I only read the first couple volumes of the comics this show is based on, but I adore this cartoon. The first season is on Disney+, not sure when season 2 will make the jump to streaming, but I'm excited!
I only read the first couple volumes of the comics this show is based on, but I adore this cartoon. The first season is on Disney+, not sure when season 2 will make the jump to streaming, but I'm excited!
There are no words for the level of excitement my daughter and I have for this upcoming D+ show (set to premiere in Feb 2022!) We are huge fans of the comic series and can't wait to see Lunella's screen debut 🤩🙌
⬇4 🌟
Are you a fan of Data from the Goonie, or Inspector Gadget? Did you wish they have more brainy female characters? Girl do I have the book for you. Luella just wants her parents to understand her. She has DNA that can be changed by a toxic cloud and it is the last thing she wants to happen. And she is so smart. She could probably teach Tony Stark a thing or two. ⬇
I kept hearing about this comic and I'm glad to have finally read it! It's about a super smart girl (#16 in the world) who befriends a dinosaur. Mayhem and chaos ensue and a special appearance by an Avenger pops up (he's #8 of the smartest in the world). Loved her outfits throughout and her inventions. Looking forward to reading the rest in the series!
4 stars
I'm glad that Lunella and Devil Dino are back to their charming selves, as the last couple of volumes were rough. The Xmas episode in the beginning of this volume I could take or leave. But the "Bad Dream" segment (featuring Dr. Strange) is worth reading.
Been reading some heavy stuff lately. Gonna take a little break with Moon Girl!
My five-year-old and I LOVED the first two volumes of Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur!
This is great for all ages and I loved it even more because I could share it with my daughter!
I was in a comic book mood at the library the other day and this made it home with me... it was adorable! Lunella telling of the Hulk was priceless.
Girl genius who wants people to see her for who she is, and who wants control over her destiny, teams with with a time-traveling T-Rex. What happened to Moon Boy? Don‘t tell me, but I hope he‘s ok. What would Devil Dinosaur do (WWDDD?)? No, really, what would he do?
Playing more Goodreads challenge catch up - I‘ve had this one for awhile.
I thought this would be a charming and cute romp. It was, but I was wrong. I didn't expect more than that, and it is so much more. It is funny and clever, feel good and heartbreaking. It packed an emotional punch for me that I never expected. Plus the art was fantastic. I can't recommend this enough.
A misunderstood 9 year old scientist/inventor named Lunella and a misunderstood Devil Dinosaur join forces. Lunella‘s struggle with other people telling her who she is as she works so hard to take charge of her own destiny is really relatable and Devil Dinosaur pulls at the heartstrings. I also loved how Lunella has zero interest in anyone‘s bullshit no matter who the person is.
Finally started this series and so far I am loving it.
A little change of venue tonight. My husband & son are watching Friday the 13th Parts 4 & 5. Not my jam, but I am so happy they do stuff like this. Hubby is my 22 yr old son's stepdad and my son still comes over to hang out with him. So I mayo in the bedroom with tonight's books and leftover Easter candy. The only thing missing is my cats.
I read the first two volumes of this comic. There is a lot to like about it. It has a strong, smart girl who becomes a sort of hero and gives girls the opportunity to see that they can be strong and smart too. The artwork is cute and who doesn‘t love a dinosaur that says “mroo?” That being said, I just couldn‘t get into this comic. Moon girl is often whining about things liked her intelligence and I just had no patience for that.
Super cute all ages comic! A kid genius ends up with a Devil Dinosaur in a Freaky Friday body swap situation. Chaos ensues. I mean, it's adorable!
I loved everything about this. The quotes were the perfect extra touch.
I grabbed this for $4 from a school bookfair. It was worth it. This was tremendous fun! I'm going to need the next volume now please.
Upcoming comic read
#Marchinbooks #bookswithpets @maich
I was getting jealous of everyone's graphic novel posts, so I went ahead and read the first three volumes of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 😂 The first two are enjoyable, but the third is almost entirely tie-ins and references to every other Marvel character, which got old fast. Still, I enjoyed myself, and might try another volume down the line.
Great book for all ages. Fun tone, real stakes, interesting characters all anchored by the amazingly sweet relationship between a young, brilliant girl and a giant red Dinosaur. I love finding good reads for kids that aren‘t dumb or toothless!
I might have liked this better if I had the whole series, but all I have is the first installment.
I loved the artwork and the fact that the main character is a smart, young African American girl who is obsessed with science and inventing stuff.
I found the story (what little there was of it) disjointed and confusing.
I don't know if I can count this as my first #readathon conquest, since I was already three quarters of the way through it, but w/e. I'm glad this exists, but I wasn't a fan. Lunella spends most of the comic acting like a total brat, the plot and conflict motivations don't make sense, and the resolution was the worst I've read in quite a while. So yay for diversity, thumbs down for pretty much everything else.
Waiting for the lights to come back on and reading by candlelight.
Smart, science-loving girl. Dinosaur. This looks promising.
This would be a huge pick if I was picking for my 11-year-old son, I passed it on to him and I' sure he'll like it. The main character is awesome, and I love to see atypical representation with superheroes. It's just a little too simplistic and cutesy for me. I would have loved it as a kid though.
This was great. Definitely my favorite superhero! Smart, independent girl? We need more role models like her Lunella/Moon Girl is an inspiration! Also, yay for STEM!
"My brain is all the super-power I need."
Pretty excited for this one, a fourth grade girl super hero? Sounds pretty perfect. I'm using this for the #ReadHarderChallenge2017 to read a superhero comic with a female lead 👍
I think this would be great for younger readers: the main character is a girl scientist who thinks no one understands her. But I cringed every single panel of the caveman bad guys.
Picked this series up during the sale on the recommendation of a couple of Bookriot Insiders suggestions. I am so glad I did. Loved this and love the fact that this 9yo character ACTS LIKE A 9YO. My only thing is that it really helped I had read the new Ms. Marvel (Kamla Khan) series or I'd be kind of confused about some stuff. How did they get me to sympathize with a dinosaur?
Spending my lunch with Lunella and it's amazing so far!! #marvelcomics #MoonGirlAndDevIlDinosaur #LunellaLafayette #GraphiNovels
Just read the first 2 volumes of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur! Fun stories with great art, positive message, and protagonist Lunella Lafayette a girl of color who is the smartest person in the world. Great humor and wonderful message about accepting what makes you different. https://cannonballread.com/2017/06/you-know-for-kids/
A fantastic all-ages comics from Marvel, with one of my new favourite teams in fiction; Lunella/Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. I want more of these two energetic and no-nonsense characters in my life! Also - Bustos art is so fantastically done in the fluidity of movement, and the colors are to die for. Recommend!
Super cute comic about a nerdy black girl and her dinosaur. I can't wait to read Volume 2.
Strong female main character and a great start for the series. I liked the art work and especially the colors. For me personally this was a little too young, but for the right audience, this is an empowering message.
I read this purely because it had a dinosaur on the cover. Best impulse read ever!
On a more serious note. Age appropriate content for a young teen, relatable girl as the protagonist with an interest in STEM. Like give this to every child you know, right now.
I finished Vol. 1 and 2 between yesterday and today. Both are so fun! I love Lunella and really enjoyed seeing Ms. Marvel in the second volume.
Got this on a Kindle deal today. Love the artwork and the story has me interested.
Adorable story with an amazing new character.
Immediately bought it.
📚🔔📚 if you've been meaning to read Moon Girl or want to give comic reading a try $2.99 for the vol 1 ecomic is an amazing deal.