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Tower of Thorns
Tower of Thorns: A Blackthorn & Grim Novel | Juliet Marillier
Award-winning author Juliet Marilliers lavishly detailed* Blackthorn & Grim series continues as a mysterious creature holds an enchanted and imperiled ancient Ireland in thrall.Disillusioned healer Blackthorn and her companion, Grim, have settled in Dalriada to wait out the seven years of Blackthorns bond to her fey mentor, hoping to avoid any dire challenges. But trouble has a way of seeking out Blackthorn and Grim.Lady Geilis, a noblewoman from the northern border, has asked for the prince of Dalriadas help in expelling a howling creature from an old tower on her landone surrounded by an impenetrable hedge of thorns. Casting a blight over the entire district, and impossible to drive out by ordinary means, it threatens both the safety and the sanity of all who live nearby. With no ready solutions to offer, the prince consults Blackthorn and Grim.As Blackthorn and Grim begin to put the pieces of this puzzle together, its apparent that a powerful adversary is working behind the scenes. Their quest is about to become a life and death strugglea conflict in which even the closest of friends can find themselves on opposite sides.*Publishers Weekly
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A really lovely original fairy tale. Looking forward to book 3

#doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
#awesomeapril @Andrew65

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 3y
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A lovely and sad second book in the Blackthorn & Grim series. This is a fairytale wrapped around a story of PTSD recovery, trauma and heartbreak.

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I read this all in one fell swoop, almost! I enjoyed it a lot, the clever use of the retelling, Grim's history being revealed... I have one spoilery disappointment I'll put in a comment with the spoiler tag (please remember to use that tag if you reply to my comment, for the sake of people who haven't read this yet!).

shanaqui I am, I'll admit, very disappointed that Blackthorn and Grim seem headed for romance. Blackthorn's protesting too much. It's not that it's a relationship that doesn't work, but... I'd hoped it would remain non-sexual. I guess I can still hope it will! I hate the glorification of sexual relationships, like my (non-sexual) marriage isn't good enough. So far, Blackthorn and Grim's relationship read as queerplatonic, and I badly wanted it to be that. 5y
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I think I screamed "YOU ALL SUCK, GRIM IS THE ONLY ONE OF YOU WORTH SAVING", enough times that my fiance hates this book series. But that's the summary. Gonna finish book 3, but really Blackthorn is so straightforward and the "maiden" they help in this is absolutely worthless. What I do like is that you have a 100 questions left over and so do they. There's no neat, tidy bow, just the aftermath, which fits the story.

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This is the second in the Blackthorn and Grim books. I read the first years ago and enjoyed the mix of fantasy and mystery and buddy- journey genres. Since I‘m on a huge fantasy kick right now, I circled back around. This book is deeply psychological, as both characters struggle with their pasts and making peace with traumatic situations. YMMV but I found it satisfying and moving. Good stuff.

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Starting to plan my #litsyAtoZ reading list. Between my kindle and paper library, I‘ve got at least one option for every letter except X. I‘m going to try to complete my challenge with exclusively books I already own. #abecedarianTBR

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Went book shopping at @dymocksmorley (staff amazing by the way) and bought book 2 Tower of Thorns (I have book 1 and 3), and the last book in the Emperor series by Conn Iggulden

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This series is growing on me. I wonder what the TV cast would be if it was greenlit for production.

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From one interpretation of Holmes and Watson, to another interpretation


This was not as good as the first book. The buildup took almost the entire book and then all was resolved in the last little bit. I did like the story but I'm not sure why it dragged on so long. I do plan on reading more in this series though. I like Blackthorn and Grim as characters.

minkyb Thank you for the honest review. 8y
JulieAnn @minkyb Of course! I always feel so bad saying anything negative but I really do enjoy her characters. Blackthorn is an awesome strong woman and her descriptions of the setting were so in depth that I could actually picture them in my head. 8y
minkyb All good to know. It hurts me to say "so-so" because most times there is always something worthwhile. 8y
JulieAnn @minkyb Exactly! And I struggle with how to say those things while also getting my point across. Thanks for understanding! 8y
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I've been reading this one awhile. I keep picking it up and putting it down. I just realized I'm over halfway through and honestly the story has not gotten anywhere yet. I am interested in what's going on so I'll definitely keep going.

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Time for a little fantasy!

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#bookmail makes me happy! All these for $20

brilliantglow Yessss!! Love Thriftbooks. Between that and the goodwill bookstore down the street from me the amount of books I've bought has tripled in the last couple of years. 8y
Johanna414 @brilliantglow I just hit up our library book sale too... But most of those were books for my son, so I'm justifying it that way 8y
brilliantglow 😂😂I'll buy my daughter a couple of books and that's how I justify my ten lol or sometimes she'll ask if we can go to the bookstore. She's 3. How can I say no to a trip to the book store? 8y
DebinHawaii Nice! 📚👍 8y
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I'll admit I am an easy crier so here's a whole stack of books that made me cry. Death, betrayal, abuse, and sometimes just the feeling of loss causes tears. Special shout out to Tower of Thorns that actually made me sob so loudly that my sister came to check on me. #mademecry #somethingforsept

BookNerd4Ever Love all those!! Especially Mastiff!! Because Tamora Pierce is AMAZING!! 8y
Dimack17 I was very unprepared for THE THING in Mastiff. I did not pick up on it at all. It still makes it hard for me to reread the trilogy. 8y
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Even when I was young and content and thought life would bring good things for me and mine, I didn't believe in miracles.

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