌🏻And thanks for the generous giveaway. 💚 Three books that had “all the right stuff” for me:

📖 To Kill a Mockingbird
📖 The Heart‘s Invisible Furies
📖 Mr Penumbra‘s 24hr Bookstore


robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! These are all wonderful, and I‘ve definitely got to get to this one soon! Thanks for the recs! 😊❤️ 7y
britt_brooke @robinb It‘s SO good!! 7y
robinb @britt_brooke it HAS to be...EVERYBODY loves it! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
britt_brooke @robinb 😆 True! I can‘t say I‘ve seen any bad reviews. 7y
robinb It‘s listed twice on here...one at 91% and one at 97%...you can‘t get much better than that. 🤷🏻‍♀️😊 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Head on over to @robinb and congratulate her on achieving 20K! Then, join in her celebratory giveaway, #alltherightstuffgiveaway

My three warm-fuzzy picks are:
A Man Called Ove
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Silas Marner

Thanks for hosting!
Good luck everyone 👍🏼🎉

robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! Ove is definitely a favorite of mine as well! ❤️ And I‘ve always meant to get around to reading C.S. Lewis Narnia series...the movies were great! Silas Marner is a classic that I‘ve missed as well....thanks for the recs! 😊❤️ 7y
Jess7 A Man Called Ove is my most recommended book! I hope you win it! I loved it! 7y
CSeydel @Jess7 Yay! I loved everything about it. It was so heartbreaking yet not maudlin. The ultra-dry humor was exactly my taste. Can‘t wait to read more Backman. (edited) 7y
robinb @CSeydel totally agree about the humor! I‘ve got Beartown but haven‘t got to it yet. I really want to read all of his! 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Congratulations @robinb That‘s a great accomplishment!
3 Fictions that I loved and have the requisite warm fuzzies....
Five People You Meet in Heaven
The Velveteen Rabbit


robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! Five People I read years ago but probably need to do a re-read on; VR, of course 😊; and Persuasion...yes! Great choices! 😊❤️ 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Congratulations @robinb and thanks for the awesome opportunity! I had a conflict between some of the books I have loved and ones that give the warm fuzzies, but I went with the warm fuzzies 😊
A Man Called Ove
Lonesome Dove
The Shell Seekers

robinb Thanks so much for entering/sharing! I totally agree with the warm fuzzies for Ove and Shell Seekers! Lonesome Dove is just waiting to be read this year...looking forward to it! Great choices! 😊❤️ 7y
JulAnna Adding an old favorite- All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot @robinb (edited) 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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#alltherightstuffgiveaway thank you to the lovely @robinb for this giveaway. These books have all stuck with me for having all the right stuff. They were un-putdownable and introduced me to new to me automatic purchase authors!

robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! Don‘t you ❤️ discovering new automatic purchase authors??! I do too! I‘m determined to start this series this year, and I‘ll definitely look into the other two! Thanks for the recs! 😊❤️ (edited) 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Congrats on the milestone @robinb 😀🎉 and thanks for a great giveaway. Here are a few of my feel good books and faves!

JoScho I was thinking of Faithful too 💙 7y
JulAnna 💕A Man Called Ove 7y
robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! Absolutely loved Ove too! ❤️ I‘ll have to check the other two out...thanks for the recs! 😊❤️ 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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Thank you @robinb for this awesome #alltherightstuffgiveaway

These are a few of my favorite books because they all have the right stuff. I love sad books! 😭😭

robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! I haven‘t read any of these but Atonement (the movie) tore my heart out! 😭😭 Thank you for the recs! 😊❤️ 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Atonement and Never Let Me Go - two of my all time favourite books! ❤️💔 7y
bookworm.krizia @erzascarletbookgasm both movies starred Keira Knightley (just an observation haha) 7y
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All the Right Stuff | Walter Dean Myers
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It‘s my very first GIVEAWAY! Woo-Hoo!!! 🎉🎉 To celebrate reaching 20K (but REALLY just because you all are so awesome 😉), here‘s how to enter my #alltherightstuffgiveaway:
In a separate post, list the top 3 fiction books you‘ve read that had ALL THE RIGHT STUFF...those that left you with the most warm fuzzies 😊, TAG ME, and I‘ll draw one winner on Friday (16th) at 5 pm CST to receive a book from their Litsy TBR. Open to all! 💝 Please RE-POST!

