If you haven't read CITY OF BRASS yet, you absolutely need to. It is a stunning fantasy epic that belongs in your life!
If you haven't read CITY OF BRASS yet, you absolutely need to. It is a stunning fantasy epic that belongs in your life!
I love love LOVED this book y'all. Full review is on my blog at candidceillie.com and y'all should read it. 😍
Not all knowledge comes from your mind. Your body, your heart, your intuition. Sometimes memories even have a mind of their own.
Happy book birthday to these fabulous books! I loved EPIC CRUSH OF GENIE LO and can't wait to read Little & Lion!
I was thrilled to win this preorder giveaway and to have it arrive today! I can't wait for this book!
Finally got to combine two of my favorite things- work and reading! Check out this quarter's SOVA Living Magazine for recs from yours truly!
I'm officially on a book buying ban after picking up all these treasures in the last month.
I got this book mail last week from Cal Spivey, and I can't wait to read it!
This was today's waiting Room read ft my awkward hand. I think this had potential but didn't really fulfill its promise, so three stars from me.
ICYMI yesterday on the blog, I got to interview the terrifying and awesome Xifeng from FOTL, one of my most anticipated releases! Check it out at candidceillie.com!
Got this fabulous pack of swag for an eagerly anticipated novel! I love being a #broodybff!
I'm only on the first coloring page of this book, but its so entirely Jenny that I love it already.
I am loving this so far and Rishi is probably someone I would love in real life. You want this book.
I loved this book more than I can put into words. You need to read it, especially if you're on the ace spectrum.
Roshani's captured my heart and soul AGAIN with this prequel, guys.
DNF'D due to cliche everything and an obnoxious amount of slut shaming. No dice.
I can't begin to explain how much I loved this book. It was glorious and wonderful. I've never read a book with an autistic woman like me before. This book is five stars.
I started reading this late last night and I might already be a little in love with it!
I just love this dedication! I'm just starting this for review early next month!
I fell in love with Binti's world all over again, falling deeper every time we learned something new about it. I also wanted to punch most of her family. I can't wait for the third book!
Still working on my review of this, but I really enjoyed it!
I'm more than a little bit in love with this world already. I can't wait to listen more!
One should never save cake for later when it can be eaten now. (totally taking advantage of the snow to take pics)
I really hated this book. I hoped to like it, but there's so much homophobia and abuse in this book that I can't recommend it at all.
I started reading this over dinner last night and I can't wait to get back into it today!
I started this for a reread at the dog park yesterday and couldn't put it down. A beautiful story!
I dove into this today and finished it. It was wonderful but messy. I'll have a full review on http://candidceillie.com on Friday!
I got some fantastic books for my birthday and I can't wait to get more great pictures!
Been listening to Graceling for the first time since it got onto my TBR in 2013. Really enjoying it so far, but this is the rest of my physical TBR... it's gonna be a while before I'm done with these!
I'm rereading Bloodlines this week but Luke is too sleepy to care!
Got a review copy of this, and can't wait to make my way down the list and read it! #Diversebooks #diversebookbloggers
Just started my last book on my list for #arcaugust! I am really excited to read this book, cause the last 4 have been flops for me.
I requested this from my library assuming that I wouldn't get it for a week or two... And it showed up two days later! And I still have 6 books left in #arcaugust! Its such a dilemma!
"I'm not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of not living." - Delilah Bard
"I'd said it before and meant it: Alive or undead, the love of my life was a badass."
"Your own imagination can be crueler than any captor"
"The greatest and most powerful revolutions start very quietly, hidden in the shadows. Remember that."
Finally getting around to reading this copy that I got in a giveaway! Part of my #arcaugust list, since my copy is technically an ARC! Can't wait to get into this!
Lula looks up at the ceiling and asks, "What did I do in my last life to deserve you two?"
"You were a pirate queen who stole a treasure from Cortés and then ended up deserting your crew to man-hungry sharks," Rose tells her. "We're your punishment for every life to come."
Lula rolls her eyes. "Seems excessive."
This book feels so much like some of the research I read in college as a Comm student that I don't feel like I'm learning very much from it, but its very well put together.
This book is weird and beautiful, much like Lucas and Vera are finding Vilnia.
Even when I was young and content and thought life would bring good things for me and mine, I didn't believe in miracles.
The third book in The Giver quartet left me feeling like there was something missing from it, in a way that the first two never had. I'm a little disappointed.