I thought this book was okay, a little repetitive but touched on some very important topics that need to be discussed
I thought this book was okay, a little repetitive but touched on some very important topics that need to be discussed
This book was great! I‘ve been following the Twitter account for awhile, so I️ had high hopes for this book. It didn‘t disappoint. This is one of the first books that actually made me laugh out loud.
Damon Salvatore, my favorite brooding YA hero! He's the epitome and sets the bar for the rest! This book is definitely amusing and makes subtle references to so many, lol.
“No one wants a Broody who just “frowns” or “shrugs.” Make sure to add adverbs to everything you do. Bonus points if your expressions involve your eyebrows. Which would you rather do: “sneeze” or 'wrinkle your handsome Romanesque nose, your chestnut eyebrows leaping in masculine surprise as you dramatically detect the offending scent of pepper invading your beautiful nostrils'.”
"While you're waiting for your Author to perfect her prose, I suggest taking up a hobby. Me? I knit my eyebrows together. I've produced many lovely scarves this way."
Very funny book, I love the meta aspect of it!! I specially liked Blondie, really! She's so smart and blunt and I hope she gets a book for herself!
Super self-aware and ironic, as well as being hella cute. If you‘re a YA reader, you‘ll love this, unless you don‘t like sarcasm, in which case you should probably avoid it. ;)
It was a clever, witty read that highlights the often overdone Brooding YA hero. While it was done in Broody's POV his evil ex also pops in for some sound reason.
Along the way you can find some funny quizzes and altogether a new concept for the interior of a book. Inside you'll find a guideline mixed in with a story that Broody is trying to write.
A fun read.
#yabroodinghero #ya #yalovin #contemporary #comedy #bookreviews #arc #teenreads
The author sent me a "Broody Swag Pack" including some artwork of the various faces Broody McHottiepants can wear. And the author AND Broody signed my book cover. Totally in love. I'm also halfway through the book and it has made me laugh the whole way through.
Got this fabulous pack of swag for an eagerly anticipated novel! I love being a #broodybff!
I honestly can't remember a book making me laugh this much, best #bookexpo read so far, my sides hurt from how hard I've laughed. Broody McHottiepants may not be the hero we need, but he is the one we deserve.
My #BookCon haul is a baby one, but all the more special because almost all of these were picked up for me by friends who knew I'd love them. And they know me SO well. I was busy working and couldn't run around the conference until most of the drops were done, but my friends knew exactly what I'd want and every couple of hours I'd hear "Psst, look what I picked up". Which basically made me cry. Bookworms are the best ?