Kalalalatja Woohoo!! 7y
LeahBergen Woohoo!!! You‘re awesome!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
robinb Oh and don‘t forget to include the hashtag, #alltherightstuffgiveaway! 👍 7y
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robinb @LeahBergen Thank you, right back at ya! 😘 7y
robinb @Kalalalatja thanks!! 7y
Tamra Yay for Litsy Love!!! 💜 7y
Jess7 Here is a giveaway going on - lots of these are hosted on here @Curlybookowl 7y
TrishB Congrats 🎉🎉 7y
robinb @Tamra thanks Tamra! 🤗 7y
JoScho Yay!! Congratulations 🎉🍾🎊 7y
robinb @Jess7 thanks for sharing and welcome @Curlybookowl ! 😊 7y
robinb @TrishB thank you! 😊 7y
robinb @JoScho thanks so much! 💕 7y
mabell Congrats! And what a fun giveaway! 🎉🎉 7y
robinb @mabell Thanks so much! 😊 7y
Jas16 Yay!🎉📚👏 7y
eanderson Yayyy! Congratulations and I need to get my books out and do this!!! 🤗 7y
Redwritinghood 🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
monalyisha Hoping to take a picture of my top 3 tomorrow when it‘s light out again - that is, if I don‘t have to drive to work in the 12+ inches of snow headed my way! 😫😱🙅‍♀️❄️ 7y
sherryvdh Congrats!! 7y
robinb @Jas16 thank you! 🤗 7y
Tianarose Eek! This is going to be hard! 7y
robinb @eanderson thanks for the motivation to get my own giveaway going! Lol 🤗🤣 7y
robinb @Redwritinghood 👍👍😊 7y
robinb @monalyisha oh no, I hope you won‘t have to do that! 😳😳 Looking forward to seeing what you pick! 7y
robinb @sherryvdh thank you! 😊 7y
robinb @Tianarose you can do it! 💪💪🤣 (edited) 7y
CoverToCoverGirl Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉😎 7y
robinb @CoverToCoverGirl thank you! ❤️ 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Congratulations!! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Congratulations on your milestone! Lovely giveaway! 😙 7y
TricksyTails Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
Cinfhen Congrats 🎉🙌🏻💗thanks for sharing the #LitsyLove 😘 7y
thereadingowlvina Congrats!!! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
kamoorephoto You fabulous lady!!! Congrats!!! 👏👏👏👏👏😽😽😽 7y
ephemeralwaltz Congratulations!! Thank you so much!😍😍🙌🙌 7y
Kaye Good job on your 20 K 👍🏼 7y
robinb @Cinfhen , @thereadingowlvina , @kamoorephoto , @ephemeralwaltz , @Kaye thank you all so much! ❤️😊😘😘🤗🤗 7y
BarbaraBB Wow! Congratulations Robin and thank you for doing this giveaway! 😘 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Congratulations!! 7y
britt_brooke So nice!! Congrats!! 7y
niha923 That's so nice of you! Congrats! 🎉📚❤ 7y
robinb @BarbaraBB , @Riveted_Reader_Melissa , @britt_brooke , @niha923 thank you all so much! 😊❤️ 7y
MinDea Congratulations!!!! 7y
robinb @MinDea thank you Mindy! 🤗 7y
Bklover Congratulations!!!🎉🎈 (edited) 7y
kspenmoll Congrats!!! 🎉🎉💃🏻💃🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
RebelReader Congratulations!🎊🎈🍾🎉 7y
robinb @Bklover , @kspenmoll , @RebelReader thanks so much! ❤️ 7y
Avanders Congrats!! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
JPeterson Congrats!! 7y
robinb @Avanders , @JPeterson thank you! 😊 7y
